Editor's Note: Former Art. XV, relating to the Board of Trustees of the World War II Veterans' Memorial Hospital, was deleted 2-18-1992.
[Amended 1-18-1994]
There shall be a Public Utilities Commission which shall be constituted as provided in Chapter VII, § C7-1 of the City Charter. All members of the Commission shall be appointed in accordance with § C3-3J of the City Charter and may be removed by the City Council. All members shall serve for terms of three years, except that of the first members appointed two shall be appointed for terms of three years, two shall be appointed for terms of two years, and one shall be appointed for a term of one year. A member appointed to the Commission to replace a member whose term has not expired shall be appointed for the unexpired term only.
At its April meeting the Public Utilities Commission shall elect from its members a Chairman Pro Tempore, Vice Chairman and Secretary.
The Public Utilities Commission shall meet as often as it deems necessary pursuant to its own rules of procedure, but no less than once a month. It shall file a monthly report of its activities and a financial statement with the City Council.
The Public Utilities Commission shall have such powers and duties as are assigned to it by statute, the Charter, this chapter or other legislation of the City Council.
Except where otherwise specifically provided by statute, Charter or other legislation, a majority of the members of the Public Utilities Commission must be present to constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of those present and voting is required for action. The Commission may establish such rules of procedure as it deems necessary, provided that no such rule shall conflict with any other legislation.