[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Meriden 10-30-2017. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Purpose. The prohibition of oil and gas drilling and extraction wastes are hereby declared necessary for the protection of the health, property, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of Meriden pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(7)(H), C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(4)(H); C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(7)(H)(xi), C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(8), and § 7-148(c)(7)(H)(ii) as amended.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, and words shall have the meanings given here, unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context:
The physical act of placing or spreading natural gas waste or oil waste on any road or real property located within the City of Meriden.
The fracturing of underground rock formations, including shale and nonshale formations, by man-made, fluid-driven techniques for the purpose of stimulating oil, natural gas, or other subsurface hydrocarbon production.
All geologic or geophysical activities related to the exploration for or extraction of natural gas, including, but not limited to, core and rotary drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
Any liquid or solid waste or its constituents that is generated as a result of natural gas extraction activities, which may consist of water, brine, chemicals, naturally occurring radioactive materials, heavy metals, or other contaminants;
Leachate from solid wastes associated with natural gas extraction activities;
Any waste that is generated as a result of or in association with the underground storage of natural gas;
Any waste that is generated as a result of or in association with liquefied petroleum gas well storage operations; and
Any products or by-products resulting from the treatment, processing, or modification of any of the above wastes.
All geologic or geophysical activities related to the exploration for or extraction of oil, including, but not limited to, core and rotary drilling and hydraulic fracturing.
Any liquid or solid waste or its constituents that is generated as a result of oil extraction activities, which may consist of water, brine, chemicals, naturally occurring radioactive materials, heavy metals, or other contaminants;
Leachate from solid wastes associated with oil extraction activities; and
Any products or by-products resulting from the treatment, processing, or modification of any of the above wastes.
The application of natural gas waste or oil waste, whether or not such waste has received beneficial use determination or other approval for use by DEEP (Department of Energy and Environmental Protection) or any other regulatory body, on any road or real property located within the City for any purpose is prohibited.
The introduction of natural gas waste or oil waste into any wastewater treatment facility within or operated by the City is prohibited.
The introduction of natural gas waste or oil waste into any solid waste management facility within or operated by the City is prohibited.
The storage, disposal, sale, acquisition, transfer, handling, treatment, and/or processing of waste from natural gas or oil extraction activities is prohibited within the City.
In addition to other remedies allowable under the law, the City may require remediation of any damage done due to a violation of § 120-3 to any land, road, building, aquifer, well, watercourse, air quality or other asset, be it public or private, within the City of Meriden.
In addition to other remedies allowable under the law, the City may issue citations in the amount of $250 per violation per day for any violation of this section. Absent proof that a violation has been corrected, said violation shall be deemed to be continuing consecutively each day during the period of time prior to said disposition. The following persons shall have authority to issue citations for violations pursuant to this Chapter: Director of Health and Human Services, Director of Public Utilities, City Planner and Director of Development and Enforcement, Director of Public Works, or their designee.