[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Meriden 3-7-1988. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Flags and banners over streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 180, § 180-37.
Flags representative of our country's history shall be flown in the flag plaza in front of City Hall and will include the following: Betsy Ross Flag; Bennington Flag; Bunker Hill Flag; City of Meriden Flag; Continental Flag; First Navy Jack Flag; Gadsen Flag; Grand Union Flag; Old Glory (50); Pine Tree Flag; State of Connecticut Flag; Star Spangled Banner Flag; and the U.S. Standard (48) Flag, to be displayed daily.
In order to accommodate the various ethnic groups who have/will donate(d) flags on ethnic holidays and upon request of the ethnic group to the City Manager, an ethnic flag may be displayed below the U.S. Standard on the south side of City Hall.
A review shall be made by the Parks and Recreation Committee at a time after the dedication of the flag plaza (June 14, 1988) to determine if any modifications should be made with a report to the City Council.
The national colors shall be displayed upon public flagstaffs in the City on the following days: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January (third Monday); Lincoln's Birthday, February 12; Washington's Birthday, February 22; Memorial Day, May 30; Anniversary of Adoption of National Colors (Flag Day), June 14; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, September (first Monday); Columbus Day, October 12; and Veterans Day, November 11.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II) .This section was originally adopted 10-7-1963 and appeared in the 1980 Code as Ch. 1, § 1-9.