[Added 11-8-1989]
There is hereby created a Conservation Commission of the City of Meriden.
[Amended 3-16-1992; 1-18-1994; 6-3-1996; 8-21-2000]
The Commission shall consist of seven members, one of whom shall be a member of the City Council and six of whom shall be members of the public. In addition, there shall be three alternates appointed to said Commission to act in the place of regular members who are not present at meetings. All members of the Commission shall be resident electors and shall be appointed in accordance with § C3-3J of the City Charter and may be removed by the City Council. The one City Council member shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council for a two-year term. The remaining six members shall serve for terms of three years. A member appointed to the Commission to replace a member whose term has not expired shall be appointed for the unexpired term only. Two additional members shall be ex officio, nonvoting high school students. The quorum shall be four Commissioners.
The Commission shall hold an annual meeting in the month of May at which time it shall elect one of its members as Chairman, one of its members as Vice Chairman and one of its members as Secretary.
The Conservation Commission shall have all the powers and duties enumerated in Connecticut General Statutes §§ 7-131a, 7-131d and 7-131e as well as all powers and duties conferred upon it by the City Council. The Conservation Commission shall consult with and be associated by the Planning Department in the discharge of its duties.