[Amended 9-25-1986; 1-22-2009]
Conditional approvals; enforcement; civil remedies. No person, firm, corporation, owner, developer, tenant or other occupant shall knowingly violate any condition of any resolution approving any site plan, subdivision or variance, or any condition contained within any developer’s agreement pertaining thereto. Such violation shall constitute a violation of this chapter. In addition to any other remedies provided by law, the Borough or Zoning Official may institute and maintain an action in the Municipal Court pursuant to § 270-105.
Violations and penalties. For each and every violation of any provisions of this chapter, the owner, contractor or other persons interested, as general agent, architect, building contractor, owner, tenant or any other persons, who commit, take part or assist in any violation of this chapter or who maintains any building or premises or use of any land in violation of this chapter shall, for each and every violation, be punished as provided in § 1-18 of Chapter 1, General Provisions. Each and every day that such violation continues shall be considered a separate and specific violation of this chapter.