The following area is designated as an off-street parking lot of the Village of Medina: The entire area between the Erie-Barge Canal on the northerly bounds, the premises of Medina Parts Company on the northwest, Main or Race Alley on the west, the northerly line of the premises owned by property owners on East Center Street, and Church Street on the east, together with small portions of the northerly part of the Myhill and Cox properties north of East Center Street leased to the Village and such other property in the area or elsewhere in the Village now or subsequently acquired by the Village by lease or purchase for such purpose and so designated by said Village.
The following additional area is designated as an off-street parking lot of the Village of Medina: The entire area bounded on the west by Mill Street (also known as Mill Alley or South Main Alley); on the east by the premises owned by St. John's Church and the west line of other property owners fronting on Church Street; on the north by the southerly lines of property owners fronting on East Center Street and on the south by the south line of the parking lot pavement as, from time to time, installed.
[Added 3-28-2000 by L.L. No. 1-2000]
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any line or marking designating a parking space or to park said vehicle in any way that the same shall not be wholly within a parking space as designated by said lines or markings.
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle in the area hereinbefore described for a period in excess of 24 consecutive hours.
In the event of a public emergency, the Mayor or Chief of Police of the Village of Medina shall have the power to suspend the operation of the provisions of this article or any part thereof for the duration of such emergency.