[Adopted 2-9-2006 as Ch. 35, Art. I, of the 2006 Code of the Borough of High Bridge]
As used in this article shall have the following meanings:
Any machine or device which, upon the insertion of a coin, token, plate, disk or credit card, or upon the payment to a proprietor or its agent or employee, may be operated by the public generally for use as a game, entertainment or amusement, whether or not registering a score. The term includes, but is not limited to, amusement devices commonly known as electronic video games, pinball, skill ball, mechanical grab machines, marble machines, baseball, bagatelle, pool table, billiard table, bowling alleys and all game machines or devices similar thereto.
[Amended 6-13-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-13]
Any person who supplies, offers or exhibits for sale, leases, sells, repairs, or distributes automatic amusement devices to any other person.
The total number of square feet which the public is invited to use and occupy, other than rest rooms and areas of ingress and egress. Excluded from net floor area are areas used for storage, offices, kitchen, counter space, shelving, and any areas which are not used by the public on a regular basis. The Building Inspector or Zoning Officer shall determine the net floor area in each prospective licensed premises subject to this article.
Any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or entity.
Any building, business, store, restaurant, tavern, or other place to which the public is invited or may enter.
Any person who owns, leases, rents or operates any premises on or at which any automatic amusement device is kept, placed, or exhibited for use or operation by the public.
No person shall keep, place, or exhibit any automatic amusement device for use or operation by the public on or at any premises in the Borough of High Bridge without first obtaining a proprietor's license for such premises.
No person shall keep, place or exhibit any automatic amusement device for use or operation by the public on or at any premises in the Borough of High Bridge without first obtaining an automatic amusement device license for such automatic amusement device.
No person shall supply, offer or exhibit for sale, lease, sell, offer to repair or distribute any automatic amusement device in the Borough of High Bridge without first obtaining a distributor's license, and if such distributor shall permit a customer to operate such machine being offered for sale, etc., such operation shall be free of charge.
An application for a proprietor's license shall be filed in writing with the Borough Clerk. The application shall state the following:[1]
The names and addresses of the suppliers, lessors, distributors and/or owners of the automatic amusement devices to be kept on the premises;
The number of devices to be kept, placed or exhibited on the premises for use or operation by the public, which number shall be specified on the proprietor's license; and
The net floor area, in square feet, of the premises, together with a diagram of the floor area.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Division of Code Enforcement that the premises occupancy load has been calculated and posted in accordance with the New Jersey State Uniform Construction Code.
The application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Division of Code Enforcement that the premises are in substantial compliance with the Fire Prevention and Housing and Property Maintenance Codes of the Borough of High Bridge.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 180, Fire Prevention, and Ch. 275, Property Maintenance.
A proprietor's license shall not be transferred or assigned. Specifically, but not by way of limitation, a proprietor's license shall not run with the premises, nor shall sale of the premises effectuate a transfer of the license.
An application for an automatic amusement device license shall be filed in writing with the Borough Clerk pursuant to this Chapter 116, Article I, of the High Bridge Code. In addition to the requirements of § 116-3, the application shall state the following:
The names and addresses of the suppliers, lessors, distributors, and/or owners of the device; and
The serial number and type of the device.
An automatic amusement device license may be transferred, provided that the requirements of § 116-10 are met.
No automatic amusement device license shall be issued to any person other than one holding a valid proprietor's license hereunder.
An application for a distributor's license shall be filed in writing with the Borough Clerk pursuant to § 116-3 of the High Bridge Code and shall contain the same information as specified in § 116-4.
A distributor's license shall not be transferred or assigned.
[Amended 2-8-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]
All licenses for automatic amusement devices issued by the Borough of High Bridge shall expire at 12:00 midnight on December 31 of the year in which such licenses are issued.
All complete applications, including all fees, which shall be nonrefundable, for permits for such automatic amusement devices as defined in this article shall be submitted to the Municipal Clerk's office no later than January 15 of the given year for which application for the permit is submitted. The Clerk's office shall have a period of 15 business days from the date of such submission to declare the application complete or incomplete. In the event that the application is declared complete, the application shall be passed on to the Borough Council for a ruling on whether, in the sole discretion of Council, the permit should be issued. Council shall have a period of 30 days from the date that the Clerk determines that the application is complete before rendering a decision on the application for the permit(s).
In the event the Clerk determines that the application is incomplete and that additional information is required, the Clerk shall return all materials, with the exception of the fees, which are nonrefundable, to the applicant, in the event that the applicant returns a completed application to the Clerk's office within 30 days of the Clerk returning the incomplete application to the applicant, the original fees paid shall be applied to the application. In the event that the application remains incomplete for more than 30 days beyond the Clerk giving the applicant notice of the application's status of noncompliance, the original fees shall be forfeited and new fees will be required.
[Amended 2-8-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]
There shall be an annual application fee paid to the Borough of High Bridge for any establishment utilizing or seeking to utilize automatic amusement devices of $100 paid to the Borough of High Bridge, which shall be nonrefundable whether or not the permits are issued. In addition to the application fee, the following fees shall be paid along with the application:
For each of the first three machines in any one location or establishment: $50 per machine;
For each of the next three machines in any one location or establishment: $250 per machine; and
For each and every machine over six machine in any one location or establishment, there shall be an annual licensing fee of $1,000 for each and every machine over six machine.
In addition to the information required by § 116-4 of the High Bridge Code, each automatic amusement device license shall contain the serial number and type of the device. The license shall be firmly attached at a conspicuous place on the device.
If a proprietor licensed hereunder desires to increase the number of devices to be kept, placed or exhibited or the premises for use or operation by the public, he shall file an amendment to his original application for a proprietor's license filed pursuant to § 116-3 hereof and surrender his original proprietor's license to the Borough Clerk. The proprietor shall pay any additional fees for automatic amusement devices in accordance with the fee schedule referred to herein. The amendment shall state the following:[1]
The names and addresses of the suppliers, lessors, distributors, and/or owners of the additional devices to be kept, placed or exhibited on the premises for use or operation by the public; and
The revised number of devices to be kept, placed or exhibited on the premises for use or operation by the public.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Upon determining that the proprietor is in compliance with all the provisions of this article, the Borough Clerk shall issue a new proprietor's license reflecting the revised number of automatic amusement devices to be kept, placed or exhibited on the premises for use or operation by the public. Issuance of a new license shall not alter the proprietor's obligation under § 116-2B of this article to obtain an automatic device license for each additional device.
If a proprietor desires to transfer an automatic amusement device license from one device to another, he shall file an application pursuant to § 116-4 hereof and surrender his automatic device license to the Municipal Clerk. The applicant shall also pay a transfer fee as set forth on the fee schedule attached to this article. Upon determining that the proprietor is in compliance with all the provisions of this article, the Municipal Clerk shall issue a new license identifying the substituted device.
No proprietor's license shall be issued for any premises containing more than two automatic amusement devices kept, placed or exhibited for use or operation by the public and located within 500 feet of any residential zone, church, school, day care facility, cemetery, auditorium, playground, parkland, hospital, or like place.
No proprietor's license shall be issued for any premises containing more than two automatic amusement devices kept, placed or exhibited for use or operation by the public and located within 500 feet of any other premises licensed pursuant to this article containing more than two such devices.
No premises shall contain more than one automatic amusement device for every 100 square feet of net floor area.
Automatic amusement devices shall be separated from each other by at least eight feet, provided that if the devices are placed along a wall they shall be separated from other devices along the same wall by at least four feet.
No automatic amusement device shall be located within eight feet of any doorway, aisle, hallway, passageway or other means of ingress egress, including designated fire exits.
No license shall be issued for any automatic amusement device which is in the nature of a gambling device or which offers an award or prize or the return of any money.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Under no circumstances shall the term "award or prize" as used in this section be construed to allow proprietors to offer cash prizes for "pool tournaments," or to allow private wagering between and/or amongst patrons playing in tournaments in such establishments, whether or not such tournaments are sanctioned by the proprietor. Application for pool or billiard tournaments must be made through the Mayor and Borough Council at least 14 days in advance of the scheduling of said pool or billiard tournament.
[Amended 2-8-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]
The proprietor shall provide one attendant over 18 years of age for every increment of one to 10 automatic amusement devices, pool tables or billiard tables which are kept or placed on the premises for active use or operation by the public and which devices, pool tables or billiard tables are not used exclusively for sale to the general public. At least one of those attendants shall be over the age of 21. The requisite number of attendants shall be present at all times during which the public is invited to use or operate the automatic amusement devices.
If more than two devices are kept, placed or exhibited on the premises for use or operation by the public, the attendants shall not have duties other than those primarily related to supervision of the use and operation of the devices.
No person shall have in his possession and/or use any intoxicating liquor on the premises, unless the proprietor is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor on such premises. Persons who are visibly intoxicated shall not be permitted on the premises at any time.
No proprietor shall permit the consumption of any food or beverages on the premises, except if food or beverages are sold thereon.
No proprietor shall permit the use of any automatic amusement device or pool table as defined by this article by persons under the age of 18 years unaccompanied by a parent or legal guardian during the following hours:
Between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on days when elementary, middle, and secondary schools in the Borough of High Bridge are in regular session;
Between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. prevailing time every weekday.
The proprietor, or the attendant in charge, shall direct any minors present and unaccompanied by a parent or legal guardian to leave the premises at 10:00 p.m.; no such unaccompanied minor shall be admitted to the premises after 10:00 p.m.
The licensed premises shall comply with all requirements of the Fire Prevention and Housing and Property Maintenance Codes of the Borough of High Bridge[1] and by other ordinances of the Borough governing use and occupancy of premises.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 180, Fire Prevention, and Ch. 275, Property Maintenance.
Nothing herein stated shall be construed to exempt any proprietor from complying with the requirements of any other ordinance of the Borough of High Bridge.
No proprietor shall permit a density of occupancy of the premises greater than the posted occupancy load.
Any automatic amusement devices not licensed pursuant to this article shall not be kept on the premises in any areas to which the public is invited and has access.
The licensee shall post an explicit and detailed policy concerning any refunds of monies for inoperative automatic amusement devices. The refund policy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises.
Any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be revoked by the Borough Council if the licensee shall be found to have been, prior to the granting thereof, convicted of crime or of the violation of any law involving gambling, or shall, after the granting thereof, be convicted of crime or of the violation of any municipal ordinance. The licensor may be suspended or revoked by the Borough Council for any other good cause, including the violation of any section of this article.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Upon any proceeding for revocation, written notice of the charges against him or her shall be served upon the licensee, either personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to his or her last known address as the same appears in the application for the license within not less than 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing on the charges upon which such revocation are based. The hearing may be adjourned for one five-day period by either party and one additional five-day period with the consent of both parties. In the case in which the licenses are revoked, all fees paid for the application of the license or applications therefor shall be deemed revoked.
[Amended 2-8-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]
In case any license shall be revoked, the licensee shall not be entitled to the return of any part of the license fee.
Every licensed pool room or billiard room or combination thereof shall be established to admit a view of the interior thereof from the entrance to licensed premises; provided, however, that a curtain or other means of screening may be used on windows or doors of the premises to a height of five feet from the floor of the premises during daylight hours of operation; provided, however, that the screening shall not obstruct or prevent the view of examination of the interior of the premises by a police officer, or any inspection by any other officer of the law.
The owner or operator of every billiard room, pool room, or such other place as may exist wherein billiards or pool is licensed hereunder shall not permit the use of billiards and pool tables to be used for any purpose between the hours of 2:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and between 2:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Sundays. The hours herein mentioned refer to Standard Time or Daylight Savings Time, whichever time shall then be in effect and shall apply thereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner/operator of a billiard room shall be permitted to continue operations past the closing time in order to conduct business for patrons who are already existing on the premises as of that closing time. No additional patrons may be admitted after the closing time.
No licensee shall conduct the licensed business on any premises which is declared to be unsafe or a fire hazard by the proper authorities of the Borough of High Bridge.
No licensee shall permit any person to cause any noise or loudness of such a nature so as to disturb the peace and quiet in or upon the premises.
Any licensee may seek relief from the strict enforcement of the terms and conditions of this article upon the demonstration by clear and convincing evidence that a particular regulation or section of this article, if strictly applied, will cause a licensee a particular hardship and that the licensee can demonstrate that the health, safety or welfare purpose of the regulation can be satisfactorily met by an alternative proposed by the licensee.
It shall be the licensee's burden and duty to apply for a variation from any section of this article prior to the elimination or adoption of the variation by the licensee. Applications for variations and hearings pursuant thereto shall be held before the Mayor and Council. The application for variation must contain:
Name, address and license of owner of the license.
A detailed description of the variation sought by the licensee which shall include a written description and plans, if applicable.
A detailed description of the alternative proposed by the licensee which shall include a written description and plans, if applicable.
Ten copies of the application shall be submitted. A copy shall be supplied to the Borough Clerk, Borough Engineer, Borough Code Enforcement Officer, Borough Fire Official, Borough Health Officer and the Borough Zoning Officer.
All property owners located within 200 feet of the licensed premises shall be given notice of the application for variation by certified mail, return receipt requested, as well as publication in the official newspaper of the Borough. Notice shall be mailed at least 10 days prior to the date of the hearing. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the hearing; the nature of the matters to be considered; an identification of the property proposal by variation by street address or by lot and block and the location and time at which the licensee's application and supporting documents for which approval is sought is available to be viewed.
The licensee shall be entitled to a hearing before the Mayor and Council in order to determine if the licensee has met its burdens of proof under Subsections A and B above. The licensee may offer evidence by way of testimony of documentation at that time. The licensee may, by its own choice, be represented by an attorney but representation is not required.
The Mayor and Council may seek reports or advice from its Borough Clerk, Engineer, Code Enforcement Officer, Zoning Officer, Fire Official and Health Officer as part of the evidence to be considered in any case.
The Mayor and Council shall render a decision memorialized by a written resolution as to whether the licensee has by clear and convincing proof met its burdens.
The licensee may appeal any decision of the Mayor and Council to the Superior Court of New Jersey.
This article shall be enforced by the Borough Police Department.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Amended 2-8-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4[1]]
Any person convicted by the North Hunterdon Municipal Court for a violation of the provisions of this article shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Penalties for the first offense shall be no less than $100 nor more than $500, per machine, per day for a first offense. For a second or subsequent offense, penalties shall be not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, however, each machine and each day shall constitute a separate offense. A third offense shall result in a revocation of any amusement device license held by the proprietor or establishment.
In the event of a fifth or subsequent offense, and the establishment holds a liquor license, the liquor license, upon conviction of the proprietor for such fifth or subsequent offense, shall be revoked and become the property of the Borough of High Bridge to alienate as it sees fit.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).