[Adopted 2-9-2006 as Ch. 263 of the 2006 Code of the Borough of High Bridge]
No swine, goats, cattle, pigeons, chickens, ducks, geese or other fowl shall be kept or maintained in the Borough of High Bridge in any cellar or dwelling house.
[Amended 5-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-17]
Such animals or fowl shall be kept confined in a suitable coop with an enclosed runway. See Chapter 145, Section 303, for setback requirements.
Such coop, runway or other enclosure shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and kept in a location which will prevent it from becoming a nuisance or annoyance or interfering with the general well-being of other residents of this municipality.
In residential zones R-2, R-3, R-4, and DB roosters are not permitted.
In residential zones R-2, R-3, R-4, and DB the outdoor slaughtering of farm animals is not permitted.
[Amended 6-13-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-13]
Any person who shall be convicted of a violation of any part of this article shall, upon conviction thereof in the North Hunterdon Municipal Court, be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty.