[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of High Bridge as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 184.
[Adopted 2-9-2006 as Ch. 180, Art. I, of the 2006 Code of the Borough of High Bridge]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A person who qualifies under the definition of N.J.S.A. 39:4-204 or 39:4-206 and who possesses a handicapped person identification card and a placard (prominently displayed in the front window dashboard of the vehicle) and/or a handicapped license plate, issued by the Director of the Motor Vehicle Commission.
Any building, structure, facility or complex used by the general public, including but not limited to municipal and/or government-owned buildings, shopping malls, stores, markets, hotels, recreation facilities, schools, office buildings, public eating places, whether publicly or privately owned, with the following exceptions: loading docks and all buildings that involve highly combustible, flammable or explosive material.
Parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be constructed in accordance with the following guidelines:
Handicapped parking is required for all buildings with public parking areas for 20 or more vehicles. The Planning Board, in connection with its review of an application for development of a property with parking for less than 20 vehicles, shall require a handicapped parking space if warranted by particular circumstances.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Designated parking spaces for handicapped persons shall be required as follows:
Total Parking in Lot
Required Number of Spaces
Under 20
At discretion of Planning Board depending on application before it
20 to 50
51 to 200
Over 200
1% of total spaces in lot (to nearest whole number)
Any existing building or buildings which have total public parking for 20 or more vehicles and do not have handicapped parking spaces provided are not subject to this article until such time as the owners or proprietors or agents of said property seek site plan approval and/or variance relief from the Planning Board.
Handicapped parking spaces will be located in parking areas most accessible and approximate to the entrance to the building which the facility serves. The determination of said locations shall be made by the Construction Official, or Borough Engineer, in conjunction with the owner or as directed by the Planning Board.
Each handicapped parking space or group of spaces shall be identified in accordance with specifications in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which sign shall also state the penalties which may be imposed for violations thereof.
Each space shall be 12 feet wide (or as required by statute) and on a level surface.
All signs and pavement markers shall be maintained in good and proper condition by the property owner and must remain clearly visible at all times. Failure to comply shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, park or stand a motor vehicle in a legally designated handicapped parking space unless such a person is a handicapped person or is transporting a handicapped person and is using the handicapped parking space for the benefit of that handicapped person. Any person who shall violate this article shall be subject to a fine of $250 for the first offense, plus, for subsequent offenses, a fine of at least $250 and up to 90 days community service or such terms and in such form as the court shall deem appropriate or any combination thereof.
Any vehicle illegally parked in a handicapped parking zone shall be towed to a designated garage when a handicapped person requests to the police that it be towed. The police, within their own authority, may have such vehicle towed (all subject to state statutes). The charges for towing and storing such vehicle shall be the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle.
This article shall be enforced by the Police Department.
[Adopted 2-9-2006 as Ch. 180, Art. II, of the 2006 Code of the Borough of High Bridge]
[Amended 11-16-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-29]
No person shall park in the area situated on the following described premises, unless they have been issued special vehicle identification cards by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, when using a motor vehicle for which a special vehicle identification card has been issued by the Commission.
Number of Spaces
Borough Hall Parking Lot
Borough Commons Parking Lot
High Bridge Elementary School Driveway
High Bridge Methodist Church, Thomas Street Side
High Bridge Saint Joseph's Church, Van Syckle Place
High Bridge Middle School, 50 Thomas Street
High Bridge Hills Golf Club, 203 Cregar Road
High Bridge Rescue Squad Building, West Main Street
High Bridge Fire Department Building, 7 Maryland Avenue
High Bridge Police Department Building, 99 West Main Street
Solitude Museum, 7 River Road
Union Forge Park, Washington Avenue