[Article 2, voted in the affirmative 3-2-1976 by ballot, by the Annual Town Meeting, reads as follows: "Shall we adopt the provisions of R.S.A. 72:43-b and 43-c for expanded exemptions on real estate which provide for a resident sixty-five years of age up to seventy-five, a five thousand dollar exemption; a resident seventy-five years of age up to eighty, a ten thousand dollar exemption; a resident eighty years of age or older, a twenty thousand dollar exemption, provided that the resident owns the real estate individually or jointly with another or his spouse with whom he has been living for at least five years as man and wife; said resident had a net income of less than seven thousand dollars or combined income with a spouse of less than nine thousand dollars; and owns assets of any kind, tangible or intangible, less bona fide encumbrances, not in excess of thirty-five thousand dollars?" Article 20, voted in the affirmative 3-11-2003, by the Annual Town Meeting, reads as follows: "Shall we modify the elderly exemptions from property tax in the Town of Hudson, based on assessed value, for qualified taxpayers, to be as follows: for a person 65 years of age up to 75 years, $75,000; for a person 75 years of age up to 80 years, $90,000; for a person 80 years of age or older, $115,000? To qualify, the person must have been a New Hampshire resident for at least five years, own the real estate individually or jointly, or if the real estate is owned by such person's spouse, they must have been married for at least five years. In addition, the taxpayers must have a net income of not more than $26,000 or, if married, a combined net income of less than $34,000; own net assets not in excess of $100,000 excluding the value of the person's residence. (If approved, this article shall take effect for the 2003 property tax year.)" Article 17, voted in the affirmative 3-8-2005 by the Annual Town Meeting, reads as follows: To see if the Town will vote to modify the elderly exemptions from property tax in the Town of Hudson, based on assessed value, for qualified taxpayers, to be as follows: for a person 65 years of age up to 75 years, $95,000; for a person 75 years up to 80 years, $115,000; for a person 80 years of age or older, $145,000. To qualify, the person must have been a New Hampshire resident for at least five consecutive years, own the real estate individually or jointly, or if the real estate is owned by such person's spouse, they must have been married for at least five years. In addition, the taxpayer must have a net income of not more than $30,000 or, if married, a combined net income of not more than $40,000; and own net assets not in excess of $125,000, excluding the value of the person's residence. If approved, this article shall take effect for the 2005 property tax year."]