(Article 21, voted in the affirmative 3-14-1967 by the Annual Town Meeting, reads as follows: "To see if the Town shall vote to rescind the action taken under Article 26 of the 1963 Town Meeting relative to the surfacing of streets in subdivisions and substitute in its stead the following: To see if the Town shall vote to require OWNERs or developers of new subdivisions, subdivisions with unsold LOTs or homes owned by the subdivider or his/her/its agents, to surface all unsurfaced streets either by the Town at total cost, including equipment, or by a private contractor under supervision of the PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR.[1] A bond shall be required from the subdivider, developer, or his/her/its agents to insure faithful performance and guarantee that the paving shall be in accordance with Town specifications.")
Editor’s Note: The term “Road Agent” was changed to “Public Works Director” 10-9-2018.