[HISTORY: Comes from L.L. No. 114-1972, adopted 10-24-1972, effective 10-31-1972.]
[Amended 3-14-2023 by L.L. No. 22-2023, effective 4-4-2023]
There shall be in the Town of Hempstead a Department of Conservation and Waterways. The executive head of such Department shall be the Commissioner of Conservation and Waterways, who shall be appointed by the Town Board for the term fixed by law at such salary as may from time to time be fixed by said Town Board. The Commissioner of Conservation and Waterways shall be appointed on the basis of administrative experience and qualifications for the duties of such office. There may be Deputy Commissioners to the Commissioner of Conservation and Waterways. The Deputy Commissioners, individually, shall have the authority to act for and in place of the Commissioner of Conservation and Waterways in all regards. The Commissioner shall designate, in writing, the order in which the deputies shall act, in case of the Commissioner's absence, inability to work, or vacancy. The Commissioner shall have the power to appoint and remove all subordinate officers and other employees and to assign them to their respective duties. The Commissioner shall be in the unclassified service of the civil service. The position of Deputy Commissioner shall, pursuant to the statutory authority contained in the Municipal Home Rule Law and the Civil Service Law, be in the exempt class.
The Department is established for the purpose of implementing the policies of the Town of Hempstead to conserve and maintain its wetlands and waterways for the benefit of the residents of the town and to exclusively administer the wetlands management plan of the Town of Hempstead.
The Commissioner of the Department shall also be appointed as Chief Bay Constable and shall administer and direct all law enforcement matters as provided by law.
There shall be within the Department of Conservation and Waterways the following divisions:
Administrative Division.
Waterways Management Division.
Conservation Division.
There shall also be such other and further divisions as may from time to time hereafter be deemed necessary and be established by resolution of the Town Board. Each of said Divisions shall be supervised by an administrative officer who may be a Deputy Commissioner for such division.
The Department of Conservation and Waterways shall, under the general supervision of the Commissioner, have charge of the administration and enforcement of all local laws and Town Board resolutions pertaining to the preservation, conservation, management and maintenance of the town wetlands and waterways, including leasing of underwater and marginal lands; structures in waterways; erosion protection; marinas, piers, moorings and docks; shellfishing, operation of boats and seaplanes, dredging and other designated uses of the wetlands and waterways; and such other matters as may from time to time be referred to the Department.
Administrative Division: To have general administration of interdepartmental matters, including supervision of Administrative Division personnel, maintenance of all departmental personnel records, maintenance of departmental accounting records, including budget control, and such other procedures as may be necessary to coordinate the overall waterways recreational activities.
Waterways Management Division: To have supervision of Division personnel, to have general administration of all routine and skilled maintenance repairs, landscaping, facility development and improvements and elimination of hazards from the grounds, buildings and waterways under the jurisdiction and control of this Department; to install and maintain navigational aids: to regulate the issuance of all permits for structures in waterways and to coordinate with the Chief of Bay Constables the enforcement of the structures in the waterways code; to chart and maintain records of the waterways, the wetlands and structures erected thereon; to assist the Commissioner in the investigation of complaints initiated by the general public that fall within the jurisdiction of the Department; to assist in the prevention and elimination of oil spills in waterways; and to assist in all other conditions that adversely affect navigation within the waterways.
Conservation Division.
To have supervision of Division personnel: to have general administration of the conservation, protection and management of the Town of Hempstead underwater lands and marshlands and the marine life and natural resources therein and thereon: to conduct continuing ecological studies and investigations and determine both in the laboratory and in the field, factors influencing population of marine life in the waterways, chemical and biological characteristics of the waters, circulation patterns of Hempstead Bay estuary, qualitative analysis of bottom sediments, productivity and carrying capacity of marshlands within the bay area to determine approximate populations of wildlife which may be supported within the bay complex; to establish and maintain shellfish and wildlife sanctuaries and to improve the ecological balance within the wetlands for desirable species of marine life that can contribute to the recreational enjoyment and economy of the Town of Hempstead.
To meet with, plan, cooperate and confer with the necessary federal, state and county officials in all areas insofar as same may aid, assist and further any of the above purposes.
The Conservation and Waterways Department as it is presently constituted is hereby transferred in its entirety, including all property, equipment and budgetary appropriations, to the Department of Conservation and Waterways. The employees of such Department shall be continued as employees in the Department of Conservation and Waterways, with the same classifications, pensions and retirement rights and privileges as they had immediately prior to such transfer; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive the Town Board of any power it now has with respect to any such employees.
The Commissioner, only when specifically authorized to do so by the Town Board, may from time to time employ such additional persons, including special, technical, fiscal and legal consultants, as may be necessary in the discharge of his duties.