[Adopted 8-26-1987 by Ord. No. 87-9]
[Amended 8-25-2004 by Ord. No. 9-2004]
There is hereby established in the Township for the benefit of full-time, nonuniformed employees of the Township and Authority a pension plan and pension fund. The pension plan shall be known as the "Silver Spring Township and Silver Spring Township Authority Non-Uniformed Employees Pension Plan" (the "Plan"). The pension fund shall be known as the "Silver Spring Township and Silver Spring Township Authority Non-Uniformed Pension Fund" (the "Fund").
The Board is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement of trust with a corporate fiduciary, which agreement of trust shall permit the fiduciary to manage and operate the Fund and to receive, hold, invest and disburse any sum or sums as may be necessary to carry out the Plan. The Board shall determine the form and terms of any such agreement of trust.
[Amended 8-25-2004 by Ord. No. 9-2004]
The Fund shall be created and maintained from funds received in the following manner:
The allocation by the Board of payments made by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth from monies received from taxes paid upon premiums by foreign casualty insurance companies and foreign fire insurance companies pursuant to the General Municipal Pension State Aid Program;
Payments by other gifts, grants, devises or bequests made to the Fund; and/or
Such other payments as from time to time may be made by the Board from the general revenue of the Township to cover the costs and expenses of the Plan attributable to the Township, and payments as may from time to time be made by the Authority from the general revenue of the Authority to cover the costs and expenses of the Plan attributable to the Authority.
All such payments received shall be deemed to be a part of the Pension Fund and shall not be applied to any other account or disbursed in any manner except as provided herein.
Payments required under the Plan shall be a charge only upon the Fund and not upon other monies or funds of the Township or Authority.
The Pension Fund shall be deposited with, managed and invested by a corporate trustee designated by the Board, which shall carry out its responsibilities in accordance with the terms of the trust agreement, and further subject to such investment policy and guidance as the Supervisors shall, from time to time, give to the trustee for the investment of the Pension Fund assets.
The Plan shall be administered by the Board.
The Township Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings and all dates, records and documents pertaining to the administration of the Plan. The Board may employ and suitably compensate such actuarial and consulting services and advisory, clerical or other employees and attorneys as it may deem necessary for the performance of its duties. The expenses of the administration of the Plan shall be paid from the assets of the Fund.
The action of the Board shall be determined by the vote or other affirmative expression of a majority of its members.
The Board shall make available to participants of the Plan, for examination during business hours, such of its records as pertain only to the participant involved. The Board shall make its records available to proper governmental officials during business hours and to members of the general public upon 24 hours' notice.
The Board, on behalf of the participants of the Plan, shall enforce the Plan in accordance with the terms of this article and shall have all powers necessary to accomplish that purpose, including, but not limited to, the following:
To determine all questions relating to the eligibility of employees to become participants;
To compute and certify to the fiduciary the amount and kind of benefits payable to participants;
To select any issuing company and annuity contract which, in the opinion of the Board, will best carry out the purposes of the Plan; and
To make and publish such rules and regulations for the administration of the Plan as are not inconsistent with the terms of this article.
Township and Authority shall supply full and timely information to the Board on all matters relating to the pay of all members of the Plan, their retirements, deaths or other causes for termination of employment, and such other pertinent data as the Board may require, and the Board shall advise the fiduciary with reasonable dispatch of such of the foregoing facts as may be pertinent to the fiduciary's administration of the Fund.
[Amended 8-25-2004 by Ord. No. 9-2004]
[Amended 8-25-2004 by Ord. No. 9-2004]
Every full-time, nonuniformed employee employed by the Township or the Authority shall, upon his or her employment, be a member covered under the Plan and entitled to the benefits provided hereunder.
The normal retirement date of a member shall be the day on which the member has attained age 65 years and has completed 10 years of service.
The monthly normal retirement benefit shall be equal to 1% of the monthly average salary of such member during the highest five consecutive calendar years of employment out of the last 10 calendar years of employment preceding his or her normal retirement date multiplied by the number of years of service completed by such member at his or her normal retirement date. Such monthly benefit shall be payable for the member's lifetime.
A member who has attained age 60 years and has completed 10 years of service shall be eligible for an early retirement benefit. Such monthly benefit shall be equal to 1% of the monthly average salary of such member during the highest five consecutive calendar years of employment out of the last 10 calendar years of employment preceding his or her early retirement date multiplied by the number of years of service completed by such member at the date of his or her early retirement, reduced by 5/9% for each month that such member's early retirement date precedes his or her normal retirement date.
If a member has completed 10 or more years of service, he or she may, upon application or on application of one acting in his or her behalf, be retired by the Board on a disability pension prior to his or her normal retirement date if the physician designated by the Board, after medical examination of the member made at the place of residence of the member or at a place mutually agreed upon, shall certify to the Board that the member is unable to engage in any gainful employment and that said member ought to be retired.
The monthly disability benefit shall be equal to 1% of the monthly average salary of such member during the highest five consecutive calendar years of employment out of the last 10 calendar years of employment preceding his or her disability retirement date multiplied by the number of years of service completed by such member at the date of his or her disability retirement.
Upon the death of a retired member, or upon the death of an active member who was eligible for early retirement at the time of death, the surviving spouse (or the surviving children under 18 years of age, in the absence of a spouse or upon the remarriage of the surviving spouse) shall receive a monthly benefit equal to 1/2 of the monthly benefit which such retired member was receiving or which such active member was eligible to receive if he or she had been retired at the time of death.
[Amended 8-25-2004 by Ord. No. 9-2004]
If a member, before reaching his or her normal retirement date and having completed 10 years of service, for any reason ceases to be employed by the Township or Authority, he or she shall be entitled to a vested deferred retirement benefit payable at his or her normal retirement date. Such monthly benefit shall be equal to 1% of the monthly average salary of such member during the highest five consecutive calendar years of employment out of the last 10 calendar years of employment preceding his or her termination date multiplied by the number of years of service completed by such member at the date of his or her termination.
All payments under the Plan shall be, to the fullest extent permitted by law, free and clear of any debts, contracts, engagements, anticipations or liability to levy, attachment, execution or sequestration against the recipient, and shall not be subject to sale, assignment, transfer, claim, judgment or bankruptcy proceedings against the recipient of such payments, whether voluntary or involuntary.
Any member of the Plan shall have the right to:
Inquire of the Board as to his or her status or condition in the Plan, including prospective benefits to which such member may be entitled in the future;
To examine records of the Board of Supervisors pertaining to his or her pension records; and
To appear personally before the Board, with or without counsel, and be heard on any matter pertaining to his rights under the Plan.
The Plan and Fund established by this article may be discontinued, modified, alternated, terminated or repealed, according to law, by ordinance or resolution.
The terms and conditions of this article shall become effective as of January 1, 1987.