[Amended 2-2-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
No building shall be erected or extended for the accommodation of more than two cars.
[Amended 11-5-1992 by L.L. No. 4-1992]
In the Residence District, only one vehicle may be commercial, and it shall be garaged on the same lot with the main residence building. For purposes of this section, a "commercial vehicle" shall be defined generically. The registration of such vehicle as a commercial vehicle shall be presumptive evidence of its status as a commercial vehicle.
Inadequate garaging facilities. If there is no garage existing on said lot, or the existing garage's structure is unable to shelter the commercial vehicle, then the commercial vehicle must be parked to the rear of said lot to the farthest extent permitted by a driveway, or other parking area, currently existing. The Village Building Inspector will determine if the existing garage's structural frame is able to accommodate the commercial vehicle, regardless of the contents of said garage.
No blocking of sidewalk area permitted. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 210-12A, no commercial vehicle shall be permitted to park in an area adjacent to the sidewalk area where the commercial vehicle, or any part thereof, blocks any part of the sidewalk area. "Sidewalk area" shall be defined pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law § 144 of the laws of the State of New York.
A garage shall be permitted for an accessory use only when on the same lot with the main building.
In the Residence District, no part of any garage shall be nearer to the street line than the greatest setback distance of the street wall of the main building; nor shall any garage, which is nearer to the street line than the rear wall of a dwelling, be nearer than three feet to any side lot line; nor shall any garage be nearer than 10 feet to the street line of a street other than that upon which the main building fronts.
A garage may be erected, altered or used, as part of a main building, provided that it is constructed wholly of fireproof material with doors, if any, leading to the main building constructed so as to be fireproof and to close automatically.