[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of South Floral Park 11-5-2009 by L.L. No. 2-2009 (Ch. 95 of the 1987 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Damage to Village property — See Ch. 122, Art. II.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 129.
Littering and depositing of garbage — See Ch. 171, Art. I.
No person shall post any written or printed handbills, designs, or any other notice on any shade tree, post or hydrant, telephone or electric light pole or public place within said Village nor shall any person in any manner intentionally or negligently mar, hack, deface or otherwise injure any shade tree, building, awning, sign, signboard, ornamental shrubbery, post or hydrant, telephone or electric light pole in the Village of South Floral Park.
There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the person whose name, telephone number, or other identifying information appears on any handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker or other printed material on any item or structure described in this chapter in any street violated this chapter by either pasting, posting, painting, printing, nailing or attaching or affixing by any means whatsoever such handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker or other printed material, or directing, suffering or permitting a servant, agent, employee or other individual under such person's control to engage in such activity.
Any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter of the Code shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $100 in amount. Every handbill, poster, notice, sign, advertisement, sticker or other printed material shall be deemed a separate violation for which a separate fine or penalty shall be imposed. Anyone found to have violated this chapter, in addition to any penalty imposed, shall also be responsible for the cost of the removal of the postings.