[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Frankfort 9-14-1959; amended in its entirety 7-8-1986 by L.L. No. 1-1986. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Games of chance — See Ch. 45.
This chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law, which law superseded Article 14-G of the General Municipal Law.
The New York State Legislature has declared, in adopting Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law entitled "Local Option for Conduct of Bingo by Certain Organizations," that the raising of funds for the promotion of bona fide charitable, educational, scientific, health, religious and patriotic causes and undertakings where the beneficiaries are indefinite is in the public interest.
The Legislature of the State of New York has declared it to be the policy of said Legislature that all phases of the supervision, licensing and regulation of bingo and the conduct of bingo games should be closely controlled, and the laws and regulations pertaining thereto should be strictly construed and rigidly enforced for the purpose of discouraging commercialism in such games and to ensure a maximum availability of the net proceeds of bingo exclusively for the application of worthy causes.
The Town Board of the Town of Frankfort deems it in the best interests of the citizens of the Town of Frankfort that said bingo should be permitted in the Town of Frankfort as authorized by Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law.
This chapter shall apply only within the corporate limits of the Town of Frankfort, County of Herkimer and State of New York.
All terms used herein shall be given their ordinary and common meanings, unless said terms are specifically defined by Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law or the rules and regulations of the State of New York Racing and Wagering Board.
This chapter shall be deemed to include all of the provisions of Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law and the rules and regulations of the State of New York Racing and Wagering Board adopted pursuant to said Article 14-H, except as otherwise provided in this chapter; and all amendments to the provisions of said Article 14-H or said rules and regulations are hereby deemed to be incorporated into this chapter to the extent that such amendments are otherwise applicable to bingo authorized under this chapter.
Authorized organizations may, upon obtaining a license from the Town Clerk, conduct bingo within the corporate limits of the Town of Frankfort. Such bingo games shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York and with the rules and regulations adopted by the State of New York Racing and Wagering Board and pursuant to this chapter.
This chapter shall be deemed to include all of the provisions of Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law and the rules and regulations of the State of New York Racing and Wagering Board, except as otherwise provided by this chapter; and any amendments to said Article 14-H or said rules and regulations are hereby deemed to be incorporated into this chapter.
Bingo may be conducted on Sunday pursuant to this chapter. However, no bingo shall be conducted on Easter Sunday, Christmas Day or New Year's Eve.
The Town Board of the Town of Frankfort shall exercise control over and supervision of all bingo conducted under a duly authorized license, and the Town Board shall have all the powers and duties set forth in Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law for enforcement, control and supervision of said Article 14-H.
Any violation of Article 14-H of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York, the rules and regulations of the State of New York Racing and Wagering Board as it applies to bingo or of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall cause the forfeiture of any license pursuant to this chapter and shall cause the licensee to be ineligible to apply for a license to conduct bingo for a minimum period of one year after the conviction, all pursuant to § 495 of the General Municipal Law.