[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Frankfort 7-10-1984 by L.L. No. 3-1984. Section 49-8B amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 88.
Whereas, in the Town of Frankfort, damaged, worn out, scrapped or discarded materials or objects such as, inter alia, automobiles, building materials, machinery, metal, wastepaper, rags, glassware and tinware are or in the future may be stored in a dangerous, unsightly or unsanitary manner in yards or other places within the town; and whereas, the places in which damaged, worn out, scrapped or discarded materials or objects are stored or in the future may be stored outdoors tend to become overgrown with weeds, littered with rubbish and debris, infested with rats, mice, insects, reptiles and other vermin and contribute to the deterioration of the neighborhood; and whereas, such conditions tend to attract children and endanger their lives and health; spread disease; invite plundering; attract vagrants; create fire hazards and other safety and health hazards; create, extend and aggravate human blight; interfere with the enjoyment of and reduce the value of private property; and interfere with the comfort and well-being of the public; and whereas, thieves and receivers of stolen property frequently attempt to dispose of stolen property by representing it to be legitimately acquired junk; and whereas, adequate protection of the public health, safety and welfare require that the business of handling and dealing in junk be regulated and controlled, now, therefore, it shall be ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Frankfort as follows.
Except where otherwise indicated by law, the following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this chapter:
The area of a junkyard as described in a junk dealer's license or application for license, as provided in this chapter.
The Codes Enforcement Officer or such other person designated by the Town Board to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
The following shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
Antique, historical or classical motor vehicles or any motor vehicle having an unique status giving it a special value because of its uniqueness. Any such vehicle in such state of disrepair as to be considered junk, as herein defined, shall have a period of two months to show that substantial progress is being made in restoring such vehicles. The period of two months shall commence upon the date the notice is given to remove said vehicle from the property where it is situated.
Motor vehicles not designed to be operated upon public highways, including, but not intended to be exclusive, dirt bikes, racing cars, dune buggies, snowmobiles, etc., during seasoned use only and which are in good operating condition.
Any vehicle being stored on premises owned by a resident or owner of such premises, in good operating condition, but temporarily out of use for a period not to exceed six months.
Travel trailers, boat trailers, utility trailers, snowmobile trailers in good operating condition or like vehicles or machines.
A person or business entity who buys, sells, collects or delivers junk within the town as a business, but who does not operate a junkyard within the town.
Any old, discarded and unusable objects of any kind, of insignificant value, such as vehicles, building materials, machinery appliances, furniture, equipment, etc., whether made of metal, fiber or plastics or any other material; old cordage, ropes, rags, fibers or fabrics; old rubber, old bottles or other waste or discarded materials; or materials dangerous to health, regardless of their kind, form, shape or nature. Vehicles shall be defined as a "motor vehicle" as defined under the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York or any machine designed to be propelled by a means other than muscular power. Any such old or secondhand vehicle shall be considered as "junk," if it is unregistered and uninspected and no longer intended or in condition for legal use on the public highways or if the cost to repair said vehicle to enable it to pass the New York State inspection laws for motor vehicles shall exceed the value of the vehicle.
A person who operates a junkyard, buying or selling, dismantling, processing or dealing in any manner commercially with junk within the town.
A yard, lot or place or any place of storage or deposit outdoors, within the Town of Frankfort, where junk, as defined above, is kept or stored.
Any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, organization or any business entity permitted to do business pursuant to the laws of this state or authorized to do business within the State of New York.
The Town of Frankfort, New York.
No person shall engage in or conduct, whether for profit or otherwise, on real property within the Town of Frankfort, indoors or outdoors, either for himself or for and or on behalf of any other person, directly or indirectly, as agent, employee or otherwise, at wholesale or retail, any operation which involves the collection, storage, burning, dumping, disassembling, dismantling, salvaging, sorting or otherwise processing, handling or arranging for sale, resale, storage, disposal or otherwise of said junk, without first obtaining a license therefore as hereinafter provided.
The presence of one or more unlicensed or inoperative motor vehicles, or the equivalent thereof or the shell or body thereof, which are defined as junk, as set forth in § 49-2 herein, for a period of more than 30 days on the premises of any resident of this town shall be considered a junkyard, as herein defined in § 49-2.
The Codes Enforcement Officer shall give the owner of any real property in the Town of Frankfort notice of the existence of any junkyard, as herein defined, and such owner shall have 10 days from the date of mailing of such notice within which to either abate or remove such junk from his premises, unless he possesses a license to operate a junkyard.
It shall be unlawful for any person to collect, store, burn, dump, process, disassemble, dismantle, salvage, sort or otherwise handle or arrange, outdoors, for sale, resale, storage, disposal or otherwise, or deal in any manner with junk as provided in this section, whether as a junk dealer or otherwise, in the Town of Frankfort without first having obtained a license therefor from the Town Clerk of the Town of Frankfort, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. A separate license shall be required for each junkyard, whether owned by one individual, business entity or otherwise.
It shall be unlawful for any person to act as an itinerant junk dealer in the Town of Frankfort without first having obtained a license therefor from the Town Clerk, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
The Town Clerk shall not issue any such license for the operation of such junkyard until the Codes Enforcement Officer and Town Board certifies that the location and conduct of such junkyard complies with the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Frankfort, with all the laws, ordinances, statutes, regulations of the Town of Frankfort, County of Herkimer and State of New York and until the Codes Enforcement Officer certifies that such junkyard meets the aesthetic qualifications set forth in this chapter and the Zoning Ordinance[1] and any other laws, rules and regulations which the Town of Frankfort now has or may in the future adopt and that such junkyard is being operated in a manner not offensive to the neighborhood where the same is located.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 88, Zoning.
Nothing herein shall prevent any resident of this town from conducting a garage sale upon the premises owned by the seller, provided that such sale shall be conducted continuously for a period of more than three days and does not conflict with any laws or statutes, whether local, state, federal or otherwise. Any items on display for such garage sale which are not sold after two days after sale must be removed from the site of the sale and placed indoors for storage. Such sale shall include any sale of personal property not covered or defined under the Zoning Ordinance of the town and shall include lawn, garage, porch sales, etc., regardless of the description of such sale. Such sales shall be limited to three per calendar year.
The Codes Enforcement Officer shall have the power to enforce the provisions of this chapter and, for that purpose, shall have the right and is hereby empowered to enter upon any premises upon which any junk is stored or business of a junkyard is conducted or upon which he has reasonable cause to believe such a junkyard is operating, in the town, or upon which the Codes Enforcement Officer has reasonable cause to believe a junkyard is about to be located, and inspect the same at any reasonable time. The Codes Enforcement Officer is further empowered to revoke any license provided for, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, if he feels such junkyard is being operated in violation of this chapter. Before revoking such license, however, he must give the owner thereof 10 days' written notice from the date of mailing to correct the same or satisfy the Codes Enforcement Officer that the owner is making a reasonable effort to correct the same. Before such license may be revoked, the owner of the junkyard and licensee shall be entitled to a hearing before a hearing panel appointed by the Supervisor to determine whether such a violation necessitating the revocation of the license has been committed by the owner thereof. The owner shall be notified of the time and place of the hearing, which said hearing shall take place not later than 30 days after issuance of the notice. The penalties and powers to enforce this chapter shall be subject to review by the Town Board of the Town of Frankfort, and such Board may veto such revocation or any other action of the Codes Enforcement Officer.
Each applicant for a license hereunder shall execute, under oath, an application therefor, to be supplied to him by the Town Clerk, which shall contain the following information:
That the applicant is over 21 years of age.
That he is a citizen of the United States.
Whether he has ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor and such other facts of evidence as are deemed necessary to establish that he is a person fit and capable of properly conducting the activity or business for which the license is sought.
A description of the exact type of activity or business he intends to conduct.
The nature of the materials he intends to handle.
The number of employees he intends to engage.
The name and address of the owner or owners of the land and the nature of the right of occupancy of the applicant to the use of such land.
At the time of making the application, the applicant shall submit to and file with the Town Clerk a map or plan of the real property upon which he intends to conduct the activity or business for which he is making application for a license hereunder, with the area of such real property which is proposed for use for such purpose; the location of the fence or enclosure required hereunder indicated thereon, as well as the location of any buildings on such land; the location of any streets or highways abutting or passing through such lands; the location of any water, sewer or gas mains or laterals available thereto, as well as the general drainage pattern of such land; and such other general information as the Town Board may from time to time require.
In the application the applicant shall agree that, if granted the license applied for, he will conduct the activity or business pursuant to the regulations hereinafter set forth, and that upon his failure to do so, such license may be revoked forthwith.
Application for the license required by this chapter shall be made to the Town Clerk of the Town of Frankfort upon such forms as are promulgated by the Town Clerk and furnished to the applicant. Upon receipt of an application, the Town Clerk shall forward said application to the Codes Enforcer for his certification that the proposed location for said junkyard meets the requirements of the town's Zoning Ordinance[1] and the laws of the State of New York. The Codes Enforcement Officer shall certify that the proposed junkyard meets the aesthetic requirements of this chapter and is in fact not offensive to the neighborhood where located. The Codes Enforcer shall make return of the application to the Town Clerk within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application. Upon receipt by the Town Clerk of the application, certified by the Codes Enforcement Officer that the proposed junkyard meets the aesthetic requirements of this section and is not offensive to the neighborhood, the Town Clerk shall forward said application to the Town Board for their approval. In considering such application, the Town Board shall take into account the suitability of the applicant with reference to his ability to comply with the fencing requirements or other reasonable regulations concerning the proposed junkyard, to any record or convictions for any type of larceny or receiving of stolen goods and to any other matter within the purposes of this chapter.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 88, Zoning.
Itinerant junk dealers shall make the same application for licensing to deal in junk in the Town of Frankfort as set forth in Subsection A of this section. Any new license issued on or after May 1 of that year shall continue in force to June 30 of the following year, and the fee for the remainder of the year in which such license is issued shall be prorated for that year.
[Amended 2-24-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004]
Such license shall be effective from the date of its issuance until the 30th day of June of the year of such issuance. A new application for a license must be made yearly if the licensee continues in business. The fee for such license for the operation of a junkyard for less than one year shall be prorated. Such license is personal with the licensee and does not go with the title of the land, nor may it be sold, signed, transferred or disposed of without the permission of the Town Board of Town of Frankfort. Applications for renewal may be made within 60 days from the date of the expiration of the license, and such renewal shall not be reasonably withheld, unless for good cause shown.
[Amended 2-24-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004]
Such license shall be placed and at all times displayed in a conspicuous place at the licensee's place of activity or business.
The annual fee for such license is hereby fixed in the sum of $100.
After receipt of the application from the Town Clerk, the Town Board shall approve or disapprove said application during the first regularly scheduled Board meeting after its receipt, except that no application shall be approved, except in an area zoned commercial according to the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the Town of Frankfort. The Town Clerk shall then give notice to the applicant by prepaid postage of the approval or disapproval of said application. The disapproval of any application by the Town Board shall be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals if the applicant so requests in writing to the Town Board with 30 days after said disapproval. The Zoning Board of Appeals may order a public hearing on said application if it deems one advisable. The Zoning Board of Appeals may approve the application over the disapproval of the Town Board by a vote of 2/3 of the total number of the members of the Zoning Board of Appeals. If the Zoning Board of Appeals disapproves said application, said applicant may then proceed under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules.
Approval of such application for a junkyard shall take into account proof of legal ownership or right to use such property by the applicant; the nature and development of surrounding property, such as proximity of schools, churches, hospitals, public buildings or other places of public gathering; whether or not the proposed location can be reasonably protected from affecting the public health, safety and welfare by reason of offensive or unhealthy odors, smoke, noxious substances or other causes; and aesthetic considerations, such as whether the proposed junkyard is offensive to the neighborhood, considering the type of neighborhood, the homes contained therein, business, the type of natural or artificial barriers protecting the junkyard from view, the proximity of the proposed junkyard to established residential areas or main access routes thereto, the reasonable availability of other suitable sites for the junkyard and any other aesthetic considerations which may deem the junkyard unsuitable in view of the character of the surrounding area.
No junkyard hereafter established shall be licensed to operate if such yard or any part thereof is located within 500 feet of a church, school, hospital, public building or place of public assembly.
[Added 4-14-1987 by L.L. No. 3-1987]
Those businesses requiring application to the State of New York for a dismantler's license or registration, as set forth in the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, shall apply and obtain such license or registration within 60 days of the granting of a license of operation from the Town of Frankfort. In the event that such license or registration is not obtained within the time limit prescribed, the applicant shall be subject to the penalties for violation of this chapter.
Before use, a junkyard shall be completely surrounded with a fence at least eight feet in height, which shall be of one of the following materials: closed chain link, galvanized sheeting, wooden stockade type or natural barrier, which substantially screens same from surrounding areas, and with a suitable gate which shall be closed and locked, except during the working hours of such junkyard or when the applicant or his agent shall be within. Such fence shall be soundly erected and properly maintained, and no junk shall be stored against it. No such fence shall be erected at a distance less than 25 feet from the curbing or edge of the pavement of any street.
The junkyard, together with things kept therein, shall at all times be maintained in a sanitary condition.
No space not covered by the license shall be used in the licensed business.
No water shall be allowed to stand in any place on the premises in such manner as to afford a breeding place for mosquitoes.
Weeds and vegetation on the premises, other than trees, shall be kept at a height of not more than four inches.
No garbage or other waste liable to give off a foul odor or attract vermin shall be kept on the premises, nor shall any refuse of any kind be kept on the premises, unless such refuse is junk, as defined herein, and is in use in the licensed business.
No junk shall be allowed to rest upon or protrude over any public street, walkway or curb or become scattered or blown off the business premises.
Inside, adjacent to and contiguous with such fence or enclosure, a strip of land at least 10 feet in width shall be kept free of all dry grass, other growth or other combustible material, so as to provide a fire lane or line around the whole area where the activity or business of the license is being conducted.
The autos, parts and materials dealt in by the license shall be disassembled or dismantled by means other than burning. They shall be piled or arranged in neat rows so as to permit easy, clear passage through the area.
No combustible material of any kind not necessary or beneficial to the licensed business shall be kept on the premises, nor shall the premises be allowed to become a fire hazard.
Gasoline and oil shall be removed from any scrapped engines or vehicles on the premises.
No junk or other material shall be burned on the premises in any incinerator not meeting the requirements of federal, state or city laws, statutes and codes, and no junk or other material shall be burned on the premises in the open except in accordance with the instructions of and under the supervision of the Fire Chief of the appropriate Fire District.
No junkyard shall be allowed to become a nuisance, nor shall any junkyard be operated in such manner as to become injurious to the health, safety or welfare of the community or of any residents close by.
The State Police, the Enforcement Officer, the Supervisor or the Town Board or any of its representatives shall be granted access to the area of the activity of the business of the licensee at all reasonable hours to inspect the same for compliance herewith. The Enforcement Officer shall have all the necessary authority to enforce this chapter.
For the purposes of this chapter, the location of junkyards already established shall be considered approved, provided that such junkyards comply with the fencing, aesthetic provisions and requirements for operation and that they pay the license fee fixed in this chapter commencing with the year January 1, 1985. Such established junkyards shall have 60 days from the date of mailing of notice to them to comply with such provisions of this chapter, which time may be extended with Town Board approval.
The owner of the premises upon which junk, as defined in this chapter, is stored outdoors, a junkyard operator or any person, as defined in this chapter, who commits or permits any acts in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or who fails to comply with the provisions thereof shall be deemed to have committed an offense and a violation of this chapter and shall be liable for any such violation and the penalty therefor. Each week that such violation shall continue or shall be permitted to exist shall constitute a separate violation.
Every such offense, as defined in Subsection A herein, shall be deemed a violation, and the person or business entity violating the same shall be subject to a fine of not more than $250 or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 15 days, or both, for each such violation.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
In addition to the above penalties, the Town of Frankfort may also maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the town, in any court of competent jurisdiction, to compel compliance with this chapter or to restrain by injunction the violation of this chapter or to compel the removal of the same from the premises upon which such junk or junkyard is situate.
Any abandoned motor vehicle found on public or private property and left there after 72 hours' notice to the owner may be removed and disposed of by the Town of Frankfort pursuant to the appropriate provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, or any additions, amendments or substitutions thereto. If notice can not be personally served upon the owner, a notice shall be deemed sufficient if mailed to his last known address by depositing the same in a post office box maintained by the United States government and addressed to said last known residence of the owner. Notice shall be deemed complete 96 hours after the same shall have been so deposited in said post office box.
The Enforcement Officer may grant an extension of time to comply with the requirements of this chapter or waive any of the provisions thereof for good cause shown, subject to the approval of the Town Board.
No officer, agent or employee of the Town of Frankfort shall render himself personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this chapter.