[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Frankfort 8-4-1992 by L.L. No. 2-1992. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Bonfires and outdoor fires — See Ch. 28.
Junkyards — See Ch. 49.
Littering — See Ch. 52.
Use of town facilities — See Ch. 83.
Waste management facilities — See Ch. 86.
Zoning — See Ch. 88.
It is the intent of this chapter to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Frankfort by regulating and controlling the collection and disposal of solid waste within the Town of Frankfort.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person who hauls, carries or takes away solid waste from the premises of another person for disposal.
All other terms not specifically defined in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them by the New York State Solid Waste Management Facilities regulation, 6 NYCRR 360 ("Part 360").
[Amended 4-24-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014; 4-23-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
No person shall engage in the business of collecting or disposing of solid waste within the Town of Frankfort without first obtaining a license from the Town Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Frankfort.
The term "business of collection of solid waste" shall include any person who, incidental to his occupation, hauls, carries or takes away solid waste from the premises of another person for disposal. Any person desiring to engage in the business of collecting or disposing of solid waste shall make application to the Town Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Frankfort setting forth his name, address, the name under which such business is to be conducted, a statement of convictions, if any, and the number and kinds of vehicles to be used in the business.
[Amended 4-24-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014; 4-23-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Each applicant for such license shall provide the following information:
The name and address of the applicant and of all persons having a financial interest in the business.
A brief description of the vehicle, including the manufacturer, factory number, type of body (for example, tank, enclosed pickup, packer, van and so forth), weight of the vehicle unladen, the maximum load to be carried, the vehicle license plate number and the New York State registration number.
[Amended 4-24-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014; 4-23-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
The area or areas served by the vehicle.
The location where the vehicle is stored or garaged when not in use.
The place or places where the applicant shall dispose of the solid waste collected and the manner of disposal.
Whether the applicant or any of the persons having a financial interest in the business has ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor or has ever had an operator's license revoked or suspended in this or any other state.
Proof of financial responsibility in the event of injury to persons or property by reason of the negligent operation of any vehicle used in the business.
The Town Board may require any additional information it may deem necessary from an individual applicant as is necessary to administer the regulations enumerated in this chapter.
[Amended 4-24-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014; 4-23-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
The fee for such license shall be $50 for each year or portion thereof to which said license applies. Such license shall entitle the holder thereof to operate and maintain waste collection vehicles in the business of collecting and disposing of solid waste. The fee shall accompany the application for the license.
[Amended 4-24-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014; 4-23-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Each motor vehicle or truck maintained or operated in the business of solid waste collection and disposal must have the license issued by the Town Code Enforcement Officer, for each motor vehicle or truck, affixed to it in a conspicuous place on said motor vehicle or truck.
Such license shall be effective from the first day of January or from the date when issued until the 31st day of December of the same year and may be renewed in the month of December for the succeeding year and shall be subject to the same conditions as the original license.
No license issued under this chapter shall be transferable.
Any license issued pursuant to § 50-4 of this chapter may be suspended or revoked by the Town Board after notice to the applicant and a hearing where one or more of the following grounds exist:
The applicant has not been found to be fit, willing and able to properly perform the service proposed, and the applicant is unable to provide sufficient and suitable equipment to meet the requirements of the business.
Issuance of the license is deemed not to be in the best interests of the town or its residents.
The applicant has failed and refused, without reasonable cause, to collect and dispose of material except in a situation where a contract between the applicant and his customer has been lawfully terminated.
The applicant has failed to account for or pay, without reasonable cause, any fees or bills due to the town.
The applicant has failed to reasonably fulfill his obligations to a customer as a commercial solid waste collector.
The applicant is insolvent or has made a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or has been adjudged bankrupt or a money judgment has been secured against him, upon which an execution has been returned wholly or partly unsatisfied.
The applicant has failed to keep and maintain any records required by the town or has refused to allow the inspection thereof.
The applicant has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or has failed to comply with any of the requirements stipulated herein.
The applicant ceased to operate as a commercial collector, for which a license was previously issued.
The applicant has made a willful false statement in his license application.
The circumstances of the applicant have been altered to the extent that the applicant would not be qualified to obtain a license if the circumstances as altered existed at the time the applicant had applied for the license. Failure of the applicant to notify the town in writing of such an alteration in circumstances shall likewise constitute grounds for revocation or refusal to recommend.
The applicant has been adjudicated by a body of competent jurisdiction to have disposed of solid waste at a solid waste management facility within the town in violation of applicable state or federal laws regulating the disposal of hazardous or toxic solid wastes.
The applicant has been found to have violated any of the posted rules pertaining to safe operation of the town-owned and/or maintained public disposal facilities.
A licensed transporter of solid waste in the Town of Frankfort failed to comply with the weight limits on roads and bridges in the Town of Frankfort.
Any vehicle used for the collection, transportation or disposal of solid waste shall:
Be so equipped as to prevent leakage of its contents.
Be watertight and so covered that no part of the load shall blow, leak or spill.
Be available for inspection by duly authorized agents of the Town of Frankfort prior to and after the issuance of a license pursuant to this chapter.
Display the name of the company owning the vehicle upon the body of the vehicle.
All licensed transporters shall remove and clean any solid waste spilled upon any public or private road or property within the Town of Frankfort from any vehicle of any licensed transporter carrying solid waste to a solid waste management facility and shall have equipment and personnel available at all times for such cleaning and removal.
No licensed transporter of solid waste in the town shall park his vehicle along any road in the town prior to the solid waste having been removed from such vehicle.
Editor's Note: Former §§ 50-11, Disposal and processing of solid waste at approval site, and 50-12, Tipping fee, were repealed 2-21-1995 by L.L. No. 1-1995. For current provisions, see Ch. 86, Water Management Facilities.
No person shall collect, store, accumulate, throw, cast, deposit or dispose of or cause or permit to be collected, stored, accumulated, thrown, cast, deposited or disposed of any solid waste upon any premises or upon any street, highway, sidewalk or public place within the Town of Frankfort except when authorized by the Town Board.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to prevent:
The temporary accumulation of solid waste by a resident of the town upon premises occupied by him, to the extent that such accumulation is ordinary and necessary for his personal household requirements.
The disposal of solid waste at any solid waste management facility maintained or authorized by the Town of Frankfort.
The proper use of receptacles placed upon the streets or other public places in the Town of Frankfort for the depositing of solid waste; provided, however, that such public receptacles shall not be used for the deposit of accumulated household garbage.
The engaging in secondhand junk and auto parts activities and businesses when a license therefor has been obtained pursuant to the provisions of the Frankfort town law licensing and regulating secondhand junk and auto parts activities and businesses.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 49, Junkyards.
In addition to any action taken or which may be taken by the Codes Enforcement Officer, the Town Board reserves the right to suspend or revoke permission for use of the solid waste management facility upon adjudication and finding by a body with competent jurisdiction of a breach of any of the provisions of this chapter or commission of any crime or violation of the Penal Law or other statute involving the use or attempted use of the solid waste management facility; provided, however, that prior to taking such action, the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on not less than 10 days' notice, by certified mail, to the offender's last known address, and if no address is known, by actual service of notice, if possible, or if personal service is not possible, on not less than 10 days' notice by publication in the official newspaper of the Town of Frankfort.
Any person committing an offense against any provision of this chapter shall, upon adjudication and conviction by a body with competent jurisdiction, be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine not exceeding $25,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The continuation of an offense against the provisions of this chapter shall constitute, for each day the offense is continued, a separate and distinct offense hereunder.
Any person, upon adjudication and finding by a body with competent jurisdiction, of committing an offense against this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty enforceable and collectible by the town in the amount not to exceed $1,000.
In addition to the above-provided penalties, the Town Board may also maintain an action or proceeding in the name of the town in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the violation of this chapter.
All local laws or ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed except that such repeal shall not affect the validity of any criminal prosecution, civil action or proceeding or administrative proceeding commenced or pending.