The provisions of this article shall apply except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device.
Wherever a space shall be marked off on the surface of any street or public parking lot for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle there parked shall be parked within the lines bounding such space.
Editor’s Note: Former § 390-55, Parking between curbs and sidewalks restricted, was repealed 6-6-2017.
No person shall park any vehicle in the following areas:
On either side of a street upon which fronts a building occupied by a Fire Department or fire hose company within the extension and projection of the side lines of the building.
On any street in such manner as to block any public or private drive, sidewalk or crosswalk.
In front of or within 15 feet of either side of the entrance of any theater, auditorium, bank, hospital, funeral home or other building when large assemblages of persons are being held, except briefly to take on or discharge passengers or freight.
In any manner which blocks or obstructs the flow of traffic on any street.
[1]On any street for the purpose of advertising a vehicle for sale.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection E, prohibiting parking on any City streets between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. except by permit, was repealed 6-6-2017. This resolution also provided for the redesignation of former Subsections F and G as Subsections E and F, respectively.
At the curbs of center malls or medians on any street.
In designated bike lanes.
[Added 5-5-2020]
No parking at designated EV charging stations unless charging a plug-in electric vehicle at said station.
[Added 7-13-2021]
Authorized municipal officials. The following areas are hereby designated as special purpose parking areas and the parking of vehicles other than those herein authorized is prohibited:
That area immediately behind City Hall Building on Garraghan Drive, inside the cement wall, which is outside the police station, shall be designated as "Restricted Parking for Authorized Police Vehicles Only," and signs shall be posted or painted on said wall designating said area; also, two parking spaces designated for the Mayor and City Judge, to be solely for their use or those authorized by them.
Designated parking for handicapped persons.
No person driving or having any vehicle in his charge or under his control shall park or permit the same to be parked or left standing upon any street or streets or parts thereof or upon any public parking lot or garage or upon any public off-street parking area which is designated and reserved for the exclusive use of the handicapped unless such person possesses a valid special parking permit as provided herein. Anyone found in violation of this subsection shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $75 for the first offense and $75 to $150 for the second offense occurring within a period of two years within the City of Kingston.
[Amended 2-4-1992; 2-4-1997]
The Chief of the Kingston Police Department or his delegate is hereby designated the issuing agent for special parking permits for the handicapped in a form prescribed by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles in accordance with the requirements of § 1203-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law and the guidelines promulgated by the State Advocate for the Disabled.
The following locations are hereby designated and reserved for the exclusive use of handicapped persons as provided herein and shall be marked by the installation of appropriate signs:
Name of Street
Abbey Street
[Added 5-4-1993]
At 29 Abbey Street
Abeel Street
[Added 8-1-1995]
At 109 Abeel Street
Abruyn Street
[Added 10-6-2015]
At 67 Abruyn Street
Abruyn Street
[Added 1-4-2022]
At 71 Abruyn Street
Abruyn Street
[Added 10-5-2010]
In front of Ponckhockie Congregational Church, 93 Abruyn Street; space to be placed near telephone pole in front of Church, in a northern direction
Andrew Street
[Added 6-2-1987]
Commencing at the easterly side of the cut driveway behind the Knights of Columbus Building
Augusta Street
[Added 9-12-2001]
In front of 12 Augusta Street (Coach House Players), 20-minute pickup and dropoff only
Augusta Street
[Added 11-10-2009]
2 spaces, starting 15 feet from the corner
Brewster Street
[Added 8-2-2011]
At 18 Brewster Street
[Added 9-12-2001]
At 1 Broadway, 20-minute pickup and dropoff only
[Added 3-4-2008]
At 11 Broadway (second parking space on Broadway at the corner of West Strand)
[Added 4-4-2023]
At 70 Broadway
[Added 2-5-2002]
At 358 Broadway
[Added 11-12-1996]
Handicapped metered parking at Meter No. 375, fronting 474 Broadway
[Added 11-12-1996]
First 2 parking spaces from ramp, southeast side, in the Municipal Parking Lot at 476-478 Broadway
[Added 7-6-1993]
At 526 Broadway
[Added 7-8-1997; 8-5-1997]
At the foot of Broadway at West Strand Park, twenty-minute pickup and dropoff only
[Added 10-3-1989]
East side of entrance to UPAC
[Added 7-11-1989]
Metered space in front of UPAC office, west side of entrance
[Added 7-7-1998]
At 642 Broadway, westerly side of building
[Added 3-7-2023]
At 779 Broadway
Broadway/Grand Street Mini Park
[Added 5-3-1994]
The first 2 meters will be handicapped parking only
Bruyn Avenue
[Added 6-5-2001]
At 157 Bruyn Avenue
Bruyn Avenue
[Added 6-3-2008]
At 159 Bruyn Avenue
Catherine Street
[Added 7-12-2022]
From the curb cut at 240 Catherine Street
Catherine Street
From a point 66 feet west of Sycamore Street to a point 46 feet west thereof
Cedar Street
[Added 12-5-2007]
At 65 Cedar Street
Cedar Street
[Added 11-1-1994]
At 76 Cedar Street
Cedar Street
[Added 11-6-2003]
At 125 Cedar Street
Center Street
[Added 3-5-1996]
At 12 Center Street
City Hall Parking Lot exit drive
[Amended 9-2-1986]
First 2 parking spaces in the aisle directly adjacent to the entrance
City Hall Parking Lot
2 spaces
Clifton Avenue
[Added 12-5-2007]
At 75 Clifton Avenue
Clifton Avenue
[Added 1-9-2007]
Meade Street side of property at 326 Clifton Avenue
Clinton Avenue
[Added 5-3-2022]
At 16 Clinton Avenue
Clinton Avenue
[Added 1-4-2022]
At 47 Clinton Avenue
Clinton Avenue
[Added 2-3-2015]
At 51 Clinton Avenue
Clinton Avenue
[Added 9-1-2015]
At 79 Clinton Avenue
Clinton Avenue
[Added 7-5-2011]
At 88 Clinton Avenue
Clinton Avenue
In front of No. 108 Clinton Avenue, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Delaware Avenue
[Added 3-10-2015]
At 533 Delaware Avenue
Delaware Avenue
[Added 10-4-2016]
In front of 612 Delaware Avenue (2 spots)
Dederick Street
[Added 7-3-2012]
In the first space from Broadway on Dederick Street
Derrenbacher Street
[Added 4-6-2010]
At 14 Derrenbacher Street
Derrenbacher Street
[Added 9-4-2012]
At 37 Derrenbacher Street
Downs Street
[Added 8-1-2000]
At 68 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 8-7-2001]
At 84 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 5-7-2013]
At 117 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 5-1-2012]
At 119 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 12-6-2022]
At 120 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 3-7-1995]
At 146 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 7-2-2024]
At 170 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 8-4-1992]
At 173 Downs Street
Downs Street
[Added 5-1-2018]
In front of 206 Downs Street
East Chester Street
[Added 6-3-1997]
At 219 East Chester Street on the south side of Cassidy Street near the corner of East Chester Street and Cassidy Street
East Union Street
[Added 1-7-2020]
At 251 East Union Street
Elmendorf Street
[Added 12-6-2016]
In front of 41 Elmendorf Street
Elmendorf Street
[Added 12-1-1998]
At 62 Elmendorf Street
Elmendorf Street
[Added 7-9-1996]
At 68 Elmendorf Street
Elmendorf Street
[Added 6-7-2000]
At 88 Elmendorf Street
Elmendorf Street
[Added 7-11-2023 ]
At 100 Elmendorf Street
Elmendorf Street
[Added  7-13-1999]
At 179 Elmendorf Street
Elmendorf Street
[Added 4-3-2012]
At 231 Elmendorf Street
Fair Street
[Added 12-3-1996]
At 260 Fair Street
Fair Street
[Added 8-5-1997]
Near 275 Fair Street at meter 248
Fair Street
[Added 7-9-1996]
(Front of Fair Street Church) at Meter 299 and Meter 1016
Fairview Avenue
[Added 3-5-2002; amended 3-1-2022]
In front of 79 Fairview Avenue
Foxhall Avenue
[Added 2-6-2007]
At 45 Foxhall Avenue
Franklin Street
[Added 7-13-2010]
At 56-58 Franklin Street
Franklin Street
[Added 12-4-2012]
At 84 Franklin Street
Franklin Street
[Added 12-3-1991 and 1-4-2011]
At 107 Franklin Street
Franklin Street
[Added 11-12-2008]
At 128 Franklin Street
Franklin Street
[Added 1-9-2024]
At 171 Franklin Street
Gage Street
[Added 8-4-2009]
At 86 Gage Street
German Street
[Added 5-7-2019]
At 49 German Street
German Street
[Added 9-7-2017]
In front of 51 German Street
German Street
[Added 1-4-2022; amended 2-10-2022]
At 55 German Street (across the street from 56-58 German Street)
German Street
[Added 10-7-1986]
1 parking space at 63 German Street
Gill Street
[Added 11-14-2000]
At 31 Gill Street
Gill Street
[Added 8-2-2005]
At 49 Gill Street
Grand Street
[Added 10-1-1996]
At 27 Grand Street; drop off and pickup only
Green Street
[Added 7-12-2022]
At 115 Green Street
Green Street
[Added 10-3-2023]
At 124 Green Street
Greenkill Avenue
[Added 6-7-1994; amended 3-7-2000]
At 107 Greenkill Avenue (2 contiguous spaces)
Greenkill Avenue
[Added 6-7-2022]
At 193 Greenkill Avenue
Greenkill Avenue
[Added 11-10-2015]
At 210 Greenkill Avenue
Greenkill Avenue
[Added 7-11-1989]
90 feet from Sterling Street in a westerly direction
Green Street
[Added 8-17-2005]
In front of 12 Green Street, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. the next day
Green Street
[Added 8-17-2005]
Opposite 12 Green Street, Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. the next day
Green Street
In front of No. 37 Green Street
Green Street
[Added 9-12-2006]
At 77 Green Street
Green Street
[Added 9-12-2006]
At 78 Green Street
Green Street (Main Street side)
[Added 2-6-2001]
At 83 Green Street
Green Street
[Added 9-3-2002]
At 159 Green Street
Grove Street
[Added 3-2-1993]
At 26 Grove Street, 2 parking spaces just prior to the intersection of Crane Street extended
Grove Street
[Added 7-11-1989]
First space at intersection of Crane Street
Hasbrouck Avenue
[Added 2-3-1998]
At 346 Hasbrouck Avenue
Hasbrouck Avenue
[Added 3-3-1987]
At 426 Hasbrouck Avenue
Hasbrouck Avenue
[Added 2-7-2012]
At 438 Hasbrouck Avenue
Hemlock Avenue
[Added 11-12-1996; repealed 7-11-2023 ]
Henry Street
[Added 9-12-2006]
At 70 Henry Street
Henry Street
[Added 9-12-2006]
At 74 Henry Street
Henry Street
[Added 5-2-2006]
At 83 Henry Street
Henry Street
[Added 8-3-2004]
Two spaces at 86 Henry Street
Henry Street
[Added 12-1-2015]
At 93 Henry Street
Henry Street
[Added 6-5-2007]
At 206 Henry Street
Highland Avenue
[Added 12-6-2016]
In front of 160 Highland Avenue
Hone Street
[Added 8-7-2001]
At 8 Hone Street (Progressive Missionary Baptist Church), 20-minute pickup and drop off only
Hone Street
[Added 2-5-2013]
At 88 Hone Street
Hone Street
[Added 11-12-2019; 12-3-2019]
At 103 Hone Street
Hone Street
[Added 12-1-2020]
At 110 Hone Street
Hunter Street
[Added 5-4-2004; 4-2-2019]
At 16 Hunter Street
Hunter Street
[Added 3-3-2020]
At 66 Hunter Street
Hunter Street
[Added 12-1-2015]
At 78 Hunter Street
Hunter Street
[Added 9-12-2000]
At 100 Hunter Street
Hunter Street
[Added 11-6-2003]
At 114 Hunter Street
Hunter Street
[Added 12-2-1997]
On Hunter Street near the corner of Wurts Street by handicap ramp (18 Wurts Street Ola Mae Knox, Permit No. 4875722)
Janet Street
[Added 11-2-2005; amended 4-5-2016, approved 4-6-2016]
At 35 Janet Street
Jansen Avenue
[Added 1-5-1995 and 11-9-2010]
At 129 Jansen Avenue
Jansen Avenue
[Added 2-5-2002]
From the Jansen Avenue driveway cut of 65 Prince Street, east for 1 vehicle length
Jarrold Street
[Added 8-7-2018]
In front of 19 Jarrold Street
John Street
[Added 4-7-2009]
Last metered space at the corner of Fair Street
Kings Point parking section
[Added 8-3-1999]
Four spaces along the fence area by the BMX track
Levan Street
[Added 2-5-2002]
At 41 Levan Street, 2 spaces, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Levan Street
[Added 2-5-2002]
At 42 Levan Street, 2 spaces, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Levan Street
[Added 11-6-2002]
At 43 Levan Street (1 space)
Levan Street
[Added 10-5-2021]
At 45 Levan Street
Liberty Street
[Added 4-4-1989]
At 63 Liberty Street
Liberty Street
[Added 3-5-2024]
At 65 Liberty Street
Linderman Avenue
[Added 1-9-2024]
126 Linderman Avenue
Lindsley Avenue
[Added 3-6-2012]
At 28 Lindsley Avenue
Linwood Place
[Added 12-1-2020]
At 10 Linwood Place
Livingston Street
[Added 10-6-2009]
At 22 Livingston Street
Main Street
[Added 7-9-1996]
Front of Post Office
Main Street
[Added 9-1-2015]
At 100 Main Street
Maiden Lane
[Added 6-2-1987]
6 - 8 Maiden Lane
Maiden Lane
[Added 8-5-2008]
At 110 and 111 Maiden Lane
Meade Street
[Added 10-2-1990]
At East Chester Street
Midtown Municipal Parking Lot
[Added 12-5-2007]
At the corner of Thomas Street and Saccoman Lane, 2 spaces
Montrepose Avenue
[Added 12-6-2005]
At 57 Montrepose Avenue
Municipal Parking Lot (349-355 Broadway)
[Added 12-5-2007]
First two spots on the right side
Municipal Parking Lot (656 - 658 Broadway)
Meter No. 753
Municipal Parking Lot (Wilbur Avenue)
[Added 9-7-2010]
Across from 425 Wilbur Avenue (1 space)
Murray Street
[Added 2-1-2000]
At 150 Murray Street (20-minute handicapped parking - St. Clara's Church)
North Street
[Added 4-7-1998]
At 14 North Street
North Front Street
[Added 2-3-1998]
First meter from the intersection of Crown Street (Peace Park) metered handicapped parking
North Front Street
[Added 4-3-2012]
At 58 North Front Street
North Front Street
[Added 7-7-1998]
At 86 North Front Street (20-minute handicapped parking -Nekos/Dedericks Pharmacy)
North Front Street
[Added 8-5-2008]
At former entrance of parking garage (3 metered spaces parallel to street)
North Front Street Parking Lots
[Added 8-2-1988]
2 parking spaces in each of the parking lots
North Front Street Parking Lot (south lot)
[Added 8-5-2008]
Left side of lot against 70 North Front Street (3 spaces)
O'Neil Street
[Added 8-2-2022]
At 21 O'Neil Street
O'Neil Street
[Added 2-3-1998]
At 84 O'Neil Street
O'Neil Street
[Added 10-7-2008]
At 86 O'Neil Street
O'Neil Street
[Added 4-4-2023]
At 131 O'Neil Street
O'Neil Street
[Added 11-10-1998]
At 132 O'Neil Street
Oak Street
[Added 11-14-2017]
In front of 28 Oak Street
Orchard Street
[Added 11-13-2001]
At 33 Orchard Street
Pearl Street
[Added 8-1-2000]
At 26 Pearl Street
Pearl Street
[Added 3-7-2006]
At 60 Pearl Street
Pine Grove Avenue
[Added 7-8-2016]
At 46 Pine Grove Avenue
Pine Grove Avenue
[Added 7-1-2008]
At 54 Pine Grove Avenue
Pine Grove Avenue
[Added 9-12-2006]
At 136 Pine Grove Avenue
Pine Grove Avenue
[Added 9-3-1985]
Commencing at a point 194 feet from the intersection of Broadway and continuing for a distance of 20 feet, plus or minus
Pine Street
[Added 7-1-2003]
At 127 Pine Street
Pine Street
[Added 7-7-2009]
At 145 Pine Street
Ponckhockie Street
[Added 3-7-2023]
At 35 Ponckhockie Street
Ponckhockie Street
[Added 5-7-1991]
At 38 Ponckhockie Street
President's Place
[Added 6-7-1994]
In front of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (2 spaces)
President’s Place
[Added 10-4-2005]
At side entrance of Evangelical Lutheran Church (3 spaces)
Ravine Street
[Added 7-9-1996]
At 49 Ravine Street
Russell Street
[Added 3-7-2006]
At 9 - 11 Russell Street
St. James Street
[Added 8-4-2015]
In front of 10 St. James Street
St. James Street
[Added 6-5-2001]
At 43 St. James Street
St. James Street
[Added 10-3-2023]
68 St. James Street
St. James Street
[Added 3-4-2003]
At 97 St. James Street
St. James Street
[Added 7-1-2014]
In front of 109 St. James Street
St. James Street
[Added 2-3-2011]
At 138-140 St. James Street
Schryver Court
[Added 7-2-2024]
At 10 Schryver Court
Second Avenue
[Added 12-3-2019]
At 47 Second Avenue
Shufeldt Street
[Added 3-3-2020]
At 32 Shufeldt Street
Shufeldt Street
[Added 8-2-2022]
At 34 Shufeldt Street
Smith Avenue
[Added 5-4-1993]
At 27 - 31 Smith Avenue Leahy Funeral Home
Smith Avenue
[Added 9-12-2006]
At 36 Smith Avenue
Smith Avenue
[Added 4-2-1991]
At 52 Smith Avenue
Smith Avenue
[Added 7-7-2009]
At 70 Smith Avenue
Smith Street
[Added 10-6-1987]
1 parking space at the Cornell Street intersection (U.S. Post Office)
South Clinton Avenue
[Added 4-3-2018]
In front of 30 South Clinton Avenue
South Manor Avenue
[Added 7-12-2016]
In front of 69 South Manor Avenue
South Prospect Street
[Added 11-10-2021]
In front of 27 South Prospect Street
Spring Street
[Added 3-3-1987]
At 87 Spring Street
Spring Street
[Added 11-1-2011]
At 91 Spring Street (corner of Russell Street and Spring Street)
Spring Street
[Added 7-7-2009]
At 101 Spring Street
Spring Street
[Added 6-2-2020]
At 102 Spring Street
Spring Street
[Added 4-7-2009]
15 feet from Broadway
Spring Street
[Added 5-4-2004]
At 138 to 144 Spring Street (opposite 139 Spring Street)
Stephan Street
[Added 7-8-2016]
At 65 Stephan Street
Stephan Street
[Added 10-5-2021]
At 66 Stephan Street
Sterling Street
[Added 2-2-1988]
At 12 Sterling Street
Sterling Street
[Added 5-6-1997]
At 39 Sterling Street
Sycamore Street
[Added 9-13-2016]
In front of 45 Sycamore Street
Sycamore Street
[Added 11-2-2005]
At 47 Sycamore Street
Teller Street
[Added 11-12-2008]
At 3 Teller Street
Ten Broeck Avenue
From a point 60 feet west of Cornell Street to a point 180 feet west thereof (driveway entrance)
Ten Broeck Avenue
[Added 5-5-2015]
At 200 Ten Broeck Avenue
Third Avenue
[Added 2-1-2005]
At 37 Third Avenue
Third Avenue
[Added 1-7-2020]
At 47 Third Avenue
Third Avenue
[Added 6-2-2009]
North of the driveway at 265 Third Avenue
Tremper Avenue
[Added 7-5-2011]
At 164 Tremper Avenue
Tremper Avenue
[Added 4-5-2016, approved 4-6-2016]
At 175 Tremper Avenue
Tubby Street
[Added 7-12-2005]
At 57 Tubby Street
Tubby Street
[Added 8-7-2018]
In front of 91 Tubby Street
Van Buren Street
[Added 9-1-2015]
At 6 Van Buren Street
Van Buren Street
[Added 12-2-1997]
At 33 Van Buren Street
Van Buren Street
[Added 4-4-2023]
At 48 Van Buren Street
Van Buren Street
[Added 1-4-2022]
At 51 Van Buren Street
Van Buren Street
[Added 10-1-2019]
At 60 Van Buren Street
Van Deusen Street
[Added 5-7-2019]
At 38 Van Deusen Street
Van Deusen Street
[Added 4-2-2019]
At 52 Van Deusen Street
Van Deusen Street
[Added 9-2-2014]
At 54 Van Deusen Street
Wall Street
[Added 2-5-2008]
At 109 Wall Street
Wall Street
[Added 9-1-2015]
At 242 Wall Street (Meter No. 316)
Wall Street
[Added 3-2-1999; amended 4-5-2005]
At 284 Wall Street
Wall Street
[Added 4-5-2005]
308 -- 310 Wall Street
Wall Street
[Added 12-5-1989]
From the northerly cut of the driveway at 145 Wall Street to the intersection of Warren Street
Wall Street
[Added 7-13-2021]
At 325 Wall Street
Wall Street
[Added 10-5-2021]
On the left side of meter 324, located on or near 325 Wall Street
Walnut Street
[Added 5-2-2017]
In front of 2 Walnut Street
Walnut Street
[Added 8-1-2006]
At 5 Walnut Street
Walnut Street
[Added 8-7-2018]
In front of 10 Walnut Street
Washington Avenue
[Added 10-7-2014]
In front of 15 Washington Avenue
Washington Avenue
[Added 9-4-2012, approved 9-6-2012]
At 69 Washington Avenue
Washington Avenue
[Added 12-1-2009]
At 345 Washington Avenue
Washington Avenue
[Added 10-3-2000]
At 347 Washington Avenue
West Chestnut Street
[Added 5-1-2012]
At 214 West Chestnut Street
West Chestnut Street
[Added 12-5-2023]
At 276 West Chestnut Street
West O'Reilly Street
[Added 6-8-2010]
At 18 West O’Reilly Street, 2 spaces in front of the American Legion
West O'Reilly Street
[Added 4-2-1996]
At 48 West O'Reilly Street
West Pierpont Street
[Added 8-2-2011]
At 112 West Pierpont Street
West Strand
[Added 9-2-1986]
1 parking space (approximately 20 feet) at the intersection of Broadway
West Strand
[Added 9-12-2001]
2 spots in the parking lot by the Rip Van Winkle boarding area, 20-minute pickup and dropoff only
West Strand Park
[Added 11-12-1996]
Two spaces to the right of the access gate/chain to the docking area from West Strand Park
West Union Street
[Added 10-3-2017]
In front of 19 West Union Street
West Union Street
[Added 12-5-2007]
At 77 West Union Street
Wiltwyck Avenue
[Added 4-5-2016, approved 4-6-2016]
At 47 Wiltwyck Avenue
Wurts Street
[Added 8-5-1997]
In front of the Redeemer Lutheran Church elevator
Wurts Street
[Added 2-2-1999]
Commencing from the end of the existing handicapped parking at the Redeemer Lutheran Church and continuing to Rogers Street (total of 3 spaces)
Wurts Street
[Added 4-14-1992]
2 spaces, commencing 65 feet from the intersection of Spring Street and continuing in a northerly direction for a distance of 40 feet (St. Mark's A.M.E. Church)
Wurts Street
[Added 8-1-2000]
At 93 Wurts Street (St. Peter's Rectory), 2 spaces
Wurts Street
[Added 8-1-2023 ]
At 100 Wurts Street
Wurts Street
[Added 12-6-2005]
At 102 Wurts Street
Wurts Street
[Added 11-2-2005]
At 107 Wurts Street, starting 40 feet from the existing handicap space and extending standard 20 feet
Wynkoop Place
[Added 12-3-2019]
Approximately 60 feet from the Wynkoop Place/Foxhall Avenue intersection
Ambulette parking.
[Added 11-1-2011]
Two ambulette-only parking spaces on the westbound side of Broadway, just west of the Foxhall Avenue intersection.
The parking or standing of vehicles is hereby prohibited at all times in the locations described in Schedule XIV.
The standing of vehicles at any time is hereby prohibited in the locations described in Schedule XV.
[Added 2-5-2013]
The standing of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the locations described in Schedule XXVIII during the times and days indicated.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the locations described in Schedule XVI during the times indicated of any day except Sundays and holidays.
The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the locations described in Schedule XVII for a longer period of time than that designated, during the hours indicated of any day except Saturdays, Sundays and/or holidays as indicated.
A system of alternate-side parking is hereby established and the parking of vehicles is prohibited on the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XVIII, on the side indicated during the days and hours designated.
Vehicles shall be parked at an angle to the curb within the lines designating parking spaces on the streets and locations described in Schedule XIX.
[Amended 4-3-1990; 12-16-1999; 3-4-2003; 6-8-2004; 2-5-2013]
The Common Council hereby finds and declares as a matter of legislative determination and by the authority of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law that it is in the best interests of the inhabitants of the City of Kingston to expedite the removal of snow on the public streets so as to prevent the congestion of traffic and to expedite the orderly movement thereof during snow and other natural emergencies.
Declaration of snow emergency; parking prohibited.
Criteria for declaration of emergency.
A snow emergency may be declared throughout the City of Kingston when snow is imminent; or when the National Weather Service, other national weather forecast or Ulster County Office of Emergency Management declares a storm watch; or whenever road conditions become hazardous such that the free movement of fire, health, police or other vehicular traffic may become impeded by reason of snow, freezing rain, sleet or other natural causes.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection B(1)(a), a snow emergency throughout the City of Kingston shall become automatic after the accumulation of snow within the City to the level of three inches. The level of three inches which shall automatically invoke the provision of this section shall be as officially measured by the Department of Public Works at the Public Works complex located at 464 Hasbrouck Avenue, Kingston, New York.
A snow emergency in the City of Kingston may be declared in accordance with Subsection B(1) by the Mayor, Superintendent of Public Works or his/her designee. The City of Kingston shall issue public announcements concerning snow emergencies by any means reasonably calculated to inform vehicle owners and operators, but it shall not be a defense to a charge of violating snow emergency regulations that the vehicle operator or owner was unaware of any such announcement.
Duration of declared emergency.
The emergency so declared shall be deemed to continue for a period of 48 hours unless terminated by the Mayor, Superintendent of Public Works or his/her designee.
Continuation of the emergency beyond the forty-eight-hour time period shall be conveyed to the public by the Mayor, Superintendent of Public Works or his/her designee through the media.
The Mayor, Superintendent of Public Works or his/her designee may restrict parking in designated areas for additional snow removal, Temporary signage will be posted in such additional designated areas, which will constitute notice of the temporary additional restrictions.
[Added 12-5-2017; approved 12-6-2017]
During a snow emergency, as declared in accordance with Subsection B(1), commencing two hours after declaration of the snow emergency as set forth herein, after 48 hours have elapsed from the commencement of the snow emergency, the snow emergency will be officially declared ended, unless such emergency is continued as specified in § 390-64B(3)(b) of this article.
[Amended 12-5-2017; approved 12-6-2017]
This section shall be applicable to the following streets:
[Added 11-10-2021]
Hurley Avenue.
Schwenck Drive.
Lucas Avenue.
Washington Avenue.
Greenkill Avenue.
Wilbur Avenue.
Abeel Street.
O'Reilly Street.
Albany Avenue.
Foxhall Avenue.
Flatbush Avenue.
Clifton Avenue.
East Chester Street.
Garden Street.
Hasbrouck Avenue.
Delaware Avenue.
North Street.
East Strand.
Pearl Street.
Linderman Avenue.
Elaine Drive.
Garraghan Drive.
Frog Alley.
Cornell Street.
Andrew Street.
Marys Avenue.
Alternate side of the street parking as set forth in § 390-64B(6) shall remain in effect until 24 hours after the termination of a snow emergency. Any car interfering with the removal of snow during the 24 hours following the termination of a snow emergency shall be subject to the penalties provided hereinafter.
[Amended 12-5-2017; approved 12-6-2017]
Alternate side parking.
[Added 7-1-2014, approved 7-2-2014[3]]
There shall be alternate side of the street parking during snow emergencies throughout the City of Kingston, except on dead-end streets as set forth in Subsection B(6)(b) below.
[Amended 12-5-2017; approved 12-6-2017]
During snow emergencies, there shall be no parking on any dead-end street.
[Amended 12-5-2017; approved 12-6-2017]
Upon commencement of a snow emergency, in designated snow emergency alternate side parking zones, vehicular parking will be permitted on the odd side of the street on odd-numbered days and on the even side of the street on even-numbered days.
At 7:00 a.m. the subsequent day, vehicles will switch to the opposite side of the street.
[Amended 12-5-2017; approved 12-6-2017]
During snow emergencies, any pre-existing parking restrictions which designates or prohibits parking on a particular side of the street and pre-existing handicap parking regulations, will be temporarily superseded by snow emergency alternate side of the street parking restrictions.
All other parking restrictions set forth by the Common Council, such as but not limited to “no parking 50 feet from any street corner”, “no parking at fire hydrants”, and no parking in a way to block a lawful driveway” shall remain in full force and effect.
[Amended 12-5-2017; approved 12-6-2017[4]]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also repealed former Subsection B(6)(g), prohibiting parking on dead-end streets during snow emergencies, which immediately followed this subsection.
Editor's Note: This resolution also provided for the renumbering of Subsection B(6) through (10) as Subsection B(7) through (11), respectively.
A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $100, and, in addition, the violator shall be responsible for all fees for towing as set forth below.
This section shall be in effect commencing the 15th day of November each year and continuing until the 15th day of April the following year.
The Department of Public Works shall post signs at the main highway entrances to the City of Kingston advising the general public that snow emergency rules shall be in effect commencing the 15th day of November of each year and continuing until the 15th day of April the following year.
The City of Kingston Police Department, Code enforcers, Building and Safety personnel, Safety Officer and parking enforcers are hereby authorized and directed to take the necessary actions to enforce the provisions of this section, including the towing of vehicles in violation of this section, as set forth below, and they are authorized to issue appearance tickets for violation of this section.
The declaration of an emergency as specified above, including the time when said emergency was declared, shall be conveyed to the public by radio and/or the City website, which shall constitute notice to the general public of such an emergency.
Removal, impounding and return of vehicles. Those individuals identified in Subsection B(9) above are authorized to initiate a vehicle removal from a city street by contacting the Kingston Police Department. The Police Department shall arrange for the removal of said vehicle from a street to the nearest garage or other place of safety, including another place on a street, or to a garage designated or maintained by the Police Department or otherwise maintained by this City, when the vehicle is parked on any street, highway or roadway in violation of the provisions of Subsection B(4) or B(5) above.
Editor's Note: Res. No. 176-2014, adopted 10-7-2014, provided that “the Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized to implement alternate side of the street parking during snow emergencies in additional target zones up to and including those zones set forth in the annexed attachments.” Said attachments are on file in the City offices.
Editor’s Note: Res. No. 56-2015, adopted 3-10-2015, provided that “the Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized to implement alternate side of the street parking policies during snow emergencies for the entire City of Kingston, at his/her discretion.”
[Added 8-5-2003; amended 10-7-2003]
A system of zoned parking is hereby established as follows:
Parking for vehicles is hereby permitted in the locations described in Schedule XXVI for a period of two hours once per day, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Parking for vehicles is hereby permitted in the locations described in Schedule XXVII for a period of four hours once per day, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.