[R.O. 2008 § 402.260; Ord. No. 5752 § 1, 12-8-2011]
Establishment. There shall be a Tree Advisory Committee in which the Committee shall be primarily responsible for cooperating with all City departments in the development of the City's annual tree plan.
Membership Of The Tree Advisory Committee. The Landscape Manager and Landscape Division staff shall assume all the responsibilities and duties of the Tree Advisory Committee as set forth in this Article, and each member of the Landscape Division shall be a member of the Tree Advisory Committee.
[R.O. 2008 § 402.270; Ord. No. 5752 § 1, 12-8-2011]
Responsibility. The Tree Advisory Committee shall have the responsibility to participate in the writing and implementing of the City's annual tree plan which plan shall set forth goals for the City with respect to the planting, pruning, maintenance and removal of trees within the City.
Duties. The Tree Advisory Committee shall fulfill the following duties:
Meet on an as-needed basis to fulfill the duties set forth in this Article for the Tree Advisory Committee.
Document the condition of the trees within the City and create the City's annual tree plan.
Receive citizen comment on the condition of the trees within the City and make recommendations regarding the City's annual tree plan.
Assist in the planning, advertise the occurrence, and participate in the recognition of the City's annual Arbor Day activities.
Work in conjunction with all other City boards, commissions and staff to improve the urban forest within the City.