[R.O. 2008 § 700.280; R.O. 2007 § 700.280; Ord. No. 1810 Art. VIII § 1, 4-17-1990]
All connections to the City Water System shall be subject to the City's Water Conservation Plan to provide for public health and regulate use of the water system.
Voluntary Curtailment Or Restrictions. During times of drought, disasters or other conditions that may or would create a water shortage problem, the City or its agents, in the best interest of the citizens of O'Fallon and the water system, shall request City water customers to voluntarily curtail water use. Such requests may be, but are not limited to: voluntarily curtailment or restrictions of lawn watering; car washing; filling or refilling of swimming pools; washing of driveways, parking areas and other paved areas; commercial and industrial users to reduce water usage by twenty-five percent (25%) and other non-essential uses.
[R.O. 2008 § 700.290; R.O. 2007 § 700.290; Ord. No. 1810 Art. VIII § 2, 4-17-1990]
If a disaster occurs, severe conditions exist, and/or voluntary water curtailment or restrictions are requested and demands on the water system continue to indicate that the threat of a water shortage will continue or occur, the City or its agents shall immediately implement any parts of the below conservation plan as it deems necessary:
Mandatory Restriction Of Lawn Watering. Even numbered addresses water on even numbered days of the month, odd numbered addresses water on odd numbered days.
Mandatory ban on all lawn watering, watering of gardens, plants and trees is prohibited except from a hand held container.
Mandatory ban on washing sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, patios and other paved areas.
Mandatory ban on the filling or refilling of swimming pools, and/or washing of cars, other motor vehicles, trailers or boats.
Mandatory ban on water uses from fire hydrants except for fighting fires, flushing mains to alleviate specific complaints and testing or sampling water.
Commercial and industrial users shall reduce water usage by twenty-five percent (25%).
[R.O. 2008 § 700.300; R.O. 2007 § 700.300; Ord. No. 1810 Art. VIII § 3, 4-17-1990]
The City or its agents shall give notice to water system customers of any voluntary requests or mandatory measures in effect by means of cable television, local radio stations and news media. In cases of extraordinary emergencies or disasters, the City Emergency Warning System shall be utilized.
[R.O. 2008 § 700.310; R.O. 2007 § 700.310; Ord. No. 1810 Art. VIII § 4, 4-17-1990]
Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this Article shall be subject to a fine or charge not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) per occurrence. Each day shall count as a separate occurrence.
Discontinuance Of Service. The City or its designated agents shall have the authority to discontinue service in the event of violation of mandatory water use restrictions. Upon disconnection of service, all fines and reconnection charges must be paid before service is restored.
Police Officers Enforce. Every Police Officer of the City shall in connection with his/her duties imposed by law diligently enforce the provisions of this Article.