In accordance with Lincoln Town Charter §§
C7-5(12) and
C7-6 and R.I.G.L § 45-55-1 et seq., it is hereby declared that a need exists to update the system for the award of contracts by the Town of Lincoln utilizing open cooperative bids.
Except as otherwise authorized by law, all supplies and municipal
contracts shall be purchased or awarded by:
A. Competitive sealed bidding, pursuant to §
B. Competitive negotiations, pursuant to §
C. Noncompetitive negotiations, pursuant to §§
48-8 and
D. Small purchase procedures, pursuant to §
E. Participation in the Rhode Island State Purchasing Master Price Agreements
in accordance with R.I.G.L. § 37-2-56.
F. Participation in cooperative purchasing agreements with other municipalities, pursuant to §
The Town Finance Director or his or her designee is hereby designated
to act as Purchasing Officer so as to exercise the powers and duties
as set forth in this chapter unless otherwise designated. The Purchasing
Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that required bidding practices
and purchasing regulations are followed.
There shall be a Purchasing Committee which shall be a subcommittee of the Town Council and shall consist of at least three members of the Town Council. Procurements, that exceed an aggregate amount of $10,000 for construction or $5,000 for all other purchases shall be referred to the Purchasing Committee by the Finance Director with a written recommendation to award the contract in accordance with §
48-6, Competitive sealed bidding; §
48-7, Competitive negotiation; §
48-8, Negotiations after successful competitive sealed bidding; or §
48-9, regarding sole source or cooperative purchasing agreements, participation in the Rhode Island State Purchasing Master Price Agreements in accordance with R.I.G.L. § 37-2-56; or participation in cooperative purchasing agreements with other municipalities, pursuant to R.I.G.L 45-5-20. The Purchasing Committee shall have the following duties:
A. Meetings. It shall meet with the administrator or head of the department
requesting the purchase which is the subject of bids to be considered
by the Council at an upcoming Council meeting prior to such meeting
and shall at such Committee meeting examine the bid documents it deems
B. Reports. The Purchasing Committee shall make a report of its findings
to the full Council at the next Council meeting.
C. Unless otherwise provided herein or by law, all bids shall be opened
publicly by the Purchasing Officer in full view of the public at the
time and place designated in the invitation for bids. Each bid together
with the name of the bidder shall be recorded and an abstract made
available for public inspection. Subsequent to the awarding of the
bid by the Town Council, all documents pertinent to the awarding of
the bid shall be made available and open to public inspection and
retained in the bid file.
D. Unless otherwise specified herein, all contracts shall be awarded
by the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Purchasing Officer
with reasonable promptness by written notice to the responsive and
responsible bidder whose bid is either the lowest bid price or lowest
evaluated or responsive bid price.
E. Correction or withdrawal of bids may be allowed only to the extent
permitted by the Town Council or by regulations issued by the Purchasing
Officer and approved by the Town Council.
The words defined in this section shall have the meanings set
forth below whenever they appear in this chapter, unless the context
in which they are used clearly requires a different meaning or a different
definition is prescribed for a particular section, group of sections
or provisions:
Any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship,
joint venture or any other legal entity through which business is
A written order signed by the Purchasing Officer or contractor
directing or allowing the contractor to make changes which the changes
clause of the contract authorizes the Purchasing Officer or contractor
to order without the consent of the contractor or Purchasing Officer.
Unless otherwise provided by law, shall mean the process
of building, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any public
structures or building or other public improvements of any kind to
any public real property. It does not include the routine maintenance
or repair of existing structures, buildings or real property performed
by salaried employees of the Town in the usual course of their job.
All types of agreements, including grants and orders, for
the purpose of disposal of supplies, services, construction or any
other item. It shall include awards, contractors of a fixed-price,
cost, cost-plus-a-fixed fee or incentive type; contracts providing
for the issuance of job or task orders; leases; letter contracts,
purchase orders and construction management contracts. It also includes
supplemental agreements with respect to any of the foregoing. "Contract"
does not include labor contracts with employees of the Town.
Any written alteration in the specifications or delivery
point, whether accomplished by unilateral action in accordance with
a contract provision, or by mutual action of the parties to the contract.
It shall include bilateral actions, such as supplemental agreements,
and unilateral actions, such as change orders, administrative changes,
notices of termination and notices of the exercise of a contract option.
Any person having a contract with the Town.
Recorded information, regardless of form or characteristic.
A duly authorized representative of a person holding a superior
An individual drawing a salary from the Town, either elected
or not, and any nonsalaried individual performing personal services
for the Town.
Any business, individual, organization or group of individuals.
The purchasing, buying, renting, leasing or otherwise obtaining
of any supplies, services or construction. It shall also include all
functions that pertain to the obtaining of any supply, service or
construction item, including description of requirements, selection
and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract and
all phases of contract administration.
The Finance Director or his or her designee or such other
person designated pursuant to law and charter.
The rules and regulations adopted by the Town concerning
the implementation of the provisions of this chapter.
Responsible bidder or responsible offeror. In determining a
responsible bidder or responsible offeror, in addition to price and
responsiveness, the following factors may be considered:
The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder or offeror to
perform the contract or provide the service required;
Whether the bidder or offeror can perform or provide the service
promptly or within the time specified without a delay or interference;
The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and
efficiency of the bidder or offeror;
The quality of performance of previous contracts or services;
Previous and existing compliance by the bidder or offeror with
laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service;
The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the
bidder or offeror to perform the contract or provide the service;
The quality, availability and adaptability of the supplies or
contractual services to the particular use required;
The ability of the bidder or offeror to provide future maintenance
and service for the use of the subject contract;
The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid or offer.
Equal bids or offers; local vendors. If all bids or offers received
are for the same total amount or unit price, quality, responsiveness,
responsibility and service being equal, the contract shall be awarded
to a local bidder or offeror. A local bidder or offeror shall be one
who owns or operates a business within the Town.
Procurements, not to exceed an aggregate amount of $10,000 for
construction and $5,000 for all other purchases, may be made without
bids or in accordance with small purchase regulations promulgated
by the Town. If the amount of the procurement is in excess of $2,500,
but no more than $5,000, a minimum of three verified and recorded
telephone bids shall be solicited and an award made on the basis thereof.
Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to
constitute a small purchase under this section. The Town may further
reduce the aggregate purchase amount as provided for in this section
by ordinance.
An invitation for bids, a request for proposals or other solicitation
may be canceled, or all bids or proposals may be rejected, if the
Town Council determines, in writing, that such action if taken is
not in the best interest of the municipality.
When deemed necessary by the Purchasing Officer, bid deposits
shall be prescribed in the notices inviting bids. Unsuccessful bidders
shall be entitled to return of surety where the Purchasing Officer
had required such. A successful bidder shall forfeit any surety required
by the agent upon failure of the bidder to enter into a contract within
15 days after the award.
When deemed necessary by the Purchasing Officer, he or she shall
recommend to the Council that a performance bond in a particular amount
be required of a successful bidder.
The procurement of the service of an attorney, physician or
dentist by the Town shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
All purchases and contracts executed on behalf of the Town shall
be made pursuant to a written requisition from the head of the office,
department or agency whose appropriation will be charged, accompanied
by a certification that there is sufficient unencumbered appropriation
balance to the credit of such office, department or agency to pay
for the supplies, material, equipment or contractual services for
which the contract or order is to be issued. The Town Council shall
not authorize final payment in any such instance until it is satisfied
that proper procedures have been followed and payment is in order.
No increase in the total cost of any contract for goods or services
which has been entered into on behalf of the Town shall exceed 10%
of such total cost, and any increase shall be made pursuant to a written
requisition, certified as aforesaid for available funds, and approved
by the Council before payment is made.