[Ord. No. 88-22 §18-4.010, 4-6-1988]
Employees shall be considered as either "salaried" or "hourly" as the basis of their compensation. Hourly employees are those employees who are non-exempt employees under the terms of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
Salaried employees are those who are exempt employees under the terms of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
Seasonal employees, though exempt under the terms of the Fair Labor Standards Act shall be considered hourly.
[Ord. No. 88-22 §18-4.020, 4-6-1988]
A new employee shall be paid the beginning or entrance level rate for the position as shown in the City's pay schedule in effect at the time, unless prior experience or market conditions dictate exception. In that event, upon approval of the Director of Personnel, an employee may be paid an amount not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the pay rate range for the position in question. Employment at a rate greater than this must be approved by the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 88-22 §18-4.030, 4-6-1988; Ord. No. 99-69 §1, 9-1-1999]
Overtime pay shall be paid to all employees classified as hourly employees. Overtime shall be paid at time and one-half.
Except for commissioned Police Officers, overtime is all the time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day work period. The "work period" shall be defined as seven (7) consecutive days beginning on Sundays at 12:01 A.M. and ending the following Saturday at 12:00 Midnight.
[Ord. No. 22-03, 1-19-2022]
For commissioned Police Officers, the work period shall be twenty-eight (28) days, beginning on Sundays at 12:01 A.M. and ending the fourth (4th) Saturday following at 12:00 Midnight. Overtime shall be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act as set forth by the Police Commission, as currently in effect or as hereafter amended.
[Ord. No. 22-03, 1-19-2022]
For purposes of calculating overtime, vacation, holidays, compensatory and personal, but not sick leave, shall be counted as hours worked.
[Ord. No. 22-03, 1-19-2022]
In accordance with 29 CFR 553, Section 553.30 of the Rules and Regulations applying to the Fair Labor Standards Act, employees, solely at their option, may work occasionally or sporadically on a part-time basis for the City in a different capacity from their regular employment. Time worked by an employee in a "second" job not made mandatory by the City shall be considered separately from time worked in his/her primary job, and the times worked shall not be combined for purposes of computing overtime pay. Time worked for each job shall stand by itself for this determination.
Compensatory time off in lieu of paid overtime may be granted at the option of the employee's Department Head. Compensatory time shall be granted at the rate of one and one-half (1½) hour for each hour worked in lieu of overtime pay. Such compensatory time off may be taken at such time as the employee and Department Head may mutually agree.
No employee will be allowed to carry more than forty (40) hours of compensatory time from one (1) fiscal year to the next. Upon termination, an employee shall be paid at the overtime rate based on his/her current pay.
[Ord. No. 88-22 §18-4.040, 4-6-1988]
Salaried employees are paid by the pay period rather than by the hour. For purposes of calculating the amount to be paid such employees, their annualized rate of pay is to be divided by two thousand eighty (2,080), and the resultant hourly equivalent shall be multiplied by the number of scheduled work hours in the pay period.
Salaried employees shall not be specifically compensated for overtime in either money or compensatory time. They shall be expected to average at least the number of hours per week as required by the standard work week.
They will have their contributions to the development and accomplishment of departmental goals evaluated in terms of total performance, output and effectiveness.
Time absent from work and deviations from official work hours of the employee's department must be with the approval of the employee's department head who will be responsible for evaluating the employee's performance and justifying permitted deviations from established hours of work.
[Ord. No. 88-22 §18-4.050, 4-6-1988]
An employee who is called back to work for overtime after he has completed his regular work day and after he has left his formal place of work, shall receive a minimum payment equivalent of two (2) hours at the overtime rate or three (3) hours of compensatory time; provided however, that the employee shall receive credit only for the actual time worked on such call back in computing his total hours of work for purposes of determining additional overtime pay for the week involved.