[R.O. 2008 §2-1; Ord. No. 1562 §1, 1-11-1993; Ord. No. 1567 §1(IV), 2-8-1993]
The rules contained in the most recent edition of "Robert's
Rules of Order, Newly Revised" shall be the parliamentary authority
and shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Council in all
cases where they are not inconsistent with Missouri law or with the
rules of procedure adopted by the Council herein or hereafter.
[R.O. 2008 §2-2; Ord. No. 1567 §1(I), 2-8-1993; Ord. No. 1606 §1, 9-27-1993; Ord. No. 2129 §1, 6-11-2001; Ord. No. 4092 §2, 7-9-2007; Ord. No. 5220 §§1 — 2, 9-8-2011]
A. Regular — When Held.
1. The
City Council regularly meets at 7:00 P.M. on the second (2nd) and
fourth (4th) Monday of the month in the Council Chamber of the Creve
Coeur Government Center, except when a regular meeting date falls
on a legal holiday, in which case the City Council generally meets
the next evening. The City Council may, from time to time, change
the date, time or location of a regular meeting. Work sessions routinely
precede regular meetings, at various times and locations for the purpose
of discussion items.
2. The
City is required by law to give notice of the time, date, place and
tentative agenda of each meeting and work session. The notice of a
regular meeting or work session shall be posted on the prominent bulletin
board at the Government Center at least twenty-four (24) hours prior
to the meeting.
B. Special — Procedure — How Called.
1. The
Mayor upon his/her own motion may or at the request of four (4) members
of the City Council shall, call a special meeting of the City Council
for a time not earlier than three (3) hours after notice is given
to all members of the City Council. Special meetings of the City Council
may also be held at any time by the consent of all members of the
City Council. Such consent may be given prior to or during the special
meeting. Notice of a special meeting shall be given to each City Council
member in such manner as will best assure timely receipt thereof,
including by means of telecommunications, voice mail, e-mail, fax
or delivery.
2. The
City is required by law to give notice of the time, date, place and
tentative agenda of each meeting and work session. The notice of a
special meeting or work session shall generally be posted on the prominent
bulletin board at the Government Center at least twenty-four (24)
hours prior to the meeting. If an emergency exists which makes it
impossible to give twenty-four (24) hours' notice or to hold the meeting
at a time and place reasonably accessible and convenient to the public,
an explanation must be reflected in the minutes and notice posted
as soon as possible.
C. Closed Session, Procedure — How Called. Before closing
a meeting to the public, a majority of a quorum of the City Council
(with a quorum present) must vote to do so in a public vote. The vote
of each member of the City Council on the question of closing the
meeting and the reason for closing the meeting by reference to a specific
exception provided for in Sections 610.010 to 610.030, RSMo., shall
be announced at the public meeting and entered into the minutes. No
other business may be discussed in a closed meeting which does not
directly relate to the specific reason announced to close the meeting
to the public.
D. Attendance. A majority of the members of the City Council
shall constitute a quorum for its business.
E. Voting.
1. Voting
shall be by roll call and the "ayes" and "nays" shall be recorded
in the minutes. Except as otherwise provided by law, the affirmative
vote of a majority of the entire City Council shall be necessary to
adopt any ordinance or resolution and in the event of a tie, the Mayor
shall cast the deciding vote.
2. An ordinance
that would amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal boundaries
of zoning districts or the uses, regulations or restrictions thereof
is subject to Section 89.060, RSMo.
F. Adoption Of Ordinances And Resolutions.
1. Proposed
ordinances and resolutions shall be introduced to the City Council
only in written or printed form.
2. The
President of the City Council shall certify as to the adoption of
all ordinances duly adopted by the City Council. In the absence of
the President of the City Council, the senior member of the City Council
by tenure shall execute such certification.
[R.O. 2008 §2-3; Ord. No. 1567 §1(II), 2-8-1993; Ord. No. 4092 §3, 7-9-2007]
A. A City
Council meeting agenda shall include any matters relevant to the administration
of the City or any matters on which any member desires a report or
1. Responsibility for preparation of agenda.
a. All
agenda items are submitted to the City Administrator for inclusion
on the agenda. After receiving approval, items are forwarded to the
City Clerk for processing.
b. Additions
to the agenda by the Mayor, City Council members or the staff may
be accepted by the members of the City Council during a Council meeting.
2. Content of agenda. The agenda presented to the City Council
shall contain a comment for each agenda item requiring an action by
the City Council. Such comment shall summarize the information pertaining
to the issue for City Council reference and indicate the action proposed.
3. Timing of agenda preparation.
a. The
agenda packet is distributed to the City Council at least two (2)
business days before the regularly scheduled meeting.
b. Other
deadlines are established by the City Administrator based on administrative
necessity and the meeting schedule of the City Council.
[R.O. 2008 §2-4; Ord. No. 1567 §1(III), 2-8-1993; Ord. No. 1606 §2, 9-27-1993; Ord. No. 2045 §1, 1-10-2000; Ord. No. 2221 §1, 5-27-2003; Ord. No. 4073 §1, 4-9-2007]
A. At each
regular and special meeting of the Council, the order of business
shall be as follows, unless otherwise provided by motion of the Council:
2. Pledge
of allegiance to the flag;
5. Proclamations
or recognitions (if any scheduled);
from the general public;
7. Public
hearing(s) (if any scheduled);
8. Additions
to, acceptance of the agenda;
11. Minutes
(unless included on consent agenda);
12. Bills
payable (unless included on consent agenda);
16. Business
from Mayor and City Council;
17. Business
from City Administrator;
B. The work
session agenda shall be limited to discussion items.
[R.O. 2008 §2-7; Ord. No. 1567 §1(VII), 2-8-1993; Ord. No. 1606 §3, 9-27-1993; Ord. No. 2263 §1, 2-23-2004; Ord. No. 4092 §6, 7-9-2007]
The following rules of procedure shall govern the conduct of
all meetings of the City Council, although these rules, other than
those prescribed by State Statute and City Charter, may be suspended
at any time by the consent of a majority of the City Council present
at any meeting:
Rule 1.
The Mayor shall decide all questions of order, subject to appeal
to a majority of the City Council.
Rule 2.
A member of Council discussing a question shall address his/her
fellow members and no member of Council has the floor until recognized
by the Mayor, subject to appeal to a majority of the City Council.
Rule 3.
All motions and amendments shall be reduced to writing at the
request of any Council member and shall be handed to the City Clerk
who shall read the same to the City Council.
Rule 4.
No vote or action of the City Council shall be rescinded at
any special meeting unless there be present at such meeting as many
members of the Council as were present when such vote or action was
taken. In order for an item that has been defeated to be reconsidered
by the City Council, said item must be placed back on the agenda by
a member of the Council voting in the majority.
Rule 5.
Proposed ordinances appearing on an accepted agenda for first
(1st) or second (2nd) reading shall be read by title by the City Clerk
without the need for any motion to conduct or accept the reading or
any other form of vote. When the reading of a proposed ordinance is
the next item of business at a meeting, the Mayor shall indicate that
the reading will commence absent any objection. Objections to readings
shall be presented by procedural motion. Once an item has been read,
discussion of the item shall be in order.
Rule 6.
The general public shall be afforded an opportunity to address
the City Council during the portion of the order of business set aside
for public comments. Any person desiring to address the City Council
shall be required to identify himself/herself, stating his/her home
address or place of business and to address his/her remarks to the
Mayor and Council. Council members desiring further information or
comment from the speaker or from any other person in the audience
may request the same after being recognized by the Mayor. Protracted,
repetitive, irrelevant or abusive remarks from the public may be closed
off at any time by the Mayor or by request of a Council member.
Rule 7.
A member of the general public wishing to address a specific
item on the agenda for the Council's consideration may be recognized
during the course of the meeting and allowed an opportunity to address
the Council on that matter.
Rule 8.
A person commits an unlawful offense of peace disturbance if
that person willfully interrupts, disrupts or disturbs any lawful
meeting or assembly.