[R.O. 2008 §26-20; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 5057 §1, 9-4-2008]
The various zoning districts provided for in this Chapter are designed to fulfill the purpose and intent of the Chapter as described in Section 405.020 and further to restrict the location of uses and buildings designed for specific uses, to regulate and limit the height, location and size of buildings, to regulate and limit the intensity, improvement and use of lots and to regulate and determine the area of yards and other spaces within and surrounding buildings in a manner that will contribute to the orderly growth, quality of life and attractive appearance of the City of Creve Coeur. For the above purposes and to promote the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City of Creve Coeur, the following districts are hereby authorized:
Single-Family Residential District
Single-Family Residential District
Single-Family Residential District
Single-Family Residential District
Attached Single-Family Residential District
Higher Education District
Planned Hospital District
Planned Office District
Research and Office Park District
Mixed Use District
Planned Community District
General Commercial District
Core Business District
Light Industrial District
Planned Zoning District
[R.O. 2008 §26-21; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997]
Boundaries. The boundaries of the various zoning districts are shown upon the Zoning District Map dated August 15, 2019, unless otherwise provided by ordinance. Said Zoning District Map, together with all notations, references, amendments and other information shown thereon, is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Chapter and shall have the same force and effect as if fully set out and described in this Chapter. The Zoning District Map shall be properly attested and kept on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Creve Coeur.
[Ord. No. 5658, 9-9-2019; Ord. No. 5854, 9-14-2023[1]; Ord. No. 5876, 2-12-2024[2]]
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 5854 was to correct an error in the classification of the Priory School Campus. All other aspects of the effective Zoning Map of the City of Creve Coeur remain in effect as adopted by the City Council with Ordinance 5658
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 5854 corrected the Official Zoning Map to show the property addressed as 346 North Lindbergh Boulevard to be located within the "GC" General Commercial District. All other aspects of the effective Zoning Map of the City of Creve Coeur remain in effect as adopted by the City Council with Ordinance 5658.
Measurement Of Boundaries. The boundaries of the various districts as shown on the Zoning District Map shall be determined by the boundaries as shown and outlined thereon and when not clearly so determined, by use of the scale shown on said maps unless actual dimensions are noted. Scale and field measurements and map dimensions shall be figured from the centerline of streets, highways, alleys and railroad rights-of-way as appropriate. Where uncertainty exists as to the exact location of said boundaries, the following rules shall apply:
Centerline as boundary. Where district boundaries lie on or within streets, highways, alleys or railroad rights-of-way, the district boundaries shall be the centerline of the same.
District boundaries which bisect blocks. Where district boundary lines approximately bisect blocks, the boundaries shall be the median lines of such blocks between the centerline of boundary streets.
District boundaries dividing parcels of land. In subdivided property or where a district boundary divides a subdivided lot, the location of such boundary, unless the same is indicated by dimensions, shall be determined by the use of a scale appearing on the Zoning District Map. Where a district boundary divides a platted lot, the zone classification of the greater portion shall prevail throughout the lot.
Action in case of uncertainty. In case any further uncertainty exists, the Board of Adjustment shall interpret the intent of the Zoning District Map as to the location of such boundaries.
Street and rights-of-way abandonments. Where a public road, street, alley or other right-of-way is officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to the property to which it reverted shall apply.
Amendment to the official Zoning Map. No changes or amendments to the Zoning District Map shall be initiated, except in compliance and conformity with all procedures and requirement of this Chapter. If changes to district boundaries or other such information portrayed on the Zoning District Map are made in accordance with this Chapter, such changes shall be made promptly after adoption of the amendment. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any unauthorized change in the Zoning District Map.
[R.O. 2008 §26-22; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997]
All territory that may be annexed to the City after the effective date of this Chapter shall be zoned as follows:
No previous zoning ordinance in effect. If at the time of annexation the newly annexed land is not subject to a valid zoning ordinance duly imposed by a properly authorized governmental subdivision of the State, the City of Creve Coeur, upon annexation, shall by ordinance adopt zoning regulations for the land in accordance with the procedures prescribed by this Chapter and the laws of the State of Missouri.
Pre-existing zoning ordinance in effect. If at the time of annexation the newly annexed land is subject to a valid zoning ordinance duly imposed by a properly authorized governmental subdivision of the State, upon annexation, said land shall remain subject to the zoning regulations in effect prior to annexation until such time as the City of Creve Coeur shall adopt zoning regulations for the annexed territory in accordance with the procedures prescribed by this Chapter and the laws of the State of Missouri and this Chapter. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall adopt these regulations in a timely manner.
[R.O. 2008 §26-23; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 5300 §1, 4-22-2013]
It is the intent of this Chapter to permit certain uses, not otherwise illegal, to locate in specified zoning districts, either as a permitted use or a conditional use.
Permitted uses. No structure shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed or structurally altered, nor shall any structure or land or combination thereof be used unless the use to which the structure and/or land is to be put is listed in the permitted use section of the applicable zoning district and the use fully complies with all of the applicable district regulations, except for non-conformities, accessory uses and conditional uses. Permitted uses and conditional uses are generally listed according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) published by the Office of Management and Budget, 2012 Edition. The specific uses set forth herein taken from the 2012 NAICS are adopted by reference as specifically set forth herein and made a part of this Chapter as if fully set out in this Chapter. A copy of the 2012 NAICS is on file in the Department of Community Development.
Conditional uses. No conditional use, as designated within this Chapter, shall hereafter be established unless such use has been approved pursuant to the provisions of Section 405.470. Any existing use which was a permitted use prior to the adoption of this Chapter and which is designated as a conditional use by this Chapter may continue as if it were approved as a conditional use.
Uses not specifically listed. If a particular use included in the NAICS, is not listed as a permitted use and is not within the same NAICS classification code as a listed permitted use, it is not allowed in that district. If a particular use is not included in the NAICS and is substantially similar to uses in one (1) or more NAICS classification codes which are not listed as permitted uses, it is not allowed within that district. If a particular use is not included anywhere in the NAICS and is substantially similar to one (1) or more of the permitted uses listed in that district, it may receive consideration for inclusion as a permitted use by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Permitted and conditional uses for the zoning districts are provided in Table A of the Zoning Ordinance.
[R.O. 2008 §26-24; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997]
No building shall be erected, maintained, enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered, nor shall any building or land be used which does not comply with all of the district regulations established by this Chapter for the district in which the building or land is located.
[R.O. 2008 §26-25; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997]
In order to carry out the purpose and intent and provisions of this Chapter, size and dimension criteria for particular zoning districts are hereby established. Such size and dimension criteria shall be applied in accordance with this Section and other applicable provisions of this Chapter.
Lot size requirements.
Reduction of lot size or yards. No lot or yard existing at the effective date of this Chapter shall thereafter be reduced in size, dimension or area below the minimum requirements set out herein, except by reason of a portion being acquired for public use in any manner including dedication, condemnation or purchase. Lots or yards created after the effective date of this Chapter shall meet the minimum requirements established herein.
Applicability to all uses. Unless otherwise specified in this Chapter, all permitted uses and all conditional uses shall be subject to the lot size requirements specified for a given district, unless other minimum requirements are specified for such uses elsewhere in this Chapter.
Structure built on two (2) lots. A building constructed on a site consisting of two (2) lots must be located either within the required setback from the common or center lot line or the building must be constructed on both lots.
Existing lots of record. Structures may be built on lots of record that have been made non-conforming by this Chapter to size, area or width; provided, however, that such structures shall conform to setbacks and other regulations not involving area or width of lot.
A single-family residential structure may be constructed on any lot of record in the "A," "B," "C," "D" or "AR" Districts if said lot is less than the minimum area required for building lots in the district in which it is located, provided that, if the owner of said lot owns any adjoining vacant land then prior to development there must be a boundary adjustment or lot consolidation which minimizes non-conformities in lot sizes to the greatest extent possible.
[Ord. No. 5563, 1-8-2018]
Use of lots in single-family districts. In single-family districts, every building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be located on a lot as herein defined and in no case shall there be more than the principal building and the customary accessory buildings on one (1) lot or parcel of land.
Lot width. The minimum lot width of any lot shall be measured along the front yard setback line as required for the district in which it is located.
Minimum yard requirements. Minimum yard requirements shall be as specified for a given zoning district. The yard requirements shall apply to all buildings and structures, as they relate to the respective lot lines, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter or as exempted in Section 405.630(A), Yard Encroachments.
Maximum structure height. Maximum structure height shall apply to all structures located in the zoning district except those structures and appurtenances excluded in Section 405.620, Height Exceptions and Limitations.
Access required. Every building constructed or relocated after the effective date of this Chapter shall be placed on a lot adjacent to a public street or that has access to an approved private street. All buildings shall be so located as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection and required off-street parking and loading.
[R.O. 2008 §26-26; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2030 §3, 10-25-1999]
Purposes. The purposes of the setback lines provided for in this Chapter are to establish safe and clear rights-of-way and to provide adequate light, air and open space in conformity with buildings now in existence.
Setback Requirements On Certain Streets And Rights-Of-Way.
No building or structure shall be located further from a major street or highway in the City of Creve Coeur than provided for by the standards specified below:
Arterial street or highway (Ballas Road, Lindbergh Boulevard and Olive Boulevard): Forty (40) feet setback from the centerline of said arterial street or highway plus the permitted setback distance established in the zoning district. The Planning and Zoning Commission may increase the distance measured from the centerline of an arterial street or highway to ensure a consistent right-of-way along such a thoroughfare or if a road expansion is projected in an adopted land use plan.
Major collector streets (Conway, Ladue, Old Olive Street, Warson, Spoede, Graeser, Mason, Mosley, Shulte, Craig, Emerson, Old Ballas and Ross Roads and Cross Creek, Decker, Trojan and Tempo Drives): Thirty (30) feet setback from the centerline of said major collector street plus the permitted setback distance established in the zoning district. The Planning and Zoning Commission may increase the distance measured from the centerline of a major collector street to ensure a consistent right-of-way along such a thoroughfare or if a road expansion is projected in an adopted land use plan.
In every such instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals.
[R.O. 2008 §26-30; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 1909 §1, 12-8-1997; Ord. No. 2050 §1, 2-14-2000; Ord. No. 2122 §1, 5-29-2001; Ord. No. 2135 §1, 6-25-2001; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5300 §2, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "A" Single-Family Residential District is intended to provide for the development, protection and conservation of areas of predominantly single-family detached residences on lots of one (1) acre (forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet) or more.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "A" Single-Family Residential District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Non-Residential Uses On State Highway Frontage. In those instances where a detached single-family residential structure fronts on a numerically designated State highway (Lindbergh Boulevard, 140; and Olive Boulevard, 340), the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a site development plan in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 405.1080 to permit the conversion of the structure to an office or retail service use in accordance with the standards provided in Section 405.450(F), Commercial Uses of Single-Family Residential Structures.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "A" Single-Family Residential District.
Minimum district size. The minimum district size shall be five (5) acres. Such a district may consist of a single tract of land or two (2) or more contiguous tracts of land that are at least five (5) acres combined. In addition, a tract of land that is less than five (5) acres may be zoned "A" Single-Family Residential when it is contiguous to such an existing district.
[Ord. No. 5431 §4, 7-27-2015[1]]
Editor's Note: Subsection 4 of Ord. No. 5431 also redesignated former Subsection (E)(1), (2) and (3) as Subsection (E)(2), (3) and (4), respectively.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. One (1) acre (forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet).
Minimum lot width. One hundred fifty (150) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred fifty (150) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height for all uses except schools, churches and other places of worship. Two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
Maximum structure height for schools, churches and other places of worship. Fifty (50) feet. In addition, such uses shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above grade and fifty (50) feet from the property line on the conditional use site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Minimum dwelling unit floor area. Sixteen hundred (1,600) square feet enclosed living area excluding accessory structures.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR). Three-tenths (0.3).
Maximum site coverage. Twenty-five percent (25%).
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.250(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum side yard for permitted uses. Fifteen (15) feet or fifteen percent (15%) of the lot width, whichever is less, provided that a minimum side yard of seven and one-half (7 1/2) feet must be provided for any non-conforming lot..
[Ord. No. 5563, 1-8-2018]
Minimum side yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.250(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum rear yard for permitted uses. Thirty (30) feet.
Minimum rear yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.250(E)(3)(b)).
Buffer yard for conditional uses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.250(E)(4) above, any lot or parcel abutting or adjoining a single-family use in a residential district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty-five (25) feet on all sides that abut the single-family use in the residential district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet, for each acre of the subject property. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculations purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Should the adjoining property convert to a single-family use, the owner and/or conditional use permit holder shall initiate and complete the construction and installation of the required buffer yard within eighteen (18) months from the date of the official letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson sent to the property owner and conditional use permit holder identifying that such buffer yard is required, due to the adjoining land use conversion. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall review and approve such buffer yard.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, lighting, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control as provided in this Code.
Signs. See Article VIII.
[R.O. 2008 §26-31; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2105 §1, 2-12-2001; Ord. No. 2122 §2, 5-29-2001; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5300 §3, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "B" Single-Family Residential District is intended to provide for the development, protection and conservation of areas of predominantly single-family detached residences on lots greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet and less than one (1) acre.
Permitted Uses. Any structure or land in the "B" Single-Family Residential District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Non-Residential Uses On State Highway Frontage. In those instances where a detached single-family residential structure fronts on a numerically designated State highway (Lindbergh Boulevard, 140; and Olive Boulevard, 340), the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a site development plan in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 405.1080 to permit the conversion of the structure to an office or retail service use in accordance with the standards provided in Section 405.450(F), Commercial Uses of Single-Family Residential Structures.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "B" Single-Family Residential District.
Minimum district size. The minimum district size shall be five (5) acres. Such a district may consist of a single tract of land or two (2) or more contiguous tracts of land that are at least five (5) acres combined. In addition, a tract of land that is less than five (5) acres may be zoned "B" Single-Family Residential when it is contiguous to such an existing district.
[Ord. No. 5431 §5, 7-27-2015[1]]
Editor's Note: Subsection 5 of Ord. No. 5431 also redesignated former Subsection (E)(1), (2) and (3) as Subsection (E)(2), (3) and (4), respectively.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
Minimum lot width. One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred (100) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height for all uses except schools, churches and other places of worship. Two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
Maximum structure height for schools, churches and other places of worship. Fifty (50) feet. In addition, such uses shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above grade and fifty (50) feet from the property line on the conditional use site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Minimum dwelling unit floor area. Fourteen hundred (1,400) square feet enclosed living area excluding accessory structures.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR). Thirty-five hundredths (0.35).
Maximum site coverage. Thirty-five percent (35%).
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard for permitted uses. Forty-five (45) feet.
Minimum front yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.260(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum side yard for permitted uses. Fifteen (15) feet or fifteen percent (15%) of the lot width, whichever is less, provided that a minimum side yard of seven and one-half (7 1/2) feet must be provided for any non-conforming lot. However, for subdivisions approved prior to August 10, 1983, side yard requirements for existing homes in said subdivisions shall remain the same as those shown on the subdivision plat heretofore approved by the City, provided that the square footage of the ground floor of such an existing home within the otherwise applicable minimum side yard area shall not be increased by more than ten percent (10%) of such square footage as of August 10, 1983.
[Ord. No. 5431 §6, 7-27-2015; Ord. No. 5563, 1-8-2018]
Minimum side yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.260(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum rear yard for permitted uses. Thirty (30) feet.
Minimum rear yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.260(E)(3)(b)).
Buffer yard for conditional uses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.260(E)(4) above, any lot or parcel abutting or adjoining a single-family use in a residential district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty-five (25) feet on all sides that abut the single-family use in the residential district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet, for each acre of the subject property. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculations purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Should the adjoining property convert to a single-family use, the owner and/or conditional use permit holder shall initiate and complete the construction and installation of the required buffer yard within eighteen (18) months from the date of the official letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson sent to the property owner and conditional use permit holder identifying that such buffer yard is required, due to the adjoining land use conversion. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall review and approve such buffer yard.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, lighting, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control as provided in this Code.
Signs. See Article VIII.
[R.O. 2008 §26-32; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2122 §3, 5-29-2001; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5300 §4, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "C" Single-Family Residential District is intended to provide for the development, protection and conservation of areas of predominantly single-family detached residences on lots greater than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet and less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
Permitted Uses. Any structure or land in the "C" Single-Family Residential District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Non-Residential Uses On State Highway Frontage. In those instances where a detached single-family residential structure fronts on a numerically designated State highway (Lindbergh Boulevard, 140; and Olive Boulevard, 340), the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a site development plan in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 405.1080 to permit the conversion of the structure to an office or retail service use in accordance with the standards provided in Section 405.450(F), Commercial Uses of Single-Family Residential Structures.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "C" Single-Family Residential District.
Minimum district size. The minimum district size shall be five (5) acres. Such a district may consist of a single tract of land or two (2) or more contiguous tracts of land that are at least five (5) acres combined. In addition, a tract of land that is less than five (5) acres may be zoned "C" Single-Family Residential when it is contiguous to such an existing district.
[Ord. No. 5431 §7, 7-27-2015[1]]
Editor's Note: Subsection 7 of Ord. No. 5431 also redesignated former Subsection (E)(1), (2) and (3) as Subsection (E)(2), (3) and (4), respectively.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. Fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.
Minimum lot width. Seventy-five (75) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred (100) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height for all uses except schools, churches and other places of worship. Two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
Maximum structure height for schools, churches and other places of worship. Fifty (50) feet. In addition, such uses shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above grade and fifty (50) feet from the property line on the conditional use site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Minimum dwelling unit floor area. Twelve hundred (1,200) square feet enclosed living area excluding accessory structures.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR). Four-tenths (0.4).
Maximum site coverage. Forty percent (40%).
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard for permitted uses. Forty-five (45) feet.
Minimum front yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.270(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum side yard for permitted uses. Twelve (12) feet or fifteen percent (15%) of the lot width, whichever is less, provided that a minimum side yard of seven and one-half (7 1/2) feet must be provided for any non-conforming lot.
[Ord. No. 5563, 1-8-2018]
Minimum side yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.270(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum rear yard for permitted uses. Thirty (30) feet.
Minimum rear yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.270(E)(3)(b)).
Buffer yard for conditional uses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.270(E)(4) above, any lot or parcel abutting or adjoining a single-family use in a residential district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty-five (25) feet on all sides that abut the single-family use in the residential district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet, for each acre of the subject property. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculations purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Should the adjoining property convert to a single-family use, the owner and/or conditional use permit holder shall initiate and complete the construction and installation of the required buffer yard within eighteen (18) months from the date of the official letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson sent to the property owner and conditional use permit holder identifying that such buffer yard is required, due to the adjoining land use conversion. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall review and approve such buffer yard.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, lighting, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control as provided in this Code.
Signs. See Article VIII.
[R.O. 2008 §26-33; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2122 §4, 5-29-2001; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5300 §5, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "D" Single-Family Residential District is intended to provide for the protection, conservation and further development of areas which are predominantly made up of single-family detached residences on lots greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet and less than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.
Permitted Uses. Any structure or land in the "D" Single-Family Residential District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Non-Residential Uses On State Highway Frontage. In those instances where a detached single-family residential structure fronts on a numerically designated State highway (Lindbergh Boulevard, U.S. 67; and Olive Boulevard, 340), the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a site development plan in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 405.1080 to permit the conversion of the structure to an office or retail service use in accordance with the standards provided in Section 405.450(F), Commercial Uses of Single-Family Residential Structures.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "D" Single-Family Residential District.
Minimum district size. The minimum district size shall be five (5) acres. Such a district may consist of a single tract of land or two (2) or more contiguous tracts of land that are at least five (5) acres combined. In addition, a tract of land that is less than five (5) acres may be zoned "D" Single-Family Residential when it is contiguous to such an existing district.
[Ord. No. 5431 §8, 7-27-2015[1]]
Editor's Note: Subsection 8 of Ord. No. 5431 also redesignated former Subsection (E)(1), (2) and (3) as Subsection (E)(2), (3) and (4), respectively.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. Ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
Minimum lot width. Seventy (70) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred (100) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height for all uses except schools, churches and other places of worship. Two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
Maximum structure height for schools, churches and other places of worship. Fifty (50) feet. In addition, such uses shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above grade and fifty (50) feet from the property line on the conditional use site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Minimum dwelling unit floor area. Twelve hundred (1,200) square feet enclosed living area excluding accessory structures.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR). Four-tenths (0.4).
Maximum site coverage. Forty-five percent (45%).
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard for permitted uses. Twenty (20) feet.
Minimum front yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.280(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum side yard for permitted uses. Eight (8) feet.
Minimum side yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.280(E)(3)(b)).
Minimum rear yard for permitted uses. Fifteen (15) feet.
Minimum rear yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.280(E)(3)(b)).
Buffer yard for conditional uses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.280(E)(4) above, any lot or parcel abutting or adjoining a single-family use in a residential district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty-five (25) feet on all sides that abut the single-family use in the residential district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet, for each acre of the subject property. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculations purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Should the adjoining property convert to a single-family use, the owner and/or conditional use permit holder shall initiate and complete the construction and installation of the required buffer yard within eighteen (18) months from the date of the official letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson sent to the property owner and conditional use permit holder identifying that such buffer yard is required, due to the adjoining land use conversion. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall review and approve such buffer yard.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, lighting, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control as provided in this Code.
Signs. See Article VIII.
[R.O. 2008 §26-34; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 1957 §1, 10-12-1998; Ord. No. 2122 §5, 5-29-2001; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5300 §6, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "AR" Attached Single-Family Residential District is intended to provide by site development plan approval (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) for the development, protection and conservation of attached single-family dwellings, in the form of town houses or duplexes, either on deeded lots or under condominium ownership at a gross density not to exceed the number of dwelling units per acre as described within this Section. All lots shall be designed in a manner that provides the minimum required street frontage to either a public or private right-of-way.
Permitted Uses. Any structure or land in the "AR" Attached Single-Family Residential District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Development Plan Approval Required. Site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for each proposal for the development of any permitted use within the "AR" District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Non-Residential Uses On State Highway Frontage. In addition, in those instances where a detached single-family structure fronts on a numerically designated State highway (Lindbergh Boulevard, 140; and Olive Boulevard, 340), the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a site development plan in accordance with the procedure provided for in Section 405.1080 to permit the conversion of the structure to an office or retail service use in accordance with the standards provided in Section 405.450(F), Commercial Uses of Single-Family Residential Structures.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "AR" Attached Single-Family Residential District.
Minimum district size. Each site to be zoned, developed or subdivided for the "AR" District shall have an area of not less than five (5) acres.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height for all uses except schools, churches and other places of worship. Three (3) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
Maximum structure height for schools, churches and other places of worship. Fifty (50) feet. In addition, such uses shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above grade and fifty (50) feet from the property line on the conditional use site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for conditional uses. Four-tenths (0.4).
Maximum site coverage for conditional uses. Fifty percent (50%).
Maximum number of units per acre. Sites will be subject to the following maximum number of units per acre based on the size of the site:
Acreage Range
Max No. of DUs Per Acre
Max. No. of DUs Per Acre
With 25% to 50% Side and Rear Loaded Garages
With 50% or More Side and Rear Loaded Garages
4.00 — 4.99
5.00 — 5.99
6.00 — 6.99
Development standards. The following standards are intended to guarantee adequate sunlight, open space and privacy for the occupants of detached single-family dwellings and of attached single-family dwellings such as town houses or duplexes:
Attached Dwellings
Town House
Minimum lot size or site area per attached unit
4,000 square feet/unit
2,000 square feet/unit
Minimum lot width
40 feet/unit
20 feet/unit
Minimum building width
20 feet/unit
Maximum building coverage (including accessory buildings)
Minimum private open space
1,000 square feet/unit
600 square feet/unit
Front yard setback (front right-of-way)
20 feet
20 feet
Minimum distance between buildings or clusters of units
20 feet
15 feet
Side yard setback*
10 feet
None or 7.5 feet*
Rear yard setback
30 feet
20 feet
Minimum dwelling unit floor area
1,400 square feet/unit
1,200 square feet/unit
Maximum site coverage
* Note: The minimum side yard of a town house may be 0 feet when it is attached to a similar town house unit or 7.5 feet when it is the end house.
Yard and setback requirements for conditional uses.
Minimum front yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.290(F)(2)(b)).
Minimum side yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.290(F)(2)(b)).
Minimum rear yard for conditional uses. Fifty (50) feet (except as modified by Section 405.290(F)(2)(b)).
Buffer yard for conditional uses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.290(F)(4) above, any lot or parcel abutting or adjoining a single-family use in a residential district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty-five (25) feet on all sides that abut the single-family use in the residential district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet, for each acre of the subject property. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculations purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Should the adjoining property convert to a single-family use, the owner and/or conditional use permit holder shall initiate and complete the construction and installation of the required buffer yard within eighteen (18) months from the date of the official letter from the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson sent to the property owner and conditional use permit holder identifying that such buffer yard is required, due to the adjoining land use conversion. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall review and approve such buffer yard.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, lighting, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control as provided in this Code.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Regulations.
Required side/rear entry garage. To prevent residential streetscapes from being dominated by garage doors and/or protruding garages, the following regulations will reduce the visual effects that garages and garage doors have on the City's residential streetscape:
Garage doors shall be faced to the side or rear yards of the site for a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of units proposed for the development. The portion of the garage facing the front street shall have windows or other architectural details that mimic the features of the living portion of the structure.
Street-facing garage doors must be recessed, by at least four (4) feet, behind either the front facade of the living area portion of the dwelling unit or a covered porch (measuring at least six (6) feet by eight (8) feet).
Street-facing garage doors shall not comprise more than forty percent (40%) of the lot frontage and shall not exceed a total twenty (20) lineal feet at any time.
Every development of attached single-family units within this district shall be in accordance with an approved subdivision plat or shall be within the scope of a condominium agreement legally executed and recorded in St. Louis County for the residential units within the development.
[R.O. 2008 §26-36; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5300 §7, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "HE" Higher Education District is designed to provide by site concept and site development plan approval (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) for the development and maintenance of appropriate facilities for higher education in the City of Creve Coeur and further to encourage the highest quality site, landscape and architectural design of such higher education facilities, while minimizing any potential negative impact of these uses and related activities upon the surrounding neighborhoods and residences.
Permitted Uses. Any structure or land in the "HE" Higher Education District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Concept And Site Development Plan Required. Site concept and site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "HE" Higher Education District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "HE" Higher Education District.
Minimum district size. The minimum tract or site to be developed and occupied by an institution of higher education in accordance with the standards and regulations of this district shall be fifteen (15) acres. The tract or site for which a site development plan shall be submitted for review and approval as required above shall be in common or single ownership.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height. No building or structure shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet, except faculty or student housing shall not exceed three (3) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height. The City Council may allow a twenty percent (20%) increase in the height of chapels, gymnasiums and auditoriums if it determines the increase will not be detrimental to surrounding property owners.
Maximum site coverage. Fifty percent (50%).
Maximum floor area ratio. Twenty-five hundredths (0.25).
Residential density. The total number of dwelling units for faculty and students shall not exceed three (3) dwelling units per net acre of the total site zoned "HE" in accordance with a site development plan.
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard. Fifty (50) feet.
Minimum side yard. Fifty (50) feet.
Minimum rear yard. Fifty (50) feet.
Buffer yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 405.300(E)(3)(b) and 405.300(E)(3)(c) above, any tract or site abutting a single-family residential zoning district shall provide a buffer yard of one hundred (100) feet. However, the setback may be reduced to twenty-five (25) feet for parking or driveways and sixty (60) feet for buildings when adjacent to any single-family residential zoning district property containing a conditional use. The buffer area resulting from these setback requirements shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission. No buildings or parking lots and no streets shall be built within the resulting buffer yard except those crossing the buffer to provide access to the site. Utility rights-of-way and easements are permitted in the buffer. Pre-existing buildings and other improvements within the buffer may not be expanded within the buffer. These structures, however, are not to be regarded as non-conforming and may be expanded where the expansion extends outside of the buffer.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. Off-street parking and loading regulations are contained in Article VII. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article VII, within a given "HE" District, an institution of higher learning may retain a portion of the total amount of parking required in accordance with Article VII in an unpaved condition, provided that such areas are so designated on the site development plan or site concept plan and are utilized only occasionally for overflow parking such that a lawn or grassy field is maintained without erosion, dust or other nuisance condition.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Regulations (Reserved).
[R.O. 2008 §26-37; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2021 §1, 9-27-1999; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5049 §1, 7-14-2008; Ord. No. 5300 §8, 4-22-2013; Ord. No. 5526 § 1, 4-13-2017]
Purpose And Intent. The "PH" Planned Hospital District shall provide by site concept and site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) for the orderly planned development of major health care facilities consisting of hospitals, clinics, medical offices, extended care facilities and residences for medical center employees, research facilities, laboratories and other related ancillary or support facilities.
Permitted Uses. Any structure or land in the "PH" Planned Hospital District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Concept And Site Development Plan Required. Site concept and site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall be required for the total area comprised by the "PH" Planned Hospital District for all proposed developments or revisions to existing site concept or site development plans within the "PH" Planned Hospital District, as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Regulations. The following regulations apply in the "PH" Planned Hospital District.
Minimum District Size. The minimum tract or site to be developed and occupied in accordance with the standards and regulations of this district shall be thirty (30) acres. Such tract or site shall be and shall remain owned, leased or controlled by the primary not-for-profit hospital institutions occupying the tract or site.
Building Bulk Regulations.
Maximum Structure Height. Sites will be subject to the following maximum structure height based on the size of the site:
Sites Thirty (30.0) To Fifty-Five (55.0) Acres. On sites of thirty (30) to fifty-five (55) acres, buildings and structures shall be regulated by the following height limitations (subject to the below stated yard and setback requirements):
Fifty-five (55) feet maximum height for buildings and structures located within one hundred (100) feet from the "PH" parcel boundary line.
Eighty-five (85) feet maximum height for buildings and structures located more than one hundred (100) feet, but less that two hundred (200) feet from the "PH" parcel boundary line.
One hundred five (105) feet maximum height for buildings and structures located more than two hundred (200) feet from "PH" parcel boundary line.
Sites Fifty-Five And One-Hundredth (55.01) Acres Or More. On sites in excess of fifty-five (55) acres, no building or structure shall exceed seven (7) stories nor exceed one hundred five (105) feet. However, no building or structure located within four hundred (400) feet of residentially zoned property shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet in height, except that this additional limitation shall not apply if the adjacent property is devoted to an institutional use.
Maximum Site Coverage. Sixty-three percent (63%).
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR). Sites will be subject to the following maximum floor area ratios based on the size of the site:
Acreage Range
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
30.0 to 55.0 acres
55.01 acres or more
Yard And Setback Requirements.
Minimum Front Yard. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet from the right-of-way established by the adopted site concept plan for a "PH" Planned Hospital District. In the event that parking is to be located in front of a building or structure, said building or structure shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way. In the event the planned right-of-way is greater than the present right-of-way width, the required setback shall be measured from the planned right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail where applicable on major streets and highways. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees as required by Section 405.540.
Minimum side yard: twenty (20) feet.
Minimum rear yard: twenty (20) feet.
Buffer Yards. Any tract or site abutting a residential use within a single-family residential zoning district with no intervening right-of-way shall provide a buffer yard setback of not less than two hundred (200) feet for buildings, structures and parking surfaces as to such residential use. However, for a tract or site adjacent to an institutional use within a residential zoning district, the setbacks are reduced to not less than twenty-five (25) feet for parking or driveways and sixty (60) feet for buildings. However, provided further that the setback for parking and driveways shall be reduced to zero to the extent that, and for so long as, the planned hospital site or tract and the institutional use maintain an easement providing for shared access to both properties. The buffer yard setbacks resulting from these requirements shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
General Requirements.
Off-Street Parking And Loading. See Article VII.
Environmental Controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
[R.O. 2008 §26-38; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5123 Exh. A, 2-22-2010; Ord. No. 5300 §9, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "PO" Planned Office District is intended to provide by site development plan approval (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) for the construction of planned developments comprised of office uses and appropriate accessory retail uses and services.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "PO" Planned Office District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Development Plan Required. Site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "PO" District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "PO" Planned Office District.
Minimum district size. The minimum tract or site to be developed by a single owner or developer shall be five (5) acres. Such a site may, by site development plan approval and in conformance with the City's subdivision ordinance, be subdivided into lots of not less than one-half (½) acre to be occupied by individually owned office buildings.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. One-half (½) acre (twenty-one thousand seven hundred eighty (21,780) square feet).
Minimum lot width. One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred fifty (150) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height. No building or structure shall exceed four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet. In addition, properties adjacent to any single-family residential zoning district shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located forty-five (45) feet above grade and one hundred (100) feet from the property line on the non-residential site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Maximum site coverage. Sixty-three percent (63%). The Planning and Zoning Commission may, in its discretion, allow the permitted coverage to be increase as a bonus by an additional factor (not to exceed a total of seventy percent (70%) site coverage) in consideration of special or outstanding landscape and site planning features as demonstrated by a site development plan submitted in accordance with Section 405.1080. The features to be considered in the granting of any bonus coverage may include, but not be limited to, the provisions of:
Special pedestrian facilities and features such as gardens, fountains, seating areas and outdoor recreation amenities;
Objects of art or beautification; statuary or other unique visual features;
Burial of overhead transmission lines and removal of utility poles.
Maximum floor area ratio. Five-tenths (0.5).
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard. Thirty (30) feet.
Minimum side yard. Twelve (12) feet.
Minimum rear yard. Twenty (20) feet.
Buffer yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 405.320(E)(4)(b) and 405.320(E)(4)(c) above, any tract or site abutting or adjoining a single-family residential zoning district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty (20) feet on all sides that abut or adjoin the single-family district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of forty (40) feet, for each acre of the subject property over two (2) acres in area. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculations purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard resulting from these setback requirements shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The buffer yard requirements may be modified in the direction of more stringent requirements by conditional use permit or by site development plan approval as provided in Sections 405.1070 and 405.1080.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Requirements.
Visual environment. In the site development plan for any building or structure or any tract or tracts in the "PO" Planned Office District, there shall be set aside a sum of money equal to not less than two percent (2%) of the proposed total construction cost to be used for the erection, construction or installation of special or extraordinary walks, patios, fountains, pools, statuary, landscaping and other applicable objects of art or beautification upon such tract or tracts. There shall be specified on such site development plan an itemized cost estimate including the manner in which the sum of money is to be used for the visual environment.
Submission of trust indenture. Whenever application is submitted for property to be classified as "PO" Planned Office District, the applicant shall submit for approval, in accordance with Section 405.720, a proposed trust indenture relating to all of the land within the district.
[R.O. 2008 §26-39; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5081 §1, 4-13-2009; Ord. No. 5300 §10, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "RO" Research and Office Park District is intended to provide by site concept and site development plan approval (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) for the planned development of large-scale office parks which include extensive laboratories and other similar scientific research facilities.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "RO" Research and Office Park District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Concept And Site Development Plan Required. Site concept and site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "RO" District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "RO" Research and Office Park District.
Minimum district size. The minimum lot, tract or site to be developed, owned and occupied by a single user or developer shall be five (5) acres.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. Five (5) acres.
Minimum lot width. Three hundred (300) feet.
Minimum lot depth. Three hundred (300) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height. No building or structure shall exceed six (6) stories or ninety (90) feet except to the extent provided in this Section. In the course of approving a site development plan in this district, according to Section 405.1080, "Site Concept, Site Development and Minor Site Plan Approval", the City may allow and approve a building or structure in this district over six (6) stories with a maximum height of eight hundred forty (840) feet above mean sea level for buildings or structures entirely within five hundred twenty-seven (527) feet north or south of the centerline of Olive Street Road. The City in connection with any such approval for increased building and structure height shall make a finding that such approval does not adversely affect any adjoining properties, complies with all sky exposure plan requirements, and promotes good planning practice. Properties in this district adjacent to any single-family residential zoning district shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located forty-five (45) feet above grade and one hundred (100) feet from the property line on the non-residential site, and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) toward the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Maximum site coverage. Sixty percent (60%).
Maximum floor area ratio. Five-tenths (0.5).
Yard and setback requirements.
Front yard. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet from a public right-of-way. In the event that parking is to be located in front of a building or structure, said building or structure shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail where applicable on major streets and highways. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous shade street trees at regular intervals.
Minimum side yard. Fifty (50) feet.
Minimum rear yard. Fifty (50) feet.
Buffer yard. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 405.330(E)(4)(b) and 405.330(E)(4)(c) above, any tract or site abutting or adjoining a single-family residential zoning district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty-five (25) feet on all sides that abut the single-family district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of fifty (50) feet, for each acre of the subject property. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculation purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. No research or testing operation or facility shall be permitted or, if previously permitted, continue to operate which shall, in the judgment of the City Council, be of any danger, nuisance or otherwise detrimental to surrounding residents or businesses. The environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 shall be basic criteria to be used in judging such potential or actual negative impacts. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Requirements (Reserved).
[R.O. 2008 §26-40; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 1984 §1, 2-22-1999; Ord. No. 2030 §1, 10-25-1999; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 2247 §1, 11-24-2003; Ord. No. 2296 §1, 7-12-2004; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5087 §1, 6-8-2009; Ord. No. 5164 §1, 12-13-2010; Ord. No. 5185 §3, 3-28-2011; Ord. No. 5255 §1, 6-11-2012; Ord. No. 5260 §1, 7-9-2012; Ord. No. 5300 §11, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The purpose of the "MX" Mixed Use District is to encourage the redevelopment of under-developed areas of the City which are designated as mixed use by one (1) of the City's land use plans. This redevelopment shall be accomplished through compliance with the provisions of this Section. The "MX" District is further intended to ensure high quality future development through the use of site development plan approval procedures which provide for specific consideration of access, parking, drainage, landscaping and design factors. Specifically, the district is intended to:
Relate the development of retail, office and multi-family residential uses servicing both a City-wide and subregional service area to an adopted development plan for the area including land use phasing and public improvement elements.
Encourage site consolidation and an orderly, phased pattern of development and redevelopment.
Induce and ensure high quality future development through the use of site development plan approval procedures which provide for the specific consideration of access, parking, drainage, landscaping and design factors.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "MX" Mixed Use District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Development Plan Required. Site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "MX" District as provided in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "MX" Mixed Use District.
Minimum district size. Five (5) acres.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. One (1) acre.
Minimum lot width. One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred (100) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height. No building or structure shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet, except for lots or sites in excess of six (6) acres which will be allowed a maximum of five (5) stories or seventy-five (75) feet based on meeting a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located forty-five (45) feet above grade and one hundred (100) feet from the property line on the non-residential site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Maximum site coverage. The amount of gross site area covered by buildings and structures, surface parking and pavement for automobile circulation shall not exceed sixty-three percent (63%) of the site.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may, in its discretion, allow the permitted coverage to be increased as a bonus by an additional factor (not to exceed a total of seventy percent (70%) site coverage) in consideration of special or outstanding landscape and site planning features as demonstrated by a site development plan submitted in accordance with Section 405.1080. The features to be considered in the granting of any bonus coverage may include, but not be limited to, the provisions of:
Special pedestrian facilities and features such as gardens, fountains, seating areas and outdoor recreation amenities;
Objects of art or beautification; statuary or other unique visual features;
Burial of overhead transmission lines and removal of utility poles.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (E)(3)(c), regarding maximum floor area ratio, which immediately followed, was repealed 7-27-2015 by §9 of Ord. No. 5431.
Yard and setback requirements.
Maximum front yard. A building or structure shall be located a maximum of eighty-five (85) feet from established right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail if they are stricter than the requirements of this district. In every instance, a fifteen (15) foot front yard shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals.
Minimum side yard. Twenty-five (25) feet.
Minimum rear yard. Twenty-five (25) feet.
Buffer yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 405.340(E)(4)(b) and 405.340(E)(4)(c) above, any tract or site abutting or adjoining a single-family residential zoning district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty (20) feet on all sides that abut the single-family district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of forty (40) feet, for each acre of the subject property over two (2) acres in area. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculation purposes. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All site development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion controls as provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
[R.O. 2008 §26-41; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 2069 §1, 7-10-2000; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5087 §2, 6-8-2009; Ord. No. 5164 §2, 12-13-2010; Ord. No. 5185 §4, 3-28-2011; Ord. No. 5300 §12, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "PC" Planned Community District is intended to provide by site concept and site development plan approval (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) for the planned development of large areas to consist of a mixture of residential, office employment and retail service uses, which together comprise a community or neighborhood.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "PC" Planned Community District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Concept And Site Development Plan Required. Site concept and site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "PC" District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "PC" Planned Community District.
Minimum district size. The minimum tract or site to be developed by a single owner or developer shall be fifteen (15) acres. Such a site may, by site development plan approval and in conformance with the City's subdivision ordinance, be subdivided into lots or tracts to be sold to others for development or occupancy in accordance with the approved development plan for the project.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. Fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet for single-family detached residences; twenty thousand (20,000) square feet for duplexes and multiple-family residences; and one-half (½) acre (twenty-one thousand seven hundred eighty (21,780) square feet) for commercial uses.
Minimum lot width. One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred (100) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum floor area. No building or structure in the NAICS Sector 44-45 - Retail Trade shall exceed twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet in floor area.
[Ord. No. 5431 §10, 7-27-2015]
Maximum structure height. No building or structure shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet in height. However, apartment or office buildings may be constructed not to exceed six (6) stories or ninety (90) feet in height through the submission and approval of a conditional use permit for each structure greater than three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet in height. In addition, properties adjacent to any single-family residential zoning district shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located forty-five (45) feet above grade and one hundred (100) feet from the property line on the non-residential site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Maximum site coverage. Forty-five percent (45%). The Planning and Zoning Commission may, in its discretion, allow the permitted coverage to be increase as a bonus by an additional factor (not to exceed a total of fifty percent (50%) site coverage) in consideration of special or outstanding landscape and site planning features as demonstrated by a site development plan submitted in accordance with Section 405.1080. The features to be considered in the granting of any bonus coverage may include, but not be limited to, the provisions of:
Special pedestrian facilities and features such as gardens, fountains, seating areas and outdoor recreation amenities;
Objects of art or beautification; statuary or other unique visual features;
Burial of overhead transmission lines and removal of utility poles.
Residential density. Twenty (20) dwelling units per net acre, exclusive of public rights-of-way or the right-of-way of major private internal circulation streets.
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet from the right-of-way of any public street or private roadway easement or fifteen (15) feet from the curb line of any street, driveway or parking lot, whichever is greater. In the event that parking is to be located in front of a building or structure, said building or structure shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way or easement of any street or roadway. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail where applicable on major streets and highways. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals.
Minimum side yard. Ten (10) feet.
Minimum rear yard. Ten (10) feet.
Buffer yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 405.350(E)(4)(b) and 405.350(E)(4)(c) above, any lot or parcel containing a use other than a single-family detached residence shall provide a buffer yard of twenty (20) feet on all sides that abut or adjoin a single-family residential zoning district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of forty (40) feet, for each acre of the subject property over two (2) acres in area. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculation purposes. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion controls as provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Regulations.
Visual environment. In order to ensure an adequate and pleasant natural and visual environment, a sum of money equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the total building construction cost for all garden and town house apartment areas and not less than two percent (2%) for non-residential construction, as set forth on the approved building permits, shall be budgeted and used by the owners and developers for the acquisition, erection and installation of recreational structures and equipment, walks, patios, fountains, pools, statuary, landscaping and other applicable objects of art or beautification upon the tract or tracts within the "PC" Planned Community District. Such percentage sums for the above described purposes need not be met within the area of any one (1) or more final site development plans as long as the requirements of this Subsection are met by the total sums expended for such purpose within the total area of the "PC" Planned Community District. The cost of development of any single visual environment project shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount to be expended under the terms of this Section.
Private usable open space. Private usable open space shall be provided in accordance with the standards for all multi-family residential building or development described in Section 405.710.
Public thoroughfares. Whenever necessary, in the judgment of the Planning and Zoning Commission, a collector street or streets in the "PC" Planned Community District shall be set forth in the site development plan and shall be installed by the developer and dedicated as a public thoroughfare.
Submission of trust indenture. Whenever an application is submitted for any property to be rezoned to the "PC" Planned Community District, the applicant shall submit for approval in accordance with Section 405.720 a proposed trust indenture relating to all the land within the district.
[R.O. 2008 §26-42; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 1985 §1, 2-22-1999; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5087 §3, 6-8-2009; Ord. No. 5164 §3, 12-13-2010; Ord. No. 5173 §1, 1-24-2011; Ord. No. 5185 §5, 3-28-2011; Ord. No. 5300 §13, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "GC" General Commercial District is intended to accommodate by site development plan approval (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) convenience retail shopping and services and offices which are freestanding or part of small scale planned commercial developments and which are compatible in scale and intensity of use with adjacent residential uses.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "GC" General Commercial District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Development Plan Required. Site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "GC" District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "GC" General Commercial District.
Minimum district size. The minimum district size shall be five (5) acres. Such a district may consist of a single tract of land or two (2) or more contiguous tracts of land that are at least five (5) acres combined. In addition, a tract of land that is less than five (5) acres may be zoned "GC" General Commercial District when it is contiguous to an existing "GC" District.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. One-half (½) acre (twenty-one thousand seven hundred eighty (21,780) square feet).
Minimum lot width. Seventy-five (75) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred fifty (150) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height. No building or structure shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet.
Maximum site coverage. Sixty-three percent (63%). The Planning and Zoning Commission may, in its discretion, allow the permitted coverage to be increased as a bonus by an additional factor (not to exceed a total of seventy percent (70%) site coverage) in consideration of special or outstanding landscape and site planning features as demonstrated by a site development plan submitted in accordance with Section 405.1080. The features to be considered in the granting of any bonus coverage may include, but not be limited to, the provisions of:
Special pedestrian facilities and features such as gardens, fountains, seating areas and outdoor recreation amenities;
Objects of art or beautification; statuary or other unique visual features;
Burial of overhead transmission lines and removal of utility poles.
Maximum floor area ratio. Four-tenths (0.4).
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet from a public right-of-way. In the event that parking is to be located in front of a building or structure, said building or structure shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail where applicable on major streets and highways. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals.
Minimum side yard. Twelve (12) feet.
Minimum rear yard. Twenty (20) feet.
Buffer yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 405.360(E)(4)(b) and 405.360(E)(4)(c) above, any tract or site abutting or adjoining a single-family residential zoning district shall provide a buffer yard of twenty (20) feet on all sides that abut the single-family district. The minimum required buffer yard shall be increased in five (5) foot increments, up to a maximum of forty (40) feet, for each acre of the subject property over two (2) acres in area. All acreage shall be rounded up to the next whole number for buffer yard calculation purposes. The buffer yard shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion control provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Regulations.
Except for existing residential uses, no structure shall be used for residential purposes except for the occupancy of the owner or operator of the business located on the premises.
[R.O. 2008 §26-43; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 1958 §1, 10-12-1998; Ord. No. 2030 §2, 10-25-1999; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 2134 §1, 6-25-2001; Ord. No. 2140 §1, 8-13-2001; Ord. No. 2296 §1, 7-12-2004; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5007 §1, 10-22-2007; Ord. No. 5087 §4, 6-8-2009; Ord. No. 5123 Exh. A, 2-22-2010; Ord. No. 5164 §4, 12-13-2010; Ord. No. 5172 §2, 1-24-2011; Ord. No. 5173 §2, 1-24-2011; Ord. No. 5185 §6, 3-28-2011; Ord. No. 5243 §4, 2-13-2012; Ord. No. 5300 §14, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The "CB" Core Business District is intended by site concept and site development plan approval (see Section 405.1080)405.1080) to guide and control private development and redevelopment of the major business districts of the City of Creve Coeur in coordination with related public improvements and services. Specifically, the district is intended to:
Relate the development of retail, office and multi-family residential uses servicing both a City-wide and subregional service area to an adopted development plan for the major business areas including land use, phasing and public improvement elements.
Encourage site consolidation and an orderly, phased pattern of redevelopment.
Accommodate the use of existing residential structures for offices in the interim period between their present occupancy and ultimate redevelopment.
Induce and ensure high quality future development through the use of site development plan approval procedures which provide for the specific consideration of access, parking, drainage, landscaping and design factors.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "CB" Core Business District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Concept And Site Development Plan Required. Site concept and site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "CB" District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "CB" Core Business District.
Minimum district size. The minimum district size shall be five (5) acres. Such a district may consist of a single tract of land or two (2) or more contiguous tracts of land that are at least five (5) acres combined. In addition, a tract of land that is less than five (5) acres may be zoned "CB" Core Business District when it is contiguous to an existing "CB" District.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. The permitted use of any given site or lot shall be determined by the size of the site or lot under single ownership or other common legal control as prescribed in Section 405.370(B). In no event shall any lot or site be developed or improved which has an area of less than one-half (½) acre (twenty-one thousand seven hundred eighty (21,780) square feet) in single ownership.
Minimum lot width. One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred (100) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum structure height. On lots that are smaller than three (3) acres, no building or structure shall exceed four (4) stories or sixty (60) feet in height. Developments on lots of three (3) or more acres shall have no height limitations, provided that buildings exceeding six (6) stories or ninety (90) feet in height receive a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 405.1070. In addition, non-residential development adjacent to any single-family residential zoning district shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located forty-five (45) feet above grade and one hundred (100) feet from the property line on the non-residential site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
[Ord. No. 5324 §1, 8-26-2013]
Maximum site coverage.
The amount of gross site area covered by buildings and structures, surface parking, pavement for automobile circulation or permitted exterior business services, storage, merchandise display, repair or processing shall not exceed sixty-three percent (63%) of the site.
The Planning and Zoning Commission may, in its discretion, allow the permitted coverage to be increased as a bonus (not to exceed the total of seventy percent (70%) site coverage) in consideration of special or outstanding landscape and site planning features as demonstrated by a site development plan submitted in accordance with Section 405.1080. The features to be considered in the granting of any bonus coverage may include, but not be limited to, the provision of:
Special pedestrian facilities and features such as fountains, seating areas and outdoor recreation amenities;
Objects of art or beautification; statuary or other unique visual features;
Burial of overhead transmission lines and removal of utility poles.
Maximum floor area ratio. One (1) square foot of floor area per square foot of site).
[Ord. No. 5431 §11, 7-27-2015]
Yard and setback requirements.
[Ord. No. 5792, 8-8-2022]
Front yard for parcels south of Olive Boulevard. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the building elevation parallel to the street right-of-way shall be located a maximum of fifteen (15) feet from the right-of-way established by the adopted site development plan for the "CB" Core Business District. In the event that the planned right-of-way is greater than the present right-of-way, the required setback shall be measured from a line located a distance equal to one-half (½) the width of the planned right-of-way from the centerline of the present right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail where applicable on major streets or highways. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way, excluding the building placement, shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals.
Front yard for parcels north of Olive Boulevard. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet from a public right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail where applicable on major streets and highways. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping, including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals.
Front yard for Olive Boulevard frontage. A building or structure shall be located a maximum of eighty (80) feet from established right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail if they are stricter than the requirements of this district. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way, excluding building placement, shall be provided with and maintained with sidewalks, unless improved sidewalks exist in the abutting public right-of-way, and with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals.
Minimum side yard. Ten (10) feet.
Minimum rear yard. Ten (10) feet.
Buffer yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 405.370(E)(4)(b) and (c) above, any non-residential development abutting a single-family residential zoning district shall provide a buffer yard of fifty (50) feet on all sides that abut or adjoin the single-family district. The setback for non-residential buildings exceeding three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet in height shall be increased to two hundred (200) feet. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer area resulting from these setback requirements shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
[Ord. No. 5324 §2, 8-26-2013]
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All site development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion controls as provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Regulations.
Council right, power and authority to review. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Code, the City Council will hereby exercise the right, power and authority to review and approve any and all development or redevelopment plans, other than minor site plans, within the following areas:
[Ord. No. 5431 §12, 7-27-2015]
The area bounded by the City limits on the north, Olive Boulevard on the south, Craig Road on the east and I-270 on the west.
The area bounded by Olive Boulevard on the north, Old Ballas Road on the south and east and I-270 on the west.
Visual environment enhancement. In the site development plan for any building or structure or any tract or tracts in the "CB" District, there shall be set aside a sum of money equal to not less than two percent (2%) of the proposed total construction cost, which sum shall be used for the erection, construction or installation of special or extraordinary walks, patios, fountains, pools, statuary, landscaping and other applicable objects of art or beautification upon such tract or tracts. There shall be specified on such site development plan an itemized cost estimate of such items including the manner in which the sum of money is to be used for this visual environment enhancement.
Professional offices. Professional offices occupying a converted single-family residence as provided in Section 405.370(B) are permitted by site development plan approval in accordance with Section 405.1080 on a Class 1 or larger site and shall satisfy the following criteria:
Property owners shall file with the Recorder of Deeds of St. Louis County a deed restriction requiring that the property for which approval is sought shall continue under a single ownership for so long as the approved use continues or until the City of Creve Coeur consents to the removal of said restriction.
There shall be no parking within the existing front yard as defined by the existing building line.
Business identification signs shall be regulated by Article VIII, Sign Regulations, of this Chapter as provided for this type of structure.
There shall be no major alterations to the building which would affect the size, bulk or residential appearance of the structure.
Special buffering and screening shall be provided where deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission to prevent conflicts with adjacent residentially occupied property.
Private usable open space. Private usable open space shall be provided for all multi-family residential developments in accordance with the standards provided in Section 405.710.
[R.O. 2008 §26-44; Ord. No. 1903 §1, 11-24-1997; Ord. No. 1932 §1, 4-13-1998; Ord. No. 2091 §3, 11-27-2000; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 11-13-2006; Ord. No. 5023 §§1 — 2, 2-11-2008; Ord. No. 5087 §5, 6-8-2009; Ord. No. 5114 §§1 — 3, 11-9-2009; Ord. No. 5131 §3, 4-26-2010; Ord. No. 5164 §5, 12-13-2010; Ord. No. 5228 §1, 10-24-2011; Ord. No. 5236 §§1 — 2, 12-12-2011; Ord. No. 5300 §15, 4-22-2013]
Purpose And Intent. The purpose of the "LI" Light Industrial District is to encourage the development and redevelopment of areas of the City which are designated as industrial by one (1) of the City's land use plans. The "LI" District is further intended to ensure high quality future development through the use of site development plan approval procedures which provide for specific consideration of access, parking, drainage, landscaping and design factors.
Permitted Uses. Structures or land in the "LI" Light Industrial District may be used only for the purposes enumerated for that district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance and are subject to the provisions and limitations of Section 405.210 and to all of the other provisions and limitations of this Chapter and other applicable regulations, ordinances and Statutes of the City of Creve Coeur, St. Louis County or the State of Missouri.
Conditional Uses. The City Council may authorize the uses identified as conditional uses for the district in Table A of this Zoning Ordinance by conditional use permit as provided in Section 405.1070, based on the criteria in Section 405.470, after receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and subject to such other restrictions and conditions as are deemed necessary.
Site Development Plan Required. Site development plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be required for all proposed developments within the "LI" Light Industrial District as provided for in Section 405.1080.
Dimensional Regulations. The following area and yard regulations apply in the "LI" Light Industrial District.
Minimum district size. The minimum district size shall be five (5) acres. Such a district may consist of a single tract of land or two (2) or more contiguous tracts of land that are at least five (5) acres combined. In addition, a tract of land that is less than five (5) acres may be zoned "LI" Light Industrial District when it is contiguous to an existing "LI" District.
Lot size requirements.
Minimum lot area. One-half (½) acre (twenty-one thousand seven hundred eighty (21,780) square feet).
Minimum lot width. One hundred (100) feet.
Minimum lot depth. One hundred fifty (150) feet.
Building bulk regulations.
Maximum building height. Building heights and the heights of all other structures not specifically listed in Subsection (E)(3)(b) below shall not exceed sixty (60) feet. In addition, properties adjacent to any single-family residential zoning district shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located forty-five (45) feet above grade and one hundred (100) feet from the property line on the non-residential site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Maximum height for other structures. Radio, television and communication transmitting or relay towers, antennas and other similar structures shall not exceed a height of three hundred (300) feet. In addition, properties adjacent to any single-family residential zoning district shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located forty-five (45) feet above grade and one hundred (100) feet from the property line on the non-residential site and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site. No portion of the building or structure shall penetrate this sky exposure plane.
Maximum site coverage. The amount of gross site area covered by all impervious surfaces including, but not limited to, buildings and structures, surface parking, sidewalks and pavement for automobile circulation shall not exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the site.
Maximum floor area ratio. Sites will be subject to a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of seventy-five hundredths (0.75).
Yard and setback requirements.
Minimum front yard. No building or structure shall be located closer than thirty (30) feet from the right-of-way. In the event that parking is to be located in front of a building or structure, said building or structure shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way. The provisions of Section 405.240 shall prevail if they are stricter than the requirements of this district. In every instance, the first ten (10) feet of the front yard setback from the right-of-way shall be provided with and maintained with landscaping including, but not limited to, deciduous street trees at regular intervals in accordance with the requirements of Section 405.540.
Minimum side yard. Ten (10) feet except when the building abuts a railroad right-of-way or siding. No side yard is required if the building abuts a railroad right-of-way or rail siding.
Minimum rear yard. Ten (10) feet except when the building abuts a railroad right-of-way or siding. No rear yard is required if the building abuts a railroad right-of-way or rail siding.
Buffer yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 405.380(E)(4)(b) and 405.380(E)(4)(c) above, any tract or site abutting or adjoining a residential zoning district shall provide a buffer yard of fifty (50) feet on all sides that abut or adjoin the single-family district. An additional two (2) feet of buffer yard shall be provided for every foot of building or structure height exceeding forty-five (45) feet. The buffer area resulting from these setback requirements shall not contain any impervious surface and shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
General Requirements.
Off-street parking and loading. See Article VII.
Environmental controls. All site development shall conform with the environmental performance standards provided in Section 405.550 and with all other appropriate environmental controls including those relating to landscaping, tree conservation, flood hazard control and stormwater retention and erosion controls as provided in this Code.
Landscaping. See Section 405.540.
Lighting. See Section 405.680.
Signs. See Article VIII.
Additional District Regulations.
Except for limited quarters for night watchmen, no structure shall be used for residential purposes.
All business, services, storage, merchandise display and repairing and processing shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building or within a fenced and screened exterior storage area, except for off-street automobile parking and off-street loading unless expressly permitted by a conditional use permit (see Section 405.1070)405.1070).
[R.O. 2008 §26-46.1 — 26-46.13; Ord. No. 5057 §2, 9-4-2008; Ord. No. 5134 §§1 — 3, 4-26-2010; Ord. No. 5165 §7, 12-13-2010; Ord. No. 5243 §4, 2-13-2012; Ord. No. 5300 §§16 — 17, 4-22-2013; Ord. No. 5381 §1 7-14-2014; Ord. No. 5620, 12-10-2018; Ord. No. 5844, 7-10-2023]
Purpose. The purpose of the Planned Zoning District is to allow a development project that is proposed on a single lot or multiple lots to be constructed in one (1) or more phases that is unable to meet the established zoning criteria due to project size, phasing, configuration, site conditions, or particular design features. The Planned Zoning District provides a mechanism to facilitate innovative design, solve problems on difficult sites, meet market niches, encourage housing in different forms and price ranges, promote well-designed developments, and encourage infill and redevelopment within the City.
Objectives. Through the flexibility of the Planned Zoning District, the City seeks to achieve the following objectives:
Fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan;
Creation of a more desirable environment than would be possible through application of conventional City land use regulations;
Promotion of a creative approach to the use of land and related physical facilities resulting in better design and development including aesthetic amenities;
Combination and coordination of architectural styles, building forms and building relationships;
Preservation and enhancement of desirable site characteristics such as natural topography, vegetation and geologic features, preferably by means of natural erosion control and stormwater control best management practices;
Use of design, landscape or architectural features consistent with the City's design guidelines; and
Mutually desired elimination of obsolete or deteriorated structures or incompatible uses through redevelopment.
Eligibility. A development proposal shall be eligible for consideration under the Planned Zoning District process if the Zoning Administrator finds that it meets the following provisions:
Is located on one (1) or more lots totaling at least three (3) acres in size.
Cannot be approved under the provisions of another zoning district.
The subject property is zoned for the eligible type of Planned Zoning District pursuant to Section 405.390(F). In the event the existing zoning district is not eligible for the requested Planned Zoning District, an application to rezone to a qualifying zoning district must be submitted in conjunction with the Planned Zoning District application.
The proposed development must substantially comply with the provisions of this Section 405.390 and be generally consistent with the applicable provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Relationship Of Planned Districts To Zoning Map.
A Mapped District. The Planned Zoning District designation shall not be attached to existing zoning districts as an overlay. The Planned Zoning Districts, as detailed in this Section, are separate zoning districts and applied to a specific parcel or parcels of land following a public hearing and all other requirements of Section 405.1060, Zoning Changes and Text Amendments. Such designation shall be shown on the City Zoning Map.
Public Benefit. In connection with obtaining approval of a Planned Zoning District, public benefits are to be provided as determined by the City Council upon a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Such public benefits to the City, could include, but are not limited to, the following:
Provision of public or quasi-public parking facilities;
Provision of on-street and off-street pedestrian facilities linking surrounding business, office and residential uses;
Consolidation and/or elimination of overhead utility wires;
Inclusion of landscaped gardens, plazas or parks available for public use;
Provision of alternative street connections or the dedication of land for additional street right-of-way;
Fountains, statuary, public art;
Architectural distinction and significance that would make building(s) noteworthy;
Extensive use of high-quality building materials that would add to the assessed valuation of the structures.
Types Of Planned Zoning Districts. There are three (3) types of Planned Zoning Districts:
Planned Residential Development (PRO). A "Planned Residential Development" shall be eligible for properties where the existing zoning district is zoned "A," "B," "C," or "D" Single-Family Residential or "AR" Attached Residential.
Planned Commercial Development (PCD). A "Planned Commercial Development" shall be eligible for properties where the existing zoning district is "CB" Core Business, "GC" General Commercial, "PO" Planned Office, or "RO" Research Office District.
Planned Mixed-Use Development (PMD). A "Planned Mixed-Use Development" shall be eligible for properties where the existing zoning district is "CB" Core Business, "GC" General Commercial, "PO" Planned Office, or "RO" Research Office District.
Planned Residential Development (PRO). A "Planned Residential Development" shall mean a development on a plot of land, containing a limited mixture of uses and building types that is predominately residential, which may include single-family houses, clustered housing, townhouses, and multi-family dwellings. Small service-commercial uses that complement the area may be permitted if deemed compatible with the proposed residential uses and will not have a detrimental impact on the adjacent residential uses. Although no particular combination of the aforementioned uses is predetermined, all applications for PRO zoning must contain a clear statement and placement of the specific uses within the district as set forth in Table A[1]. Subsequent requests for additional uses not previously approved shall be treated as amendments to the Planned Zoning District and subject to all of the original approval criteria.
Design Criteria. Except to the extent supplemented, modified or superseded by and through the Planned Zoning District ordinance or site concept plan, an application for PRO zoning shall also be reviewed for conformance with the following design criteria:
Housing densities expressed as dwelling units per acre for each housing type shall be compatible with the surrounding area.
The height of all buildings shall be compatible with the surrounding area. In addition, properties adjacent to any single-family residential development shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above the property line and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site.
Any tract or site abutting or adjoining a single-family residential development shall provide a buffer yard of at least twenty-five (25) feet on all sides that abut the single-family development. The buffer yard shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices and shall not contain impervious surfaces, with the exception of trails, footpaths, walkways, pedestrian accommodations and/or amenities, retaining walls and/or other screening devices and/or stormwater management systems as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The required buffer yard may be modified due to unique site characteristics and taking into consideration the proposed uses adjacent to the existing single-family residential developments.
Balances increased structure densities for the subject property with more cohesive and organized open space.
Improves on, or provides for, efficient circulation patterns, access controls and screening of parking facilities.
Provides adequate public facilities including streets, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, fire protection, water, stormwater control, sanitary sewer and parks and recreation facilities.
Utilizes high-quality architectural design and materials, placement, relationship and orientation of structures throughout the planned development.
Places all utilities serving new projects underground, to the extent feasible, except where specific allowances and design considerations are provided elsewhere in this Section.
Provides for appropriate spacing and/or greenspace in or around the separate developments within the PRD.
Provides for vehicular mobility in a manner that does not compromise pedestrian safety and mobility.
Functionally and aesthetically integrates all proposed stormwater collection basins with the surrounding development through undergrounding or innovative design of above ground facilities that is visually commensurate with the surrounding development.
Editor's Note: Table A is held as an attachment to this Chapter.
Planned Commercial Development (PCO). A "Planned Commercial Development" shall mean a development on a plot of land containing a mixture of commercial, office, lodging, and miscellaneous service activities when acceptable to the area. The purpose of a PCD is to provide sites for the development of a mixture of commercial uses in a manner which is attractive for such uses and compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. The PCD will also encourage the efficient use of land and resources, offer a mix of amenities for the populace of the area and promote greater efficiency in public and utility services. Although no particular combination of the aforementioned uses is predetermined, all applications for PCD zoning must contain a clear statement and placement of the specific uses within the district as set forth in Table A[2]. Subsequent requests for additional uses not previously approved shall be treated as amendments to the Planned Zoning District and subject to all of the original approval criteria.
Design Criteria. Except to the extent supplemented, modified or superseded by and through the Planned Zoning District ordinance or site concept plan, an application for PCD zoning shall also be reviewed for conformance with the following design criteria:
Proposed development adjacent to any single-family residential development shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above the property line and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site.
Any tract or site abutting or adjoining a single-family residential development shall provide a buffer yard of thirty-five (35) feet on all sides that abut the single-family development. The buffer yard shall be landscaped and provided with other screening devices and shall not contain impervious surfaces, with the exception of trails, footpaths, walkways, pedestrian accommodations and/or amenities, retaining walls and/or other screening devices and/or stormwater management systems as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The required buffer yard may be modified due to unique site characteristics and taking into consideration the proposed uses adjacent to the existing single-family residential developments.
Allows for and makes efficient use of parking and storage areas including cooperative parking facilities.
Provides for the more efficient provision of public and private utilities and facilities throughout the development area.
Provides adequate public facilities including streets, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, fire protection, water, stormwater control, sanitary sewer and parks and recreation facilities.
Incorporates pocket parks, small plazas and places for public art where appropriate.
Locates buildings in appropriate relation to sidewalks or public parks and plazas.
Provides for vehicular mobility in a manner that does not compromise pedestrian safety and mobility.
Utilizes high-quality architectural design and materials, placement, relationship and orientation of structures throughout the planned development.
Places all utilities serving new projects underground, to the extent feasible, except where specific allowances and design considerations are provided elsewhere in this Section.
Provides appropriate spacing and/or greenspace in or around the separate developments within the PCD.
Functionally and aesthetically integrates all proposed stormwater collection basins with the surrounding development through undergrounding or innovative design of above ground facilities that is visually commensurate with surrounding development.
Editor's Note: Table A is held as an attachment to this Chapter.
Planned Mixed-Use Development (PMD). A "Planned Mixed-Use Development" shall mean a development on a plot of land containing a mixture of commercial, residential, office, lodging, and miscellaneous service activities when acceptable to the area. The purpose of a PMD is to provide sites for the development of a mixture of commercial and residential uses in a manner which is attractive for such uses and compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. The PMD will also encourage the efficient use of land and resources, offer a mix of amenities for the populace of the area and promote greater efficiency in public and utility services. Although no particular combination of the aforementioned uses is predetermined, all applications for PMD zoning must contain a clear statement and placement of the specific uses within the district as set forth in Table A[3]. Subsequent requests for additional uses not previously approved shall be treated as amendments to the Planned Zoning District and subject to all of the original approval criteria.
Design Criteria. Except to the extent supplemented, modified or superseded by and through the Planned Zoning District ordinance or site concept plan, an application for PMD zoning shall also be reviewed for conformance with the following design criteria:
Proposed development adjacent to any single-family residential development shall meet a sky exposure plane requirement. The sky exposure plane will be measured from a line located thirty-five (35) feet above the property line and will have a slope of thirty degrees (30°) rising towards the center of the site.
Any tract or site abutting or adjoining a single-family residential development shall provide a buffer yard of thirty-five (35) feet on all sides that abut the single-family development, except if the abutting or adjoining proposed uses are residential of equal or less density relative to the existing residential uses then such buffer yard shall be twenty-five (25) feet. The buffer yard shall be landscaped and shall not contain impervious surfaces, with the exception of trails, footpaths, walkways, pedestrian accommodations and/or amenities, retaining walls and/or other screening devices and/or stormwater management systems as deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The required buffer yard may be modified due to unique site characteristics and taking into consideration the proposed uses adjacent to the existing single-family residential developments.
If residential uses are proposed, provides for a mixture of housing types to meet market demands and encourage diversification.
Allows for and makes efficient use of parking and storage areas including cooperative parking facilities.
Provides for the more efficient provision of public and private utilities and facilities throughout the development area.
Provides adequate public facilities including streets, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, fire protection, water, stormwater control, sanitary sewer and parks and recreation facilities.
Incorporates pocket parks, small plazas and places for public art where appropriate.
Locates buildings in appropriate relation to sidewalks or public parks and plazas.
Provides for vehicular mobility in a manner that does not compromise pedestrian safety and mobility.
Utilizes high-quality architectural design and materials, placement, relationship and orientation of structures throughout the planned development.
Places all utilities serving new projects underground, to the extent feasible, except where specific allowances and design considerations are provided elsewhere in this Section.
Provides for appropriate spacing and/or greenspace in or around the separate developments within the PMD.
Functionally and aesthetically integrates all proposed stormwater collection basins with the surrounding development through undergrounding or innovative design of above ground facilities that is visually commensurate with surrounding development.
Editor's Note: Table A is held as an attachment to this Chapter.
Submittal Requirements — Site Concept Plan. Any application for a rezoning to a Planned Zoning District must be accompanied by a site concept plan submitted in paper and electronic formats with the information listed below in approximate detail placed either on the plan or on a separate sheet accompanying the plan, unless otherwise approved by the Zoning Administrator. If there is to be a subdivision of property into separate lots, then a preliminary plat showing the property subdivided into separate lots may also be submitted in accordance with Chapter 410 (as modified by approvals under this Section) in conjunction with the submittal of the site concept plan, but in any event, must be submitted no later than in conjunction with the submittal of the applicable site development plan(s). Section 405.1080 does not apply to site concept plans submitted hereunder.
The location of the parcel in relation to all surrounding and adjacent uses, buildings and zoning.
The location of the parcel in relation to major arterials and/or highways and any roadways or drives connecting the parcel to those major thoroughfares.
The boundaries, dimensions and area of the parcel.
The proposed use and development of the parcel including principal and accessory uses.
The location and size of each existing structure and building on the parcel.
The footprint of each proposed building or structure on the parcel.
The proposed setbacks from all perimeter property lines and buffer yards, if applicable.
The height and number of stories of all proposed buildings and structures.
The amount of land area covered by all proposed buildings, structures, drives and parking facilities.
The ratio of floor area to land area (FAR).
Approximate locations of existing and proposed utility easements and stormwater retention areas.
Existing and proposed contours at vertical intervals of not more than five (5) feet.
Two (2) section profiles through the site showing preliminary building form, existing natural and proposed final grade.
Preliminary plan for sanitation and drainage facilities.
Drawings shall contain the project name, proposed and existing street names, a reasonable and legible scale, north arrow and the date drawn.
General architectural guidelines including, but not limited to, primary and accent exterior materials, finishes and color palette for all buildings within the planned development to meet the Review Criteria requirements in Section 405.390(I)(6), as well as, the design and materials of site features such as streetlights and retaining walls for consistency throughout the planned development.
A timeline showing the current approximation of when the planned development will be constructed in stages or units and a schedule for the development of stages or units stating the approximate beginning and completion time for each stage or unit.
A non-exhaustive outline of any proposed restrictive covenants that may be recorded with respect to property in the proposed Planned Zoning District.
A narrative addressing each of the standards set forth in Section 405.390(I), Review Criteria, Section 405.390(E), Public Benefit, the City's Comprehensive Plan, and such additional standards, if any, as may be applicable under the specific provisions of these Planned Zoning District regulations. The statement shall explain specifically how the proposed Planned Zoning District relates to and meets each such standard.
At the request of the Director of Community Development, a traffic impact analysis prepared by a Missouri registered traffic engineer depicting the project's impact on vehicular and pedestrian traffic along roadways adjacent to the Planned Zoning District and/or a traffic review focused on the vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the Planned Zoning District.
Any other information deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator to fully understand the proposal.
A site development plan shall then be submitted with applicable fees and escrow, for each specific building or phase within the project, for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by resolution of the City Council, provided that only Planning and Zoning Commission review and approval (without action by the City Council) will be necessary for any site development plan that is limited to exterior changes to an existing building and its associated site, or that does not add more than five thousand (5,000) square feet of new impermeable surface to a site, or other circumstances as allowed in a planned district ordinance. Such site development plan shall be submitted in advance of or in conjunction with an application for a building permit (and can be submitted concurrently with the site concept plan) for one (1) or more buildings or phases. Of primary importance in the review of a site development plan will be a determination that the plan substantially complies with the site concept plan approved for the total development or project. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall not require any changes to a proposed site development plan that are inconsistent with the approved site concept plan.
Submittal Requirements — Site Development Plan. Each site development plan must be submitted in paper and electronic formats with the information listed below placed either on the plan or on a separate sheet accompanying the plan, unless otherwise approved by the Zoning Administrator. If there is to be a subdivision of property into separate lots, then a final plat must also be submitted in accordance with Chapter 410 (as modified by approvals under this Section). Section 405.1080 does not apply to site development plans submitted hereunder.
All submissions to the City's Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall be properly sealed and signed by a licensed architect, professional engineer or land surveyor registered in the State of Missouri, as applicable, pursuant to laws and regulations established by the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. An original seal, signature and print date shall appear on each page of one (1) original submittal set as evidence that the submitted material was prepared under the direction of a licensed architect, professional engineer or land surveyor, as applicable. All other submissions shall be copies of the original set.
Title block including name of the proposed project, name, address and phone number of preparers and project applicant or owner.
The location, dimensions and total area of the site, including map, north arrow, plan scale, and legal description of the property.
The location, height, number of stories, floor area, type of construction and intended use of each proposed building or structure.
Architectural elevations depicting size, shape and special design elements proposed as well as proposed exterior finish materials to be used.
A plan of the entire Planned Zoning District shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') or larger bearing a minimum of two (2) surveyed points located in conformance with the Missouri Coordinate System ("State Plane Coordinates").
Two (2) cross sections at ninety degrees (90°) from each other through the proposed site and building(s).
The number, location and dimensions of parking spaces, surface lot or structures and loading docks, in relation to the applicable parking regulations in Article VII, with means of ingress and egress. Layout of physically disabled parking and accessibility shall be included.
The proposed traffic circulation pattern within the area of the development including the location and description of public improvements to be installed including any streets and access easements.
The location and purpose of any existing or proposed dedication, easement or right-of-way (public or private) within the boundaries of the site.
Location and dimensions of adjacent properties and distance therefrom with required setback lines, and location and dimensions of abutting public rights-of-way and easements and utilities serving the site.
Location of existing and proposed sewage treatment, stormwater runoff collection and detention and preliminary stormwater runoff calculations (amount of detention required and provided).
Existing and proposed contour lines or elevations based on mean sea level datum at two (2) foot intervals and extending one hundred (100) feet beyond the property lines.
Site coverage data in a percentage form of the Planned Zoning District (a ratio of non-impervious to impervious area).
Ratio of floor area to site area of the Planned Zoning District (FAR).
Location and height of all light poles and trash enclosures including detailed sketches or cut sheets.
The proposed treatment of open spaces including existing and proposed landscaping and related site improvements such as walls, berms, fences, street furniture, water features and walkways.
Photometric study.
Review Criteria. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend to the City Council approval, approval with conditions or denial of a Planned Zoning District application primarily based upon satisfaction of Section 405.390(C), Eligibility and meeting the applicable design criteria in Section 405.390(F), Types of Planned Zoning Districts. Supplemental to these items, every application shall also be reviewed for conformance with the standards set forth below, to the extent applicable:
The proposed development is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Chapter and is generally compatible with and implements the planning goals and objectives of the City including the Comprehensive Plan.
Streets or other means of access to the proposed development are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic and will not overload the adjacent streets.
The internal circulation system of the proposed development encourages safe movement for vehicles and pedestrians.
Existing or proposed utility services are adequate for the proposed development.
Appropriate buffering is provided to protect adjacent land uses from light, noise and visual impacts.
Architecture and building materials are consistent with the character of the proposed development and compatible with areas of the City proximate thereto.
Landscaping is appropriate for the scale of development and consistent with any applicable City codes, ordinances and standards.
The proposed development preserves any significant architectural and environmental features of the property, to the extent reasonably possible.
Operating and delivery hours are compatible with the land uses adjacent to the Planned Zoning District.
The proposed uses are compatible with the area surrounding the proposed development and will not have a material net cumulative adverse impact on the surrounding area or the City as a whole.
The proposed development complies with all other applicable codes and ordinances.
The layout of structures and spaces adequately takes into account the potential for future subdivision of the development.
There is a demonstrated level of the public benefit to the City derived from the proposed development, per Section 405.390(E).
Any proposed direct impacts on public services, including public improvements proposed for dedication to the public, do not impose an unacceptable burden on the City, taking into account new City revenues projected to be realized from the development.
Review Procedure For A Planned Zoning District.
The application for a Planned Zoning District shall be reviewed and decided upon in accordance with the procedures for a zoning change established by Section 405.1060.
The Director of Community Development or his/her designee shall notify the applicant of any deficiencies and/or modifications necessary based on their review of each submittal hereunder. Once any deficiencies are resolved, the Director of Community Development shall forward the submittal to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Mayor and City Council, post notice of the submittal in the same manner as meeting agendas, post a sign on the affected property, provide public notice on the City website, and prepare staff reports for the Commission and Council meetings. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the City Council may adopt modifications to the development standards set forth in Chapter 405 and Chapter 410 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Creve Coeur, Missouri, as part of its consideration and approval of the Planned Zoning District.
Approval of the Planned Zoning District is determined solely in the legislative discretion of the City Council which shall be codified within a separate Planned Zoning District ordinance.
Once approved by the City Council, the Planned Zoning District, including the associated site concept plan and the Planned Zoning District ordinance replaces all prior zoning regulations on the property and should be noted on the Zoning Map.
Any applicable time limitations shall be met, such as those pertaining to proposed wireless communications facilities and support structures under Section 67.5090, RSMo., et seq., and FCC Declaratory Ruling WT Docket No. 08-165, rel. 11-15-2009.1
Conditions Of Approval.
The City Council shall consider the same criteria as set forth for the Planning and Zoning Commission review (Section 405.390(I), Review Criteria) and may impose such conditions and limitations, including, but not limited to, those recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, as may be necessary or appropriate to prevent or minimize adverse effects upon other property and improvements in the vicinity of the Planned Zoning District, upon the City as a whole or upon public facilities and services. These conditions, may include, but are not limited to, conditions concerning use, construction, character, location, landscaping, screening, parking, maintenance, operational elements that would impact adjoining land uses and other matters relating to the purposes and objectives of these Planned Zoning District regulations. Such conditions shall be expressly set forth in the ordinance and depicted, as appropriate, on the associated site concept plan authorizing the Planned Zoning District.
The ordinance approving a Planned Zoning District shall contain a legal description of the subject property, all imposed conditions of approval of the zoning and the approval of the site concept plan. The ordinance and the approved site development plan(s) shall be recorded by the applicant in the office of County Recorder of Deeds. The applicant must present proof to the City of such recording before any permits may be issued.
Following Planned Zoning District approval, the site concept plan and planned district ordinance, rather than any other provision of this Chapter, shall govern the use, parking, loading, sign, bulk, space and yard regulations applicable to the subject property and no other use or development, except temporary uses, shall be permitted within the area of the Planned Zoning District pursuant to the zoning district regulations otherwise applicable to such area.
Reapplication. In the event the City Council denies an application for a Planned Zoning District, no application for the same or substantially similar proposal will be accepted for a period of at least one (1) year from the date of denial by the City Council, unless the City Council affirmatively waives this restriction for good cause.
Final Building, Construction And Site Improvement Plans. Once a Planned Zoning District and its included site concept plan receives final approval by the City Council and the pertinent site development plan has received approval by the City Council upon receiving a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission (or when applicable, after approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission), further review of the final building, construction and site improvement plans by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the City Council will not be required, provided those final plans are consistent with and in substantial conformance with the approved Planned Zoning District and the approved site development plan.
Period of Validity. The site concept plans approved by the City Council in conjunction with the Planned Zoning District shall be valid for a period of up to eight (8) years from the date of approval. After the eighth year, a site concept plan will no longer be valid unless an extension is granted as set forth below. The City of Creve Coeur may grant a single one-year extension prior to the expiration of the site concept plan upon written request of the applicant submitted to the City at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the expiration date and granted prior to the expiration date. Site development plans shall be valid for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of approval. Within such period a building permit shall be obtained, and substantial construction commenced. Substantial construction shall be deemed to consist of clearing the site, completion of footings, basement or building slab and inspection of such work. The Planning and Zoning Commission may grant extensions regarding the validity of a site development plan not exceeding twelve (12) months each upon written request of the original applicant prior to the expiration of such period and resubmission of the application if the application as resubmitted is substantially the same as the initially approved application. However, the Commission shall have the power in such cases to attach new conditions to their re-approval or to disapprove the reapplication. The validity of a site development plan cannot be extended if the site concept plan has ceased to be valid.
Building Permit Issuance. A copy of the approved Planned Zoning District, the approved site concept plan, and each approved site development plan shall be retained in the records of the Department of Community Development and all building and occupancy permits issued by the City shall conform to the provisions of the approved Planned Zoning District, site concept plan, and site development plan.
Violations. Failure to comply with any of the conditions and/or provisions of an approved Planned Zoning District plan shall constitute a violation of this Chapter, punishable as provided in Section 405.1150 of this Chapter. The City may seek judicial remedies to compel compliance.
Amendments. No amendments shall be made in the construction, development or use permitted under a Planned Zoning District except as follows:
Minor Amendments. During build-out of the Planned Zoning District, the Zoning Administrator may authorize minor adjustments to the approved site development plan when such adjustments appear necessary in light of technical or engineering considerations provided the project will remain in substantial conformance with the original approval.
Major Amendments. If the Zoning Administrator determines that the proposed amendment will result in a major change to the site concept plan or site development plan (not in substantial conformance with the original approval) or any change to the list of permitted uses, the matter shall be subject to review as an amendment the Planned Zoning District. Major amendments to the site concept plan shall follow the same procedures as a new application under the provisions of these Planned Zoning District regulations. Major amendments to the site development plan shall follow the provisions of this Section regarding original site development plans subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by resolution of the City Council.