[Amended 4-9-2024 by Ord. No. MC-5493]
The Camden County Police Department, Metro Division, shall have the authority to issue temporary regulations restricting or prohibiting vending units, food trucks or food trailers when an emergency has been declared by the Chief or his designee in the area of Delaware Avenue, south of the light rail line to Clinton Street and the entire length of Harbor Boulevard or other areas as determined by the Police Chief or his designee.
[Amended 4-9-2024 by Ord. No. MC-5493]
Such temporary regulation provided for in § 578-21 above, may be issued when the Camden County Police Department, Metro Division, determines that an emergency exists due to the size of scheduled events in the Waterfront Entertainment District, restrictions should be placed on vending and food truck activities in the areas described in § 578-21, herein
[Amended 4-9-2024 by Ord. No. MC-5493]
Any regulation issued pursuant to this article, with the exception of emergent regulations, shall be filed with the office of the Municipal Clerk three business days prior to its effective date. The regulation shall be accompanied by a certification issued by the police official designated by the appropriate authority in the Police Department to prepare said certification. The certification shall set forth the reasons requiring the imposition of the temporary restrictions.
Where, due to unforeseen circumstances, crowd control issues require the issuance of temporary regulations concerning the need to restrict vending units, food trucks and/or food trailers, the Camden County Police Department, Metro Division, may issue an emergent temporary regulation; provided, however, the Camden County Police Department, Metro Division, shall file the temporary regulation and a certification, with the office of the Municipal Clerk within two business days of the issuance of the regulation. The certification shall set forth the reasons why the situation giving rise to the regulation could not have been anticipated so that the regulation could have been filed in advance of the event.
The Camden County Police Department, Metro Division, shall post notices of the emergency restrictions within the prohibited area at a minimum of once every 100 feet.
The Camden County Police Department, Metro Division, shall prepare the appropriate procedures designating responsibility for compliance with filing and notice provisions required by this article.
[Added 4-9-2024 by Ord. No. MC-5493]
The Director and the Chief License Inspector of the Department of Code Enforcement shall have all of the duties and responsibilities provided for in § 485-9 of the Camden City Code to take all actions necessary by law to prosecute all violators of the provisions provided for herein, including but not limited to § 485-9K of the Camden City Code.