This article shall apply to all owners of autocabs to be operated in the City of Camden as well as all vehicles to be so operated.
No autocab license shall be granted by the Division of Inspections if the applicant for the license is disqualified for the reasons set forth in § 485-24 or if said applicant has not complied with other requirements of this chapter which are made prerequisite for the granting or issuance of the license.
In making the finding or determination to approve an application for an autocab license, the Division of Inspections shall take into consideration:
The character, experience and responsibility of the applicant.
Whether the applicant has complied with the requirements of Chapter 485 of this Code concerning applications.
Whether the autocab sought to be licensed is found, after inspection, to be in a fit, safe and sanitary condition for public patronage and transportation of passengers as required by § 209-13.
Whether the applicant has complied with the requirements of § 209-17 as to insurance.
Renewal autocab licenses may be issued by the Division of Inspections where the applicant therefor was an autocab licensee in the year immediately preceding the year in which he makes application for such renewal license.
In addition to the requirements of Subsection A above, renewal of such licenses shall be subject to the provisions of § 485-16 of this Code.
No autocab shall be licensed until it has been thoroughly and carefully inspected and examined by the Division of Inspections and found to be in a thoroughly safe condition for the transportation of passengers. Such licensed cabs shall be clean and fit and of good appearance and well painted.
The Division of Inspections shall refuse a license to any applicant or, if already issued, revoke or suspend the license of any vehicle found to be unsafe for the transportation of passengers.
The Division of Inspections is authorized and empowered to establish such additional rules and regulations for the inspection of autocabs and their appurtenances, construction and condition of fitness for the safe and adequate transportation of passengers as it may deem necessary and reasonable.
The Division of Inspections shall maintain a constant vigilance over all autocabs to see that they be kept in a condition of safety for the transportation of passengers and, to this end, shall have the right, at any and all times, to inspect any and all licensed vehicles and shall maintain a record, in writing, of the report of all such inspections.
All reports of such inspections and examinations, after being submitted and filed with the Division of Inspections, shall become a part of the application filed for the licensing of such vehicles, as provided in this article.
Under the direction of the Division of Inspections, a register shall be kept of the name of each person to whom an autocab license has been granted, together with the license number and the description, make and other identifying data of such vehicles, with the date and complete record of inspections made of them. All applications shall be carefully preserved for reference. All licenses issued shall be recorded in books provided for that purpose, which shall be in such form as the Division of Inspections shall prescribe.
All such records shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable times and shall be deemed the office records of the Division of Inspections.
Each autocab licensee shall receive a license card of such size and form as may be prescribed by the Division of Inspections. Such card shall contain the name of the applicant, the official license number of the autocab, the name of the owner, the state license number thereof, the make, model, manufacturer's number and motor power of the autocab, together with the date of the inspection of the same and a notice that in case of any complaint, said Division shall be notified, the license number of the autocab being given. Such card shall have attached thereto the signature of the Supervisor of License Inspections of the Division of Inspections. Such card shall contain blank spaces upon which an entry shall be made of the date of every inspection of the vehicle by the person making the inspections.
[Amended 1-24-2002 by Ord. No. MC-3720; 10-14-2008 by Ord. No. MC-4431; 7-13-2010 by Ord. No. MC-4554]
Any autocab license may be transferred upon the payment of a transfer fee of $75.90 for each and every such transfer and upon obtaining the approval, in writing, of the Division of Inspections.
No autocab service shall be operated wholly or partly along any street in the City of Camden until the owner of the autocab shall have provided the Director of the Division of Inspections with an insurance policy in compliance with the applicable provisions and requirements of state law as set forth in N.J.S.A. 48:16-13 et seq., as amended and supplemented, which relates to insurance policy or blanket insurance policy amounts, coverage and form. All such insurance policies shall be issued to expire December 31 next succeeding the date of issuance.
The Director of the Division of Inspections shall forward all such insurance policies to the Clerk of the City of Camden for filing, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:16-14.