[CC 1984 §24-130; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.58; Ord. No. 3140 §24-63]
Except when necessary in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals, the operator of a vehicle shall not stop, stand or park any vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the edge of the roadway, headed in the direction of traffic, and with the curb-side wheels of the vehicle within twelve (12) inches of the edge of the roadway.
On streets which have been marked or posted with signs for angle parking, vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb indicated by such marks or signs.
[CC 1984 §24-132; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.61; Ord. No. 3140 §24-65; Ord. No. 3400 §2, 5-2-1977; Ord. No. 4351 §1, 8-6-1990; Ord. No. 4375 §1, 11-19-1990; Ord. No. 4388 §1, 4-15-1991; Ord. No. 4434 §1, 3-16-1992]
The operator of a vehicle shall not stop, stand or park the vehicle in any of the following places except in compliance with the directions of a Police Officer:
Within an intersection;
More than one (1) foot from the curb;
On a crosswalk or within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk;
Upon the approach to an intersection, within twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection of curb lines;
Within thirty-five (35) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffic control signal;
Within fifteen (15) feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station;
Within ten (10) feet, and along the curb opposite when so designated by signs or yellow painted curbing, of a fire hydrant;
In front of a private driveway or public or private alley;
On a sidewalk or on the wrong side of the street;
Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic;
At any place where official traffic signs have been erected prohibiting standing or parking or adjacent curbing has been painted yellow by the City;
Within six (6) feet of any United States mailbox;
In any alley;
On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
On a curb; or
On a tree lawn.
[CC 1984 §24-133; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.62; Ord. No. 3140 §24-66; Ord. No. 4212 §1, 4-4-1988]
No vehicle shall be parked at any time in any place reserved for vehicles carrying passengers for hire in the City.
When signs are erected giving notice, when school is in session, no person shall park a vehicle during the time indicated upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule V-I as school bus zones.
[Ord. No. 4666 §1, 4-21-1997]
No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle in a fire lane established in the City of Richmond Heights, Missouri.
The Fire Chief of the City is authorized to recommend fire lanes which shall be established by Schedule XVII, Fire Lanes and said Schedule may be by description of streets and references or by maps, plats or exhibits.
Nothing therein shall prohibit the authority of the Fire Chief of the City of Richmond Heights, Missouri, to establish temporary or emergency fire lanes when necessary to protect public health and safety.
[CC 1984 §24-134; Ord. No. 3140 §24-67; Ord. No. 3758 §3, 11-16-1981; Ord. No. 4429 §1, 2-18-1992; Ord. No. 4561 §1, 9-19-1994]
No person operating a motor vehicle shall park a motor vehicle in a parking space designated for the exclusive use of a motor vehicle displaying:
A distinguished license plate or placard for the physically disabled or for a disabled veteran which has been issued pursuant to Sections 301.071 or 301.142, RSMo., or
A license plate issued by another State clearly displaying the international wheelchair accessibility symbol unless:
A physically disabled person is an occupant of a motor vehicle displaying a license plate or placard as heretofore described in this Subsection (A) at the time of parking; or
A physically disabled person is being delivered or collected by a motor vehicle which properly displays one (1) of the license plates or placards heretofore described in this Subsection (A) and which is parked for the sole purpose of delivering or collecting a physically disabled person.
The City of Richmond Heights, Missouri, may designate parking spaces for vehicles referred to in Subsection (A) upon public streets of the City of Richmond Heights. When so designated, the space shall be indicated by blue paint on the curb or edge of the paved portion of the street adjacent to the space. In addition, the space shall be indicated by a sign upon which shall be the international symbol of accessibility in white on a blue background and may also include appropriate words indicating the exclusive use.
The City of Richmond Heights, Missouri, may designate parking spaces for vehicles referred to in Subsection (A) in public off-street parking facilities. When so designated, that parking space shall be as close as possible to the nearest accessible entrance. Such designation shall be made by posting immediately adjacent to and visible from each space a sign upon which is inscribed the international symbol of accessibility in white on a blue background and may also include appropriate words indicating the exclusive use.
Spaces for vehicles referred to in Subsection (A) shall be twelve (12) feet wide or greater and shall be open on one (1) or both sides so as to not impede the free egress and exit of the disabled person.
Any person possessing a current State license plate or placard as described in Subsection (A) above may apply to the City of Richmond Heights for a permit for a physically disabled parking space, provided said person owns or leases a motor vehicle and does not have access to a driveway or an off-street parking space, and that said physically disabled parking space, if granted, will be in use for the parking of a motor vehicle displaying license plates or a placard as described in Subsection (A) above at least eight (8) hours of five (5) twenty-four (24) hour days per week. A family member residing full-time with a physically disabled person and owning or leasing a motor vehicle displaying a current State license plate or placard as heretofore described in Subsection (A) may apply for a physically disabled parking space if such person is the primary means of transportation for the disabled person.
The physically disabled parking space permit referred to in Subsection (E) above may be renewed each year by the owner or lessor of the motor vehicle filing an application for renewal of said permit with the City of Richmond Heights before January first (1st) of the following year. If application for a disabled parking space permit is not renewed by January first (1st) of the following year, the signs so designating the disabled parking space shall be removed by the City of Richmond Heights. The then current cost of reinstallation of the aforesaid signs shall be paid to the City of Richmond Heights by the applicant prior to reissuance of such a disabled parking space permit to such person.
Any person parking in violation of the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in the sum of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than three hundred dollars ($300.00).
[CC 1984 §24-140; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.63; Ord. No. 3140 §24-68; Ord. No. 3187 §1, 9-3-1974; Ord. No. 5275 §2, 11-15-2014]
When signs are erected or when adjacent curbing has been painted yellow giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IV.
When signs are erected or when a dedicated bike lane is enclosed by solid white lane markings, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon a dedicated bike lane described in Schedule XVIII.
[CC 1984 §24-141; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.60; Ord. No. 2932 §3, 9-15-1969; Ord. No. 3140 §24-69; Ord. No. 3269 §1, 10-6-1975]
The presence of any vehicle, trailer or boat in or upon any public street, alley or public place in violation of any parking regulation shall be prima facie evidence that the person in whose name such vehicle, trailer or boat is registered on either the records of the Clerk, the State or of the State in which registered, committed such violation.
If the vehicle, trailer or boat is rented or leased to another, the registered owner thereof shall furnish the name, address and operator's license number of the person renting or leasing the vehicle, trailer or boat at the time the violation occurred to the Chief of Police within three (3) working days from the time of receipt of a notice of the violation from the Police Department. If the registered owner shall fail to furnish the information required within the time provided above, the owner shall then be deemed to have committed the violation. The report in writing from the owner of the name of the person having rented or leased the vehicle, trailer or boat shall be prima facie evidence that the person named committed the violation.
[CC 1984 §24-142; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.64; Ord. No. 3140 §24-70; Ord. No. 3310 §1, 4-19-1976; Ord. No. 4611 §1(24-286), 11-20-1995]
When signs are erected giving notice, no person shall park a vehicle during the time or for a longer period than indicated upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedules V and VI and XVI.
[CC 1984 §24-143; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.65; Ord. No. 2932 §1, 9-15-1969; Ord. No. 3140 §24-71; Ord. No. 3757 §2, 11-2-1981; Ord. No. 4823 §1, 7-1-2002; Ord. No. 5094 §2, 2-2-2009]
Except when in the process of loading or unloading, no person shall park, keep or leave any commercial vehicle, boat, recreation vehicle or non-motorized vehicle on any public street or public highway for a period of more than one (1) hour in any one (1) calendar day.
[CC 1984 §24-144; Rev. M.C. 1963 §61.55; Ord. No. 2931 §1, 9-15-1969; Ord. No. 3140 §24-72; Ord. No. 3757 §3, 11-2-1981; Ord. No. 4823 §1, 7-1-2002]
No person shall park, keep, store or leave, nor shall any person, whether as owner or occupant or agent thereof, permit or allow to be kept, stored or left any truck or vehicle having a manufacturer's rated capacity in excess of one (1) ton or any passenger-carrying vehicle having a seating capacity in excess of nine (9) persons or any tractor on any lot or tract of land in any of the single-family, two-family or multiple-family dwelling districts in the City as established by the City's zoning ordinance.
[CC 1984 §24-145; Ord. No. 4039 §1, 3-18-1985; Ord. No. 4043 §1, 5-6-1985; Ord. No. 4228 §1, 8-1-1988; Ord. No. 4592 §1, 6-5-1995; Ord. No. 4647 §1, 9-16-1996; Ord. No. 4729 §2, 1-19-1999]
As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Any person who lives in property abutting a street designated as a residential parking zone.
Any street or part thereof in one (1) of the hereinafter defined residential zones with a specified parking time limit or with permit-only parking.
The residential areas of the City shall be divided into four (4) residential zones which are defined as follows:
Zone 1: Those streets listed in Tables VI-C, VI-H, and VI-J of Schedule VI;
[Ord. No. 5511, 4-17-2023]
Zone 2: Those streets listed in Table VI-E of Schedule VI;
Zone 3: Those streets listed in Table VI-F of Schedule VI;
Zone 4: Those streets listed in Table V-E of Schedule V.
Any person who is a household guest, a visitor, a workman performing services for, or domestic help for a resident.
On any street designated a residential parking zone, parking in a permit-only parking zone or parking in excess of the prescribed parking time limit will be permitted only by a resident and that resident's visitor with a valid resident or visitor parking permit.
A resident or visitor parking permit issued for any of the above-numbered residential zones of the City shall not be valid in any other numbered residential zone.
The City shall issue resident parking permits and visitor parking permits for the numbered residential zones to a resident of any street designated a residential parking zone when said resident has completed a residential parking permit application.
[CC 1984 §24-146; Ord. No. 4497 §3, 4-19-1993; Ord. No. 4633 §1, 6-17-1996; Ord. No. 4752 §1, 11-15-1999]
The City Council shall prohibit parking on any private road, street or portion thereof in the City of Richmond Heights where the free and safe movement of traffic, the reasonable use of the roadway, and the convenience of residents makes such prohibition necessary. The City Council shall designate those private streets and portions of private streets listed in Schedule IV of this Title as zones where parking is prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park in any such no parking zone so designated.
No person shall park or stand a motor vehicle, whether occupied or not, in a private driveway, on a private parking lot, or on private property without expressed or implied consent of the owner or other person in lawful charge of such driveway, parking lot or property, or if such parking or standing, constitutes a safety hazard or an unreasonable interference with the use of such driveway, parking lot or property by the owner or person in lawful charge thereof.
Such designations of no parking zones shall become enforceable following approval by the City Council and installation of appropriate signs designating the zone where the prohibition applies.
[CC 1984 §24-150; Rev. M.C. 1963 §61.56; Ord. No. 2931 §1, 9-15-1969; Ord. No. 3140 §24-73; Ord. No. 3269 §1, 10-6-1975; Ord. No. 4823 §1, 7-1-2002]
No person shall park, keep, store or leave, nor shall any person, whether as owner or occupant or agent thereof, allow or permit to be parked, kept, stored or left any truck having a manufacturer's rated capacity of one (1) ton or less, any boat, recreational vehicle or any trailer in front of the front building line on any lot or tract of land in any of the single-family, two-family or multiple-family dwelling districts in the City as established by the City's zoning ordinance.
If the vehicle, trailer or boat is rented or leased to another, the registered owner thereof shall furnish the name, address and operator's license number of the person renting or leasing the vehicle, trailer or boat at the time the violation occurred to the Chief of Police within three (3) working days from the time of receipt of a notice of the violation from the Police Department. If the registered owner shall fail to furnish the information required within the time provided above, the owner shall then be deemed to have committed the violation. The report in writing from the owner of the name of the person having rented or leased the vehicle, trailer or boat shall be prima facie evidence that the person committed the violation.
[CC 1984 §24-151; Rev. M.C. 1963 §61.59; Ord. No. 2931 §1, 9-15-1969; Ord. No. 3140 §24-74]
The presence of any boat, trailer or vehicle upon any lot or tract of land in the City in violation of Sections 350.090 and 350.120 shall be prima facie evidence that the person in whose name such boat, trailer or vehicle is registered on the records of the Clerk, of the State or of the State in which registered is responsible for the violation occurring.
[CC 1984 §24-152; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.66; Ord. No. 3140 §24-75]
No person shall park or leave standing or cause to be parked or left standing any vehicle upon any public street in the City continuously for a period of one (1) week or longer.
[CC 1984 §24-153; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.68; Ord. No. 3140 §24-76]
No person shall park any vehicle displayed for sale upon any public street.
[CC 1984 §24-154; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.69; Ord. No. 3140 §24-77]
No person shall park on any street any vehicle for the primary purpose of displaying advertising.
[CC 1984 §24-155; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.71; Ord. No. 3140 §24-78; Ord. No. 4545 §4, 6-6-1994]
Whenever any motor vehicle without an operator is found parked in violation of any of the parking restrictions of the Vehicles and Traffic Code of the City of Richmond Heights, the officer finding it shall:
Take note of its registration number,
Take note of any other information displayed on the vehicle which may identify its owner and its operator, and
Affix conspicuously to such vehicle a notice in writing on a form provided by the Clerk for the operator to answer to the charges made in regard to the violation at the time and in the manner specified in the notice and in conformance with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Richmond Heights.
Except as provided in Section 350.250 of Article II of this Chapter, the day given in the notice to answer the charges shall be not less than four (4) nor more than ten (10) days following the date the notice is affixed to the vehicle, during the hours and at the place specified in the notice. The officer shall send one (1) copy of the notice to the Violations Bureau.
[Ord. No. 4822 §1, 6-17-2002]
No motorized vehicle shall be parked, left or stored on any unpaved surface, except that existing gravel driveways and parking areas may be used for parking until such time as a change in ownership of the properly takes place, at which time the graveled driveway and parking area must be paved. "Paved", for the purposes of this Section, shall mean covering of the surface of sidewalks, residential driveways, parking lots and loading areas by brick or masonry; or by a combination of aggregates and asphalt cement; or aggregates, Portland cement and water as authorized by ordinances of the City of Richmond Heights.
Cross Reference — As to additional prohibited parking areas, see §350.020.
[CC 1984 §24-110; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-51]
The areas, streets or portions of streets lying within the City, as designated and set forth in Schedule III, shall constitute parking meter zones.
All frontages in the named streets, defining parking meter zones, are included therein.
[CC 1984 §24-111; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-52]
The Director of Public Safety shall mark off individual parking spaces in the parking meter zones. The parking spaces shall be designated by lines painted or durably marked on the curbing or surface of the street.
At each space so marked, a person shall park a vehicle in such a way that the vehicle is entirely within the limits of the space so designated.
[CC 1984 §24-112; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-53]
Except in a period of emergency determined by an officer of the Fire or Police Department, or in compliance with the direction of a Police Officer or traffic control sign or signal, when any vehicle is parked in any parking space alongside or next to which a parking meter is located, the operator of such vehicle shall, upon entering the parking meter space, immediately deposit in the meter the proper coin of the United States as is required for such parking meter and as is designated by proper directions on the meter. When required by directions on the meter, the operator of the vehicle, after the deposit of the proper coin or coins, shall set in operation the timing mechanism on such meter in accordance with directions properly appearing thereon.
Upon the deposit of the coins and the setting of the timing mechanism in operation when so required, the parking space may be lawfully occupied by the vehicle during the period of time which has been prescribed for the part of the street in which the space is located. Any person placing a vehicle in a parking meter space adjacent to a meter which indicates that unused time has been left in the meter by the previous occupant of the space shall not be required to deposit a coin so long as his/her occupancy of the space does not exceed the indicated unused parking time.
If the vehicle remains parked in any parking space beyond the parking time limit set for the parking space, and if the meter indicates such illegal parking, the vehicle shall be considered as parking overtime and beyond the period of legal parking time. Such parking shall constitute a violation of this Section.
[CC 1984 §24-113; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-54]
In the parking meter zones, the Director of Public Safety shall cause parking meters to be installed upon the curb or sidewalk immediately adjacent to the parking spaces, not more than two (2) feet from the curb nor more than four (4) feet from the front line of the parking space as indicated. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the regulation, control, operation, maintenance and use of such parking meters.
Each device shall be so set as to display a signal showing legal parking upon the deposit of the appropriate coin or coins, lawful money of the United States, for the period of time prescribed by Section 350.220. Each device shall be so arranged that, upon proper visible signal that the lawful parking period has expired and the right of such vehicle to occupy such space has ceased, the operator, owner, possessor or manager of the vehicle shall be subject to the penalties provided in Section 100.150 of this Code.
[CC 1984 §24-114; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-55; Ord. No. 3155 §1, 4-1-1974; Ord. No. 4600A §2, 9-5-1995]
Parking or standing a vehicle in a designated space in a parking meter zone shall be lawful for twelve (12) minutes upon deposit of each five cent ($0.05) coin; twenty-four (24) minutes upon the deposit of each ten cent ($0.10) coin; and sixty (60) minutes upon deposit of each twenty-five cent ($0.25) coin, up to the maximum time permitted to be parked in a particular parking meter space.
Meters shall be operated in parking meter zones as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. except on holidays.
During peak traffic hours on certain streets, parking shall be as designated and specified on each parking meter head.
[CC 1984 §24-120; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-56]
No person shall cause, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of or operated by such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time established for any parking meter zone, or deposit in any parking meter any coin for the purpose of parking beyond the maximum legal parking time for the particular parking meter zone.
No person shall permit any vehicle to remain or be placed in any parking space adjacent to any parking meter which is displaying a signal indicating that the vehicle occupying the parking space has already been parked beyond the period prescribed for the parking space.
[CC 1984 §24-121; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-57; Ord. No. 4803 §1, 11-5-2001]
The City Manager shall designate persons to enforce the provisions of this Article relating to parking meter zones.
[CC 1984 §24-122; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-58; Ord. No. 4545 §3, 6-6-1994; Ord. No. 4600A §2, 9-5-1995; Ord. No. 4616 §1, 12-4-1995; Ord. No. 4798 §1, 9-17-2001]
Persons who have received notices of overtime parking at any parking meter may, within ten (10) days from the receipt of the notice, answer at the Violations Bureau to the charges set forth in such notice by:
Paying at the Violations Bureau or through the mail a fine prescribed by the Municipal Judge and entering a plea of guilty in writing, waiving a hearing in court, and giving power of attorney to the person in charge of the Violations Bureau to make such plea and pay such fine in court; or
Pleading not guilty to the charges set forth in such notice and requesting a setting of the charges for trial in the Municipal Court.
Acceptance of the prescribed fine and power of attorney by the Violations Bureau shall be deemed complete satisfaction of the violation charges. The violator shall be given a receipt which states such satisfaction.
Failure to pay the fine or answer the charges set forth in such notice within the time and in the manner specified in this Section shall be deemed a plea of guilty to the charges which may not be set aside without just cause or excuse, and which will result in imposition of the fine set out in Subsection (A)(1).
Any person who has pleaded or been found guilty of a violation of the parking provisions of Article I or Article II of this Chapter and who has failed to pay the fine for such violation within ten (10) days after such plea or after such finding has become final shall be assessed a late payment penalty of ten dollars ($10.00), which shall be paid to the Violations Bureau together with the payment of the fine. Notice of such late payment penalty shall be sent by the Violations Bureau in writing to the person against whom it is assessed. If the person does not pay the fine and late payment penalty within ten (10) days following receipt of the notice, an additional late payment penalty of ten dollars ($10.00) shall be imposed and a notice thereof sent by the Violations Bureau in writing to the person against whom it is assessed.
[CC 1984 §24-123; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-59]
No person shall deface, injure, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter.
[CC 1984 §24-124; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-60]
No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any slugs, device or other substitute for lawful coins.
[CC 1984 §24-125; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-61; Ord. No. 4545 §3, 6-6-1994; Ord. No. 4803 §2, 11-5-2001]
The City Manager shall designate persons to make regular collections of the money deposited in parking meters. The designee shall remove from the parking meters the locked containers containing the coins deposited in the meters and deposit them in the locked transit box and deliver it to the banking institution designated by the City Council to receive, deposit and hold the funds derived from parking meter fees for the account of the City Treasury.
The banking institution so designated shall open the locked transport box, count the funds contained therein, deposit such funds to the credit of the City Treasury, and make reports to the office of administration not less than monthly regarding the amounts and dates of receipt and deposit of the funds received and deposited by the banking institution.
[CC 1984 §24-126; Rev. M.C. 1963 §51.70; Ord. No. 3140 §24-62]
The coins deposited in parking meters shall be deposited in the City's General Revenue Fund.