[CC 1984 §8-245; Ord. No. 4562 §1, 9-19-1994]
For the purposes of this Article, "convenience store" is hereby defined as a place of business which is primarily engaged in the retail sale of groceries, both groceries and gasoline or intoxicating liquor, as defined in this Code, for consumption off the premises and which is open for business at any time between 11:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. The term "convenience store" does not include:
A business which is solely or primarily a restaurant;
A business which has at least ten thousand (10,000) square feet of retail floor space.
[CC 1984 §8-246; Ord. No. 4562 §1, 9-19-1994]
For the protection of employees and the consumer public at convenience stores, every owner of a convenience store shall ensure that:
Each employee is trained in proper robbery deterrence and safety within sixty (60) days of an employee's date of employment or, if a person is an employee on July 1, 1995, then by December 1, 1995.
Such owner's convenience store is equipped with the following:
A behind-the-counter communications device, such as an alarm system, telephone line or "panic" button, which can be utilized to notify Police, subject to the restrictions set out in Chapter 230, "Alarm Systems" of this Code;
A drop safe or similar device for restricted access to cash receipts;
Lighting for parking areas, entrances and other areas of the convenience store accessible to the public at an intensity providing clear visibility under normal conditions;
A conspicuous notice at the entrance which states that the cash registered contains limited funds;
Window signs located to allow a clear and unobstructed view from the outside of the building to the cash register and sales transaction area; and
Height markers at the entrance of the convenience store which display height measures.
Such owner's convenience store has no window tinting that prevents an exterior or interior view and allows for night visibility in a normal line of sight.
[CC 1984 §8-247; Ord. No. 4562 §1, 9-19-1994]
If a convenience store has less than two (2) employees on the premises after 11:00 P.M. and before 5:00 A.M., then in addition to the security measures required under Section 605.470 above, the owner of such convenience store shall ensure that the convenience store is equipped with a security camera system positioned so as to record on film or videotape the image of all persons entering the convenience store and/or all persons approaching within five (5) feet of the cash register or, in the alternative, bullet-proof glass surrounding the employee, the cash register and sales transaction area. Such security camera system shall be capable of recording and retrieving an image to assist law enforcement officials in the identification and apprehension of criminal offenders.
[CC 1984 §8-248; Ord. No. 4562 §1, 9-19-1994]
All convenience stores commencing operations after the effective date of this Article (September 19, 1994) shall immediately comply with all of its provisions upon opening their doors to the public. All convenience stores in operation within the limits of the City of Richmond Heights (doors open to the public on a regular and continuous basis) prior to said effective date shall comply with the provisions of Section 605.470 by no later than July 1, 1995 and, if subject to Section 605.480, compliance with that Section is required no later than December 1, 1995.
[CC 1984 §8-249; Ord. No. 4562 §1, 9-19-1994]
Any owner of a convenience store may apply to the City Manager for exemption from the provisions of this Article if that owner has undertaken alternative security measures which are substantially equal to or more effective than the security measures set out in Sections 605.470 and 605.480 in preventing criminal activity, assisting in the apprehension of the perpetrator and protecting employees and customers. The Chief of Police shall provide written standards which will be considered in determining alternative security measures. If the alternative security measures detailed in the owner's application for exemption meet these standards, the Chief of Police may submit to the City Manager a written recommendation that the owner not be required to comply with the provisions of this Article. The City Manager may then approve the owner's application upon the Chief's recommendation or deny the application. The decision by the City Manager shall be final except to such extent the same may be changed by judicial review.
[CC 1984 §8-250; Ord. No. 4562 §1, 9-19-1994]
Alternative security measures may include: an armed security guard on the premises at all times between 11:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. when the convenience store is open to the public; two (2) or more employees on duty at all times between 11:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. when the convenience store is open to the public and a working alarm or communication system that signals a problem to a manned monitoring area away from the convenience store.