[Ord. No. 4924 §§1 — 2, 3-7-2005]
No doorman, bellman or hotel employee shall solicit or accept payment from any driver of a vehicle for hire for securing passengers for that driver or any other driver. Violations of this Section will be subject to a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fine for all participants individually.
Drivers regulated by this code shall not offer nor give payment for securing or the prospect of securing any fare or trip.
Every doorman, bellman, hotel employee and driver regulated by this code shall display a professional demeanor in the presence of passengers; public confrontations will be considered a violation of these rules and may result in suspension or loss of license.
Hotel employees shall direct customers to the lead on-call taxicab as long as that taxicab conforms to these rules. Any cab not meeting these standards shall be waived on by the hotel employee and reported to the Director.
Vehicles for hire other than on-call taxicabs, picking up passengers at hotels, must have been summoned by the passenger or the concierge at the request of the passenger and may not pick up anyone other than the passenger. The driver of the vehicle for hire, other than the driver of an on-call taxicab, shall place a card in the rear side window of the vehicle prominently displaying the surname of the passenger until the passenger boards the vehicle.
Drivers of taxicabs waiting in a hotel queue that are next up must be alert and ready for the fare when called.
Taxicabs must use the hotel queue and not pull in front of the hotel searching for fares. No other vehicle for hire may use the hotel queue.
All taxicabs should arrive at the hotel entrance with the heat or air-conditioning running. The lead taxicab in the hotel queue should idle the taxicab at the proper temperature of air-conditioning at seventy-five degrees (75°) and heat at sixty-five degrees (65°). Drivers should follow the instructions of the passenger as to their personal comfort level.