[CC 1984 §26-42; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Improvements shall be provided by the subdivider in each new subdivision in accordance with the standards and requirements of this Article.
[CC 1984 §26-43; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Grading of the subdivision site shall be done in accordance with a grading plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to the beginning of grading operations.
The grading plan shall show existing and proposed contours at intervals sufficient to clearly show the slope of the existing ground surfaces and the extent of the proposed grading. It shall be prepared on a plat showing the subdivision layout as proposed on the final plat, the location and first (1st) floor elevation of each building proposed to be built in the subdivision, and all existing trees of twelve (12) inch caliper and larger, and other pertinent site features which could be affected by site grading.
The slope of the finished ground surface between lots, between adjacent properties and between lots and streets shall not be steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical when in cut, nor steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical in fill. A greater horizontal to vertical slope ratio may be required when, in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, such requirement is justified.
The grading plan will be examined and approved or rejected by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the basis of factors such as preservation of the natural features of the site, providing adequate drainage of the area, the location and gradient of streets, access to lots from streets and similar criteria.
[CC 1984 §26-44; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Street improvements, including paving, curbs, sidewalks, preparation of subgrade, bridges, culverts, etc., shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared for the subdivider by a professional engineer registered to practice in the State of Missouri.
The minimum width of street pavement, back to back of curbs, shall be as follows:
For major streets. Forty-four (44) feet.
For collector streets. Thirty-six (36) feet.
For minor or private streets. Twenty-six (26) feet.
For cul-de-sacs. The minimum diameter of the turnaround paving at the terminus shall be eighty-four (84) feet, back to back of curbs.
The pavement shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete in accordance with the standard specifications of the Department of Highways and Traffic of St. Louis County, Missouri. Design characteristics shall be at least equal to the following:
Class of Street
Minor or Alley
Concrete Pavement:
Concrete thickness
8 inches
8 inches
7 inches
Rolled stone base
4 inches
0 inches
0 inches
Prior to the construction of street or alley pavements, all subsurface utility pipes and sewers shall be installed as required and trenches backfilled with backfill material thoroughly compacted in place in accordance with the requirements of Section 410.300.
All construction shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and in a manner acceptable to the authorities having jurisdiction.
Acceptance for maintenance of street improvements on public streets shall be had by final inspection and acceptance of the improvement by the City's Engineer upon completion of the construction.
Maintenance of private street improvements will be provided in the subdivision restrictions through a maintenance agreement or trust indenture setting forth the method of assessment and collection of monies necessary for such maintenance.
[CC 1984 §26-50; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Curbs or curbs and gutters shall be constructed in conjunction with all street pavements.
Combination curb and gutter shall be of Portland cement concrete at least eighteen (18) inches wide and not less than seven (7) inches thick where the gutter abuts the street pavement.
Curb construction for concrete pavements may be integral with the pavement, and roll-type curbs may be permitted on residential streets where no hazard to pedestrians is involved.
[CC 1984 §26-51; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Sidewalks shall be built along both sides of streets located in all business zoning districts. Sidewalks may also be required elsewhere by the Planning and Zoning Commission where deemed advisable for the public safety and convenience.
All sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete in accordance with the standard specifications of the Department of Highways and Traffic of St. Louis County. They shall have a minimum thickness of four (4) inches, which shall be increased to six (6) inches at driveways.
Sidewalks shall be placed in the street right-of-way with the edge of the walk parallel to and located four (4) feet distant from the right-of-way line.
The minimum width of a sidewalk shall be four (4) feet in residential areas and ten (10) feet in commercial areas.
Pedestrian ways, as required under Section 410.160(D), shall be improved with a concrete walk, four (4) feet wide, constructed in accordance with this Section. Pedestrian way right-of-way shall be fenced with chain link fencing or the equivalent at least four (4) feet high.
Wheelchair accessibility is required at all intersecting corners.
[CC 1984 §26-52; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
A system of water mains and fire hydrants, connected to the water supply system serving the City of Richmond Heights, shall be installed by the subdivider. The system shall be designed to supply water service and fire protection to all lots in the subdivision and to insure proper circulation within the system, in accordance with the standard specifications and requirements of the St. Louis County Water Company and installed under permit from and inspection by said water company. Fire hydrants shall be spaced a minimum of five hundred (500) feet apart and water mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in size. Water main valves shall be located so that no more than eight hundred (800) feet of main need be taken out of service for repair purposes. Hydrants shall conform to the standards of the American Waterworks Association, be of a dry barrel type with not less than one (1) four and one-half (4½) inches outlet. Plans shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered to practice in the State of Missouri and shall be approved by the insurance services offices of Missouri and shall carry the stamp of approval of St. Louis County Water Company when submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The proposed water system shall conform to any requirements of the City's Fire Chief that are necessary to insure an adequate and reliable water system for firefighting purposes.
The water system installed by the subdivider as provided in this Section shall, upon installation, become at once the property of St. Louis County Water Company which shall have exclusive control and use thereof, subject to the right of the owners and residents of property in the area subdivided to be served thereby under the rules and regulations of St. Louis County Water Company.
Backfill of water line trenches shall conform to the requirements of Section 410.300.
[CC 1984 §26-53; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
A system of sanitary sewers and appurtenances, providing a connection to each lot in the subdivision, designed in accordance with the standard specifications and requirements of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District and installed under permit from and inspection of said sewer district, shall be installed in the subdivision. Original construction shall include installation of house laterals to the property line for all lots in the subdivision.
Plans for the sanitary sewer system shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered to practice in the State of Missouri and shall carry the stamp of approval of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District when submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval.
Construction of the sanitary sewer system, inspection by Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District and, upon completion of construction, acceptance for maintenance by Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District shall be obtained by the subdivider from the district in accordance with the regulations and requirements of said district.
The sanitary sewer system of the subdivision, when completed, shall connect to the sanitary sewer lines of Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District.
Backfill of trenches for sanitary sewer installations shall conform to the requirements of Section 410.300.
[CC 1984 §26-54; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Adequate provision shall be made for the disposal of stormwater, subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. The detailed plans for the proper disposal of stormwater affecting the proposed subdivision, including runoff from the area tributary as well as the area being developed, shall include such improvement as may be necessary to all open drainage channels, such as widening, straightening and paving, and a system of underground pipe sewers and appurtenances which shall be separate and independent of the sanitary sewer system. The plans shall be prepared by a professional engineer registered to practice in the State of Missouri and in accordance with the standard specifications and requirements of Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District.
Plans for stormwater facilities, when submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval, shall bear the stamp of approval of Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District.
Construction of the stormwater system, inspection by Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District and, upon completion of construction, acceptance for maintenance by Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District shall be obtained by the subdivider from the district in accordance with the regulations and requirements of said district.
Backfill of trenches for stormwater drainage installations shall conform to the requirements of Section 410.300.
[Ord. No. 5538, 5-20-2024]
[CC 1984 §26-60; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
All electric and telephone utility lines shall be installed underground in conformance with the standards and specifications of the particular utility involved. They shall be located within easements or public rights-of-way in a manner which will not conflict with other utilities or services.
Before the final plat of the subdivision is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the subdivider shall file with the Commission a written statement assuring the Commission that an agreement has been reached between the various utility companies (including water and gas as well as electric and telephone) concerning the proposed location of each utility on the easements and rights-of-way established in order that conflict in priorities may be avoided during the construction period.
Exception to the requirement for underground utility installations may be had under unusual circumstances when such exception is recommended by the City's Engineer and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Installation of utility lines and appurtenances, whether above or below ground, shall be located so as to reduce unsightliness and hazard to the public to a minimum.
Backfill of utility installation trenches shall conform to the requirements of Section 410.300.
[CC 1984 §26-61; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
All open excavations for sewers and for public utilities (except the gas utility) made under existing pavements or areas proposed to be paved shall be carefully backfilled with granular backfill material approved by the City's Engineer, thoroughly compacted in place in such manner as to inhibit any settlement of the finished pavement. Such excavations made in existing paved areas shall be made in accordance with the requirements and regulations of St. Louis County Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, dated June 1, 1980, by the St. Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic. The exception of the gas utility from the granular backfill provisions of this paragraph does not exempt that utility from thorough compaction of its backfill so as to avoid pavement settlements.
[CC 1984 §26-62; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Provision shall be made by the subdivider for the installation of street lights along all public streets within the subdivision. A street light shall be provided at each intersection of streets, at each intersection of a street with a pedestrian walkway, at each circular turnaround, and at intervals of not greater than three hundred (300) feet between such locations.
Street lights shall be mounted on ornamental concrete or steel poles serviced by underground wiring and shall conform to the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission for each installation.
The subdivider shall satisfy the requirements of this Section by paying into the Treasury of the City of Richmond Heights an amount equal to the estimated installation cost of all street lights required to serve the subdivision, but in no case less than three hundred dollars ($300.00) per light.
[CC 1984 §26-63; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Street name signs shall be erected at all street intersections on diagonally opposite corners so that they normally will be on the right-hand side of the intersection for traffic on the more important street. Signs indicating both streets should be erected at each location mounted as close to the corner as practicable, facing traffic on the cross street, with the nearest portion of each sign not less than one (1) foot nor more than five (5) feet back of the curb line.
Unless otherwise approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the design, materials of construction, and method of installation of street name signs shall conform to the current standard employed by the City of Richmond Heights at the time of installation.
[CC 1984 §26-64; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
The subdivider shall plant trees in the right-of-way between the edge of the right-of-way and the sidewalk along all streets in new residential subdivisions that are not located in wooded areas or where existing trees cannot be preserved in the development of the subdivision. The trees shall be provided in a ratio of not less than one (1) tree for each fifty (50) feet of frontage. At street corners, the nearest tree shall be located a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection of the street right-of-way lines. Trees shall be of species which will not become nuisances because of insects, disease or roots which interfere with sewer lines and underground utilities and shall be sized not less than one and one-half (1½) inch diameter, as measured at a point fifty-four (54) inches above finished yard grade.
Within areas designated on the final plat for screen planting, the subdivider shall provide a continuous planting of evergreen or deciduous shrubs and, for each one hundred (100) feet of such planting screen, shall provide one (1) deciduous tree and two (2) flowering trees.
Planting in subdivisions other than residential shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Zoning Commission as determined in each case.
All planting shall be done in accordance with a planting plan prepared by a qualified landscape expert and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission as a part of the subdivision final plat submission.
[CC 1984 §26-70; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Permanent survey monuments shall be set as follows:
At the intersection of all lines forming angles in the boundary of the subdivision.
At the intersection of street property lines and at the beginning and end of all curves along street property lines.
Unless the point is located by monument, markers shall be set as follows:
At all points where lot lines intersect street right-of-way lines.
At all angles in the lot property lines.
At all other lot corners.
Monuments shall be of concrete with minimum dimensions of four (4) inches by four (4) inches at the top and six (6) inches by six (6) inches at the bottom with a length of three (3) feet. They shall be marked with either a copper or steel dowel embedded so that the top of the dowel shall be flush with the top surface at the center of the monument. Monuments shall be set so that the bottom extends at least four (4) inches below frost line.
Markers shall consist of galvanized steel or wrought iron pipe or steel bars at least eighteen (18) inches in length and three-quarters (¾) of an inch in outside diameter.
Monuments and markers shall be so placed that the center point shall coincide with the point to be marked and the top is level with the surface of the surrounding ground after final grading.
Monuments and markers shall be set after the completion of all grading operations and in such manner as to preclude their destruction during subdivision construction activities.
Where a permanent bench mark is not located within one thousand (1,000) feet of the center of the subdivision and so noted on the final plat, a permanent bench mark, elevation of which is referred to mean sea level, shall be set and accurately noted on the subdivision plat.
[CC 1984 §26-71; Ord. No. 4294 §1, 10-2-1989]
Where the subdivision is to contain pavements, walks, sewers, water supply systems, park areas, or other physical facilities which will not be owned, operated or maintained by existing public agencies, provision shall be made by trust agreement, which is part of the deed restrictions and which is acceptable to the proper public agencies having jurisdiction, for the continuing maintenance, supervision, operation and reconstruction of such facilities by the lot owners in the subdivision.