Within twelve (12) months after the adoption of this Charter, the Council shall adopt by ordinance an administrative code providing a complete plan of organization and structure for the City Government. The administrative code may authorize the Mayor to promulgate regulations dealing with questions of organization and structure. The administrative code and any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto shall be consistent with this Charter. Unless otherwise required by law, all boards and commissions provided for in the administrative code shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council.
Within twelve (12) months after the adoption of this Charter, the Council shall adopt by ordinance a personnel code providing a comprehensive personnel system for City officers and employees. The personnel code shall provide that all appointments and promotions of City officers and employees shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness demonstrated by examination or other evidence of competence. The personnel code may authorize the Mayor or a personnel board, if one be established, to promulgate regulations dealing with personnel matters. The personnel code and any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto shall be consistent with this Charter.