[Added 6-26-2009 by Ord. No. 9-09, effective 6-26-2009]
For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this section:
Any device intended to carry a human passenger upon the water, including but not limited to boats of any type, canoes, rowboats, and paddle boats. Rafts and flotation devices are specifically excluded. Hobby or toy-sized watercraft are also specifically excluded.
The use of non-motorized watercraft at the Lincoln Park Community Lake (LPCL) by Borough residents and nonresident members of the LPCL is permitted under the terms and conditions as specifically set forth in this article. On any water body over which the Borough of Lincoln Park has jurisdiction, the use of any watercraft that is not specifically permitted by this article or the use of any watercraft in a manner that is inconsistent with this article is specifically prohibited.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Certain non-motorized watercraft may be rented from the Borough at the LPCL during regular LPCL seasonal hours by LPCL members.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Rentals may be obtained on the lake beach. The rental days and hours shall be set by the Superintendent of Recreation. Rental days and hours may be cancelled by the Superintendent of Recreation on those days when special events are scheduled. Rentals shall be for a period of 30 minutes, which includes five minutes of instruction, approximately 20 minutes of water time and five minutes to return equipment.
All such watercraft users must attend five minutes of instruction prior to use of the watercraft.
All rented equipment shall be returned to the designated areas.
Rental prices for the Borough equipment shall be as specifically set forth in Chapter 34, Fees, § 34-8, Parks and recreation, of the Code of the Borough of Lincoln Park.
The use of any rented watercraft shall be in accordance with a best practices policy and guide prepared by the Superintendent of Recreation and approved by the Morris County Joint Insurance Fund. Said best practices policy and guide shall be explained to users of rented watercraft during the five-minute instruction prior to use of the watercraft.
Privately owned, non-motorized watercraft, including rowboats, canoes and kayaks, may be operated by Borough residents and nonresident members of the LPCL on the LPCL.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
All privately owned, non-motorized watercraft operated on the LPCL must first be annually registered with the Borough of Lincoln Park Superintendent of Recreation. Each such watercraft shall have a separate registration and the vehicle transporting it shall have a parking permit. Said registration shall be in accordance with the registration process as set forth by the Superintendent of Recreation. At a minimum, said registration shall include submission of name, address, phone number, type and make of watercraft, and license plate and make of vehicle used to transport watercraft. The annual registration fee shall be as set forth in Chapter 34, Fees, § 34-8, Parks and recreation.
The Superintendent of Recreation may revoke a watercraft registration upon a finding that one or more of the provisions of this article have been violated. Any person who has had his or her watercraft registration revoked may apply to the Superintendent of Recreation for a new registration upon submission of the full registration fee. In the event that any person has his or her watercraft registration revoked more than three times during any twelve-month period, he or she shall be prohibited from applying for a new watercraft registration for 12 months from the date of the fourth registration revocation.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The following rules and regulations apply to the use of all non-motorized watercraft, whether rented from the Borough or owned by the resident or nonresident member of the LPCL, on the LPCL:
Use of non-motorized watercraft is permitted on the lake from April 1 through October 31. Use of non-motorized watercraft is limited to from dawn to dusk.
Use of non-motorized watercraft is limited to Borough residents and nonresident members of the LPCL and their guests only.
The length of non-motorized watercraft is restricted to less than 18 feet long for canoes and less than 14 feet for kayaks.
Use of non-motorized watercraft is limited to within the designated areas of the lake only. Non-motorized watercraft are specifically prohibited from operating within 25 feet of the municipal swim lanes.
All non-motorized watercraft shall be launched and docked at the designated areas only. Docking such watercraft at any other location is strictly prohibited.
Fastened life jackets or flotation devices which meet United States Coast Guard standards must be worn by everyone using non-motorized watercraft.
Use of the non-motorized watercraft shall comply with the occupancy limits and weight load for the particular non-motorized watercraft.
All children on such non-motorized watercraft under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult (age 18 and older).
All hands, feet and objects must stay inside the non-motorized watercraft at all times. Standing while the watercraft is in use is prohibited.
Rocking, tipping or otherwise operating the non-motorized watercraft in an unsafe manner is prohibited.
Food or beverages are prohibited on any non-motorized watercraft.
Swimming is prohibited within the areas of the lake designated for use by non-motorized watercraft.
Use of non-motorized watercraft on the lake is subject to any restrictions imposed by the New Jersey Green Acres Program where applicable.
The Superintendent of Recreation has the authority to close the lake to all non-motorized watercraft during special events or for other reasons that affect the safety and welfare of the lake members, lake staff and Borough residents. In the absence of the Superintendent of Recreation, the Assistant Superintendent of Recreation or the Lake Director shall have the authority to close the lake to all non-motorized watercraft.
The registration of privately owned watercraft and the waiver for watercraft rented from the Borough must be completed and submitted to the Superintendent of Recreation prior to use of the watercraft.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Persons violating this article shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-2 of this Code.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).