[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-500), 11-18-2008]
The special uses referred to in this code possess unique characteristics, the nature of which tends to make them incompatible with other land uses in the same zoning district. However, they may be found acceptable in certain circumstances when conditioned in a manner to protect abutting land uses and to protect the character of the area.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-501), 11-18-2008]
The Board of Aldermen may authorize, by special permit after public hearing, any of the buildings or uses designated in this code as permitted special uses or any other use which is determined to be reasonably similar in character and intensity to other uses allowed in a district and that meets the general intent of the district and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Such permitted special uses shall be restricted to the particular district or districts wherein listed within this code.
The Board shall impose such conditions as are appropriate and necessary to ensure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public in the issuance of any such special permits.
The Board may modify the minimum regulations of the district in which the permitted special use is located or modify the required design standard for the proposed use and may attach specific conditions for approval of the special permit, provided the public welfare and interest of the City and surrounding area are protected and the general interest and spirit of these regulations are preserved.
Unless expressly modified by the terms of the special permit, all regulations of the district in which the permitted special use is located shall apply.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-502), 11-18-2008]
A sketch plan of the proposed special permit shall be presented to the City Planner at the time of the preapplication meeting, which shall be prepared to show:
Description of the proposal that specifically describes the function, operation and duration of the proposed use; and
Map depicting the general location of the property.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-503), 11-18-2008]
After the requirements for a preapplication meeting have been complied with, an application for a special permit and required application fee shall be filed by the owner in writing with the City Planner on a form provided by the City. Copies of a site plan of the lot and proposed uses drawn to an accurate scale and showing all pertinent information shall accompany a request for a special permit and shall include the following information:
Legal description of the subject property;
A title report prepared by a licensed attorney or registered land abstractor identifying the owner of the property;
Description of the proposal that specifically describes the function, operation and duration of the proposed use;
Map depicting the general location of the property;
A final development plan, when applicable; and
Any other information deemed necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the application, which may include, but not be limited to, a stormwater analysis, a traffic study or an environmental impact study.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-504), 11-18-2008; Ord. No. 03032014A §X, 3-3-2014]
In order for the Commission to recommend approval or disapproval of an application for a special permit or for the Board to approve or deny an application for a special permit, they shall make findings of fact to determine that the following criteria are met:
The proposed use is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan;
The proposed use is one specifically permitted by this Code;
The proposed use does not adversely impact the public health, safety or general welfare;
The proposed use does not adversely impact the public infrastructure system;
The proposed use is compatible with the use, scale, orientation and setback of properties in the general vicinity;
The proposed use conforms to all conditions and performance standards as set forth in this Article, when applicable.[1]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection (A)(7), regarding application for a special permit in District A-C, which immediately followed, was repealed 5-2-2016 by § I of Ord. No. 05022016.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-505), 11-18-2008]
Upon approval of a special permit and prior to commencement of the special use, the applicant shall cause to be prepared a final site plan incorporating all revisions, corrections and additional requirements of approval.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-506), 11-18-2008]
Operation of an approved special permit shall be allowed for a limited time as stated in the approving ordinance; such special permit shall expire upon any of the following circumstances:
The term of the permit has expired;
In the case of new construction, if the necessary building permits have not been issued in accordance with the approved special permit within two (2) years from the date of approval or prior to the expiration date of the permit, whichever occurs first; or
The approved use ceases operation for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months.
Should any special permit be found to be in non-conformance with the terms of approval, the permit shall be subject to revocation by resolution of the Board of Aldermen after a public hearing. Such permit shall be revoked upon determination of any of the following:
The use is in violation of any of the requirements set forth in this code; or
The use is found to violate any of the stated conditions of approval of such special permit.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-507), 11-18-2008]
After the application for a special permit has been approved and the final site plan has been submitted to and accepted by the City Planner, the City Planner is authorized to approve amendments to the special permit, provided that:
A request for amendment and required application fee are filed with the City Planner, together with all information pertinent to the proposed amendment;
Such amendment shall not violate any regulations set forth in this code;
Such amendment may provide for minor increases in total floor area and storage space originally permitted;
There is no increase in the number of dwelling units;
No reduction is made to the applicable setback or yard requirements;
No public land is accepted; and
Such amendment shall not be contrary to the general purposes of this Article.
Any amendment not in conformance with this Section shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen in the same manner as an original special permit.
[Ord. No. 111808 §1(400-508), 11-18-2008; Ord. No. 101711 §1, 10-17-2011]
All special permitted uses identified within each zoning district shall only be approved in accordance with the procedures and requirements of this Article.
An approved special permitted use shall be subject to the conditions imposed thereon by the Board of Aldermen in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The following special permitted uses shall conform to the conditions as stated below, in addition to any other conditions or modifications imposed by the Board of Aldermen.
Adult entertainment establishment.
All such businesses must be located in an area zoned "I-1" or "I-2."
[Ord. No. 07012013A, 7-1-2013; Ord. No. 03032014A §XI, 3-3-2014]
No adult entertainment business shall be permitted within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of any religious institution, school or public park or any property zoned for residential use. Such distance shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening properties, from the closest exterior structural wall of the adult entertainment establishment to the closest property line of the religious institution, school or public park or the property zoned for residential use.
No adult entertainment establishment shall be allowed to locate or expand within one thousand (1,000) feet of other adult entertainment use or of any business licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages, whether or not such business is also an adult entertainment establishment as defined in this code. The distance between any two (2) adult entertainment establishments or between an adult entertainment establishment and a business selling or serving alcoholic beverages shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior structural wall of each business.
The property on which the use is located shall be screened by a fence at least eight (8) feet in height along all interior property lines. The facility on which the use is located and the parking for such facility shall have a front yard setback of twenty (20) feet, a side yard setback of ten (10) feet and a rear yard setback of ten (10) feet.
All off-street parking requirements shall conform to this code.
All landscaping and screening requirements shall conform to this code.
The facility in which the use is located shall be designed in such a fashion that all openings, entries and windows prevent view into such facilities from any pedestrian, sidewalk, walkway, street or other public area. No entertainment activity shall take place partially or totally outside the adult entertainment establishment.
The facility in which such a use is located shall be limited to one (1) wall-mounted sign no greater in size than one (1) square foot of sign per linear foot of wall length, not to exceed a maximum size of fifty (50) square feet. Said sign shall not flash, blink or move by mechanical means and shall not extend above the roof line of the building. Further, no merchandise or pictures of products or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in window areas or any area where such merchandise or pictures can be viewed from the sidewalk in front of the building. No flashing lights and/or lighting which leave the impression of motion or movement shall be permitted.
Lighting in the parking area must provide a minimum light level of twenty-five hundredths (0.25) foot-candles over the entire parking area, but in no point shall the light level exceed three (3) foot-candles, nor shall any increase in light levels or visible glare be permitted at the lot line.
Any such use that was operating on December 3, 1979, shall be subject to the non-conforming use requirements of this code.
Billboards, in conformance with Article V.
Club, private.
The primary activities offered shall be athletic or recreational;
No building shall be closer than one hundred (100) feet to any property line.
The lot area shall be at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet; and
There shall be at least three hundred (300) square feet of lot area per patient.
Junk or salvage yard.
Such use shall be fully enclosed by a solid fence or wall measuring at least ten (10) feet high;
No storage of materials shall be visible above the height of the enclosure; and
No storage of materials shall be allowed outside the enclosure.
Keeping of animals by a non-profit organization for youth and educational activities.
The number of animals shall not exceed twelve (12) chickens, ducks or geese; or
Two (2) sheep or goats.
Manufactured home development.
The manufactured home development shall have a minimum site area of ten (10) acres.
Each manufactured home space shall be provided with connections to City water and sewage disposal facilities. The entire manufactured home development shall be provided with a system of fire suppression approved by the West Peculiar Fire District.
A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total development area shall be designated and used for park, playground and recreational purposes.
Each manufactured home development shall provide a community shelter safe room in accordance with Section 400.1400 et seq.
Only one (1) manufactured home shall be allowed per manufactured home space within the development.
The average area of manufactured home spaces shall not be less than the lot area per family required in the district in which the manufactured home development is located.
Each manufactured home space shall have an area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet and a width of not less than fifty (50) feet for an interior lot, eighty (80) feet for a corner lot or forty-five (45) feet for a lot facing a cul-de-sac.
Each manufactured home space shall provide a manufactured home pad, which shall be hard surfaced with properly reinforced poured-in-place concrete.
Each manufactured home space shall have access to a hard-surfaced driveway that meets City design standards for width and length.
Manufactured homes shall maintain twenty-five (25) feet of separation to other manufactured homes and all other buildings in all horizontal directions, except as otherwise provided herein. Manufactured homes shall provided setbacks and shall conform to height limitations equal to those required for residential uses in the district in which the manufactured home is located.
No manufactured home shall be located closer than fifty (50) feet to any exterior property line. Land within this fifty (50) foot exterior open space shall be permanently landscaped with a combination of trees, shrubs and lawn grass, except for the necessary paving of roadways and walkways to reach the manufactured home area; provided however, such landscaping shall not create a traffic hazard by impairing visibility at street and roadway intersections.
Manufactured homes within the manufactured home development shall be required to have a setback of at least twenty (20) feet from the pavement of roadways.
Each manufactured home shall utilize and maintain tie-downs and skirting according to manufacturer's specifications, which is of a color that is coordinated with the manufactured home.
The design and construction or installation of roadways, walkways, parking spaces, utilities, drainage facilities, storage facilities, recreational facilities, landscaping and other improvements shall comply with the adopted design standards of the City.
No manufactured home development shall be occupied or otherwise used until the City Planner has found the same is in compliance with the resolution approving the special permit and all other applicable laws, regulations and requirements.
A special permit for a manufactured home development shall be temporary and shall be valid only so long as the manufactured home development existing thereunder complies with the resolution approving the special permit and all other applicable laws, regulations and requirements.
The manufactured home development may include uses accessory to manufactured homes and manufactured home developments such as off-street parking facilities, private recreational facilities and storage and maintenance facilities. All off-street parking facilities shall be paved with a hard surface.
Provisions for permanent and continuous maintenance and supervision of the common areas and private utilities and facilities shall be incorporated in covenants and restrictions governing the subdivided property and shall be approved by the City Attorney prior to filing with the Cass County Recorder of Deeds.
An application for a manufactured home development special permit shall include a plan showing:
A general site layout, including the area and dimensions of the development;
The number, location and size of all manufactured home spaces;
The number, location and size of all hard-surfaced manufactured home pads and off-street parking spaces;
The area and dimensions of the park, playground and recreation areas;
The location and width of roadways and walkways;
The location of community shelters, service buildings and any other proposed structures;
The location of water and sewer lines and sewage disposal facilities;
Plans and specifications of all buildings and other improvements constructed or to be constructed within the manufactured home development; and
Evidence that all other regulations have been complied with, including a showing that applications have been submitted for approval of a land disturbance permit in accordance with Chapter 500, the approval of a drainage permit in accordance with Chapter 415, or compliance with the floodplain management regulations found in Chapter 410, when applicable.
[Ord. No. 11042013 §VII, 11-4-2013]
Public facility, use or utility.
Public or private park or similar natural recreation area.
Public or private school offering a curriculum that meets State standards for grades K through 12.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (B)(12), Medical Marijuana Facilities, was repealed 4-17-2023 by Ord. No. 04172023. Prior history includes Ord. No. 07012019.