[CC 1992 Sch. II]
In accordance with the provisions of Section 335.010 of this Code hereby incorporated by reference and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersection before entering any of the following streets or parts of streets.
Blake Street from Collins Street to Fourth Street.
Branch Street (Highway 92) from west City limits to east City limits.
First Street from Main Street to Paxton Street.
Fourth Street from Branch Street to south City limits.
Fourth Street from Main Street to Branch Street.
Fourth Street from North Street to Main Street.
Main Street from First Street to Fourth Street.
North Street from First Street to Fourth Street.
Second Street from Branch Street to Academy Street.
Second Street from Main Street to Branch Street.
Second Street from North Street to Main Street.
Third Street from Main Street to Branch Street.
Third Street from North Street to Main Street.
Todd Street from Almond Street to Blake Street.