[Ord. No. 2327 §1, 3-18-2003; Ord. No. 2594 §1, 6-17-2008]
Manufactured Homes — In General.
In any area where the Board of Aldermen has issued a conditional use permit for a manufactured home park, no building, structure, land or premises shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved or altered, except for one (1) or more of the following uses:
Single and multi-sectional manufactured homes.
Parks, playgrounds, community centers and non-commercial recreational facilities.
Structures and uses required for the operation of a public utility, the performance of a governmental function or the operation or maintenance of the manufactured home park.
Manufactured homes which do not bear a seal dated on or after June 15, 1976, shall not be permitted within the corporate limits of the City of Pacific.
Manufactured homes shall be permitted only in manufactured home parks.
Prior to the placement of a manufactured home for residential purposes within the corporate limits of the City of Pacific, a permit for the manufactured home shall be issued by the Zoning Officer, subject to compliance with all provisions of the Zoning Code.
A manufactured home shall not be temporarily or permanently parked, stored or occupied on any public street or alley, nor on any lot or parcel within the City of Pacific, except when in complete conformity with zoning and other applicable ordinances.
In manufactured home parks, recreational vehicles shall not be occupied as living quarters.
Manufactured Home Park — Approval.
Procedures. A manufactured home park may be initiated by an application by one (1) or more of the owners of record or owners under contract of a lot or tract of land or their authorized representatives. Procedures for application, review and approval of a mobile home park are as follows:
The application procedure for manufactured home parks is controlled by Section 405.040 of this Title.
A final development plan for the proposed development containing the following elements:
Legal description of the proposed development.
Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, developer and the surveyor who prepared the plan.
Location drawing showing the existing development within a one-half (½) mile radius of the proposed location and ownerships of adjacent tracts within two hundred fifty (250) feet.
[Ord. No. 3384, 8-1-2023]
Scale of plan: one (1) inch represents one hundred (100) feet or one (1) inch represents fifty (50) feet.
Date and north arrow.
Existing conditions:
Location, width and name of each existing or platted street or other public way, railroad and utility right-of-way within or adjacent to the proposed development.
All existing sewers, water mains, gas mains, culverts or other underground installations within the proposed development or immediately adjacent thereto with pipe size, grades and locations shown.
Topography with contour intervals of not more than five (5) feet, referred to U.S.G.S. or City datum; also the location of watercourses, ravines, bridges, lakes, wooded areas, approximate acreage and such existing other features as may be pertinent to development. In areas where grades are gentle, the City may require a lesser contour interval.
Proposed development plan showing:
General layout of development with number of manufactured home lots and their approximate dimensions.
Location and size of park and playground area.
Location and type of storm shelter.
Location and type of accessory convenience building, if proposed, and parking area to service the building.
Proposed street system with setback lines indicated.
Proposed site(s) for refuse collection containers.
General landscaping and screening plan.
Typical layout of manufactured home lot showing size of lot, landscaping, stand location and type, outdoor living area, walkways, off-street parking, curb and gutter location and any other improvements included within the development.
Gross and net density of proposed project.
The final development plan, if approved, shall be entered into the records of the Zoning Officer and conformance to the plan shall be mandatory, unless a change in such final development plan is reviewed by the Zoning Commission and approved by the Board of Aldermen.
All manufactured home parks must be platted in accordance with Chapter 410, Subdivisions, of this Title.
Manufactured Home Parks — Minimum Standards.
Park size. No manufactured home park shall have a site smaller than five (5) acres nor larger than eight (8) acres. The tract shall be designed for the purpose of renting and/or providing spaces for the placement of manufactured homes.
Access. Vehicle entrances for every manufactured home park shall front upon public streets.
Minimum manufactured lot size. The minimum manufactured home lot size shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. Not more than one (1) manufactured home shall be permitted per manufactured home lot and none shall be placed on a manufactured home lot already having a dwelling.
Yard dimensions.
Minimum distance from manufactured home stand to its lot lines including comer lots shall be:
Side yard. Ten (10) feet.
Rear yard. Ten (10) feet.
Front yard. Twenty-five (25) feet.
No structure (including any manufactured home) shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height.
Any building, structure or manufactured home shall be located at least twenty-five (25) feet away from any front or rear lot line or any side lot line adjacent to a street and at least ten (10) feet away from any other lot line.
Street requirements. All streets within a manufactured home park shall conform to the design and construction standards outlined in this Chapter for minor streets, Section 410.073.
Sidewalks. All sidewalks within the public right-of-way shall conform to the design and construction standards outlined in this Chapter in Section 410.073. Premises sidewalks connecting to sidewalks in the public right-of-way shall be constructed with Portland cement concrete.
Parking. Every manufactured home lot shall contain parking spaces for two (2) vehicles. The parking surface shall be constructed of Portland cement or asphaltic concrete.
Fire hydrants. The location and number of fire hydrants shall conform to Section 410.073 of this Chapter.
Fences. Fences shall be permitted within a manufactured home park and shall conform to Chapter 423 of this Title.
Park and playground area. No less than five percent (5%) of the gross area of every manufactured home park shall be devoted to common recreational areas and facilities. The storm shelter required in this Chapter may be counted as a recreational facility if the shelter is opened daily and is equipped with rooms suitable for children and youth recreation activities.
Storm shelters. The final development plan shall provide a storm shelter or shelters. Such shelter facilities shall provide fifteen (15) square feet of unobstructed floor space per manufactured home lot in structures either below ground or above ground with walls and roof designed to withstand a wind load of two hundred (200) miles per hour. The maximum distance to the entrance of the shelter from any manufactured home stand shall be one thousand (1,000) feet. Provisions shall be made for adequate emergency lighting and ventilating. The developer shall submit with his/her application and final development plan the details of the storm shelter facilities together with a certification by an architect or engineer licensed in the State of Missouri that such proposed facilities meet the design standards of this Section.
Water and sewerage. The construction of water and sewerage facilities shall conform to the requirements of this Chapter.
Street lighting. Street lighting shall be required and shall conform to the standards of Section 410.073.
Refuse disposal.
The owner or the agent of the owner of the manufactured home park shall provide facilities and collect refuse at no more than two (2) sites within the development. No storage or collection of refuse at individual manufactured home lots shall be permitted.
Refuse containers shall be screened in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter, Section 400.230 and, in addition, the enclosure shall be large enough to accommodate the refuse containers and provide additional space adequate for the storage of bulk items awaiting disposal.
Utilities. All utility lines, including all service lines connecting utilities to individual manufactured home lots, shall be placed underground.
Landscaping. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the standards set forth for commercial, industrial and residential uses of three (3) or more units as set forth in Section 400.230 of this Chapter.
Stands and skirts. Each manufactured home lot shall contain a Portland cement stand upon which the manufactured home will be situated. Each home shall be equipped with skirts on all sides, such skirting shall be of a finished nature and installed within thirty (30) days of home placement.
Every manufactured home shall be anchored to the ground in compliance with standards as promulgated by the Missouri Public Service Commission and adopted herein. The anchoring of every manufactured home shall be approved by the Building Department.
All anchoring equipment and components must be approved for use as set forth by the Missouri Public Service Commission pursuant to Section 700.080, RSMo., 1986, as amended and any standards as promulgated by the Missouri Public Service Commission and approved by the Building Commissioner. Furthermore, all anchoring equipment and components shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Any person installing or setting up a manufactured home shall install and set up said manufactured home in accordance with the home manufacturer's instructions and in accordance with the requirements of the Manufactured Home Installation Standards as promulgated by the American National Standards Institute, ANSI A225.1.
Standards For Existing Manufactured Homes.
Lots with manufactured homes located within the City of Pacific in existence as of the effective date of this Chapter, July 2, 1996, may remain as legal non-conforming uses subject to the terms of Section 400.270 of this Chapter.
Manufactured homes which are not located in a manufactured home park existing on the effective date of this Chapter may not be replaced with another manufactured home and may be repaired or renovated only in compliance with Section 400.270 of this Chapter.
No manufactured home shall be placed in any manufactured home park existing on the effective date of this Chapter as a replacement to any existing manufactured home unless said manufactured home is placed at least twenty (20) feet from any other manufactured home or any other structure.
No manufactured home may be repaired in such a manner as would affect the structural integrity of said manufactured home. Any manufactured home needing such repair shall be deemed to be damaged beyond repair and no longer fit for habitation.
All manufactured homes located within the City of Pacific, including those manufactured prior to June 15, 1976, shall be anchored in accordance with the regulations contained in this Chapter.
Exception — 2008 flood damage. Notwithstanding Section 400.240(D)(2), any lawfully existing manufactured home existing as of March 1, 2008 and damaged twenty-five percent (25%) or more of pre-flood market value by the flood event within the City designated as a national disaster in 2008 may be replaced on the lot on which it had been located immediately prior to such flood event even if such location is not a designated manufactured home park; provided that such relocation is otherwise in compliance with all other applicable zoning, building, flood regulation and other applicable codes and is qualified for occupancy within six (6) months of the effective date of this Subsection. Inspection fees and occupancy fees for such relocation under this Subsection shall in the public interest be waived due to the nature of the disaster.