[Ord. No. 2327 §1, 3-18-2003]
Only single-family detached dwellings may be used as group homes. Application to and approval by the Zoning Officer is required prior to the use of any single-family dwelling in the City of Pacific as a group home. The following specific standards shall be met before such approval is granted.
The prevailing lot size requirements, building bulk regulations and yard setback requirements of the single-family residential district in which the group home is to be located shall be satisfied by any existing single-family residence structure to be converted to group home occupancy or by any structure to be newly constructed for such occupancy.
The owner or operator of a group home shall be duly licensed by the Department of Mental Health of the State of Missouri or have accreditation acceptable to that department pursuant to Sections 630.705 through 630.755, RSMo. Residents of group homes must be mentally retarded, physically handicapped or developmentally disabled as defined under Section 630.005, RSMo., and shall not exceed eight (8) persons in number per group home. The number of resident house parents shall not exceed two (2) persons per group home. The objective of this certification of group home occupancy is to ensure that the occupancy of a group home is maintained exclusively for persons with valid developmental handicaps or disabilities at the above-stated maximum density per group home. Specifically excluded are all other types of group or conjugate living such as homes for the elderly, fraternity houses, residences for nuns, priests or religious orders, residency for alcohol or chemical abuse patients and "half-way houses" for criminals or psychiatric patients.
In order to prevent excessive impact on any single neighborhood or subdivision, no group home permitted in accordance with this Section shall be located within two (2) miles of another such group home in the City of Pacific.
The residential appearance of the group home structure and its lot or site shall be maintained at all times in reasonable conformance with the surrounding neighborhood or subdivision.