Purpose and intent. This section is established in order to encourage the development and maintenance of attractive and fitting sites for mobile homes, so called, and to protect and foster the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of mobile home developments and, in general, preservation of the environment and appearance of the areas within which such parks are established and maintained. It is the intent of the City that mobile home parks serve the needs of the elderly and retired population of moderate means, who no longer need or can maintain a larger home. In order to provide a quiet, safe, and convenient environment for the elderly residents of mobile home parks, the special permit granting authority may, as a condition of a special permit, provide for occupancy of mobile home parks by persons 55 years of age and older and by members of their families. All mobile home parks granted a special permit may be required to be licensed by the Board of Health as provided by MGL c. 140, § 32F, and by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, where applicable.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Special conditions.
No special permit for a new or enlarged mobile home park shall be authorized by the special permit granting authority (SPGA) except on the express condition that the operation of such park shall be duly licensed by the Board of Health of the City of Taunton, and failure to obtain, renew, or comply with the terms of such license shall render the special permit void.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Except as otherwise provided herein, or in a particular special permit, the design and construction of a mobile home park shall be in general conformity with the rules and regulations of the Taunton Planning Board under the Subdivision Control Law,[3] so far as the SPGA shall deem appropriate and applicable, but dimensional and use regulations of this chapter shall not apply, except as specified herein. (The rules and regulations of the Planning Board are on file and available for inspection at the Department of Planning and Conservation.)[4]
Editor's Note: See MGL c. 41, §§ 81K to 81GG.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
No home occupations or commercial or other nonresidential uses shall be permitted as either principal or accessory uses in mobile home parks, except for service or recreation facilities for the residents thereof.
Basic regulations.
Area. No mobile home park shall be less than 20 acres in area, exclusive of roads and the area provided for recreation, service, and other permanent installations.
All mobile home parks shall require public sewage and water systems.
Where an existing public sewer or water service is to be utilized, the applicant shall present such evidence as will show that such utilization is acceptable to the Department of Public Works for the City of Taunton.
When a sewage system is proposed which involves a discharge to the waters of the state, the applicant shall present such evidence as will show that his waste treatment system is approved by the appropriate department of the commonwealth.
Density of use.
There shall be no more than six mobile home units with accessories per acre, exclusive of park and access roads and the area to be set aside for the use of recreation, service, and other permanent facilities. There shall be at least a fifty-foot frontage on all mobile home lots.
The occupied area of a mobile home lot shall not exceed 35% of the lot area.
Mobile homes shall not be located closer than 10 feet to the nearest park street; and no mobile home accessory building closer than five feet to a park street. In addition, mobile homes shall be located at least 15 feet from abutting mobile homes and mobile home accessory buildings shall be located at least 10 feet from abutting mobile homes.
[Amended 6-14-2016]
Each mobile home shall be located with at least a forty-foot setback from any park property boundary.
[Amended 6-14-2016]
At least two off-street parking spaces of not less than 162 square feet each shall be provided for each mobile home lot.[5]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Each mobile home lot within a mobile home park shall have direct access to a park street. No mobile home shall be located more than 40 feet from the park street to which it has a direct access of at least 15 feet width.
Street and services.
The street system shall conform to construction standards set forth in the rules and regulations relative to the construction and paving of streets in subdivisions in the City of Taunton and shall have direct connection to a public street or highway sufficient to satisfy the safety requirements of the Department of Public Works, the Chief of the Fire Department and the rules and regulations of the Planning Board. The maintenance of these streets shall be the responsibility of the mobile home park developer and operator.
No street in a mobile home park shall be located in a floodplain district.
There shall be provided central facilities for recreation and services, such as laundry, which shall be available to all mobile home park residents.
Buffer zones and open space.
The developer shall provide for a buffer zone of at least 40 feet, with appropriate vegetation, between the mobile home park and any adjacent property and shall establish at least a forty-foot buffer zone where such a mobile home park shall be adjacent to main highways, roads, and so forth, to provide appropriate vegetation in the buffer zone between the mobile home park and that passageway.
No mobile home lot in a mobile home park shall be located within 40 feet of any stream, pond, lake, or other waterway or in any floodplain district duly established within this chapter.
Units for sale. Mobile homes shall not be stored or displayed on park premises except when mounted on a pad on a lot. New mobile homes displayed for sale by the park owner or operator must be sold for use within that new park. Used mobile homes offered for sale by individual mobile home owners must be displayed on a pad on a lot within that park but may be sold either for use within that park to an individual or the park owner or operator or for use outside that park. The park owner or operator may also display those units on a pad on a lot for resale within that park premises. Nothing in this section shall be construed as permitting the storage of unoccupied units in any park, for sale in the ordinary course of business, or as inventory, or the sale of such units except in those districts, as determined by this chapter, wherein such commercial activity is permissible with or without permits from the proper authority.
[Amended 6-23-2015]
No trailer, mobile home, or like structure shall be used for living quarters anywhere in the City of Taunton, except as provided in Subsections A and B below.
Temporary use. Any owner or occupier of a residence which has been destroyed or damaged by fire, flood, or other natural holocaust to the extent that it is uninhabitable may place a mobile home on the site as temporary living quarters for a period not to exceed six months, renewable for six additional months, while the residence is being rebuilt. Any such mobile home shall be subject to the provisions of the State Sanitary Code.
Permanent use. Mobile homes are permitted only in approved mobile home parks (Suburban Residential Districts by special permit from the Planning Board; see § 440-1101).