[Adopted 2-20-1996 (§ 2-328 of the 2010 Code)]
There is hereby established a Mapping Commission. The Commission shall be comprised of 15 members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, two from the Planning and Conservation Department and one each from the following departments: Mayor's office, Assessors, Engineering, Registrar of Voters, Information Technology Department, Department of Public Works Commissioner, Water Division, Economic and Community Development, Board of Health, School Department, Police, Fire, and Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant. Appointments shall be coterminous with the Mayor.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The duties of the Commission shall be as follows:
To examine the mapping related functions of all City and quasi-City agencies to determine what mapping related functions each has in common and to determine if redundancy in such functions can be eliminated. The Commission shall determine if the current mapping procedure is the best way to produce and maintain City maps, and it if is not, the Commission shall determine what the best procedure is and proceed with its implementation.
To determine which agency is most appropriate to produce and maintain specific City maps.
To report its findings to the Municipal Council and recommend specific procedures for the production and maintenance of City maps, including in its recommendations an estimate of appropriations to the various agencies necessary to implement the recommended procedure.
To periodically review and update the goals, accomplishments, and utility of the Commission.
To ensure that appropriate standards are established for aerial photogrammetry of the entire City and to prioritize the adoption of such standards.
To investigate and apply for grants and other funding sources to help defray the expenses of the Commission-selected objectives.