[Adopted as Rev. Ords. 1964, §§ 6-37 and 6-39 (Ch. 6, Art. VII, of the 2010 Code)]
[Amended 2-20-1996]
The City Solicitor, as the designee of the Mayor, may arbitrate, compromise, or settle any claim for damages against the City filed in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws which he or she deems expedient for the defense of the City in any proceedings at law or in equity.
The head of any department of the City employing any person, in case of any injury or accident to such person, and the Chief of Police, in case of any injury or accident in the streets, squares or public places of the City, from causes which might render the City liable for damages in consequence thereof, shall immediately upon receipt of notice thereof thoroughly investigate such injury or accident, obtain the names of witnesses and all facts bearing on the case and report the same to the City Solicitor.