[HISTORY: Adopted by the Municipal Council of the City of Taunton 2-17-1981 (§§ 15-23 to 15-26 of the 2010 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Board of Cemetery Commissioners — See Ch. 10, Art. V.
Parks, Cemeteries and Public Grounds Department — See Ch. 19, Art. VIII.
The deeds to lots in public cemeteries shall be in such form as prescribed by the Board of Cemetery Commissioners until otherwise ordered, but the price of lots unsold may be varied from time to time as the Board may determine.
[Amended 2-20-2001[1]]
Any person holding or interested in any lot in a public cemetery in the City may, with the approval of the Board, deposit with the City Treasurer/Collector any sum of money that is on the current price list for perpetual care/endowment, which sum shall be entered upon the books of the City Treasurer/Collector and forever held as a fund, the principal of which shall not be expended, in accordance with the following sections of this chapter and the laws of the commonwealth now or hereafter to be enacted relative thereto. The person making such deposit shall at the same time designate in writing the name of the cemetery in which the lot to be cared for is located, the number and specific location of such lot and the name of the person in whom the right or title thereof stands, and the City Treasurer/Collector shall deliver to such depositor a certificate of deposit setting forth the same and the purpose of the deposit.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
All sums now held by the City, and all sums received by the City Treasurer/Collector under the provisions of § 215-2, may be deposited in some savings bank in this commonwealth (or may be invested in securities which are legal for the investment of funds of savings banks under the laws of the commonwealth). The City Treasurer/Collector shall keep books in which he/she shall enter full details of such investments. The Treasurer/Collector shall collect the income of such investments and properly credit the same on the books. It shall be the duty of the Board of Cemetery Commissioners, with the advice and consent of the Mayor, to apply the income of such investments for the preservation and care of the lots for which such deposits have been made, and also all sums held by the City and otherwise applicable to the care of particular lots in both public and private cemeteries.
This section will take effect in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 43.
[Added 7-12-1994]
Prohibition. No person shall destroy, deface, damage or mark upon any monument, gravestone, veteran's marker or any other structure or thing planned or designed as a memorial for the dead within the City.
Each incident considered separate offense. If more than one gravestone, monument or veteran's marker is destroyed, defaced, damaged or marked in any particular incident, each gravestone, monument or veteran's marker affected shall be considered a separate offense.
Placing, throwing, etc., garbage, etc., prohibited. No person shall place, throw, deposit or discharge or cause to be placed, thrown, deposited or discharged any trash, bottles, cans, refuse, rubbish, garbage, debris, scrap, waste or any other material of any kind upon any path, avenue or lot or upon any land within the limits of any cemetery within the City.
Curfew. No person shall remain within the limits of any cemetery within the City after 1/2 hour past sunset without the consent of the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
Penalty. Any violation of the foregoing section shall be subject to a penalty of $300.