[HISTORY: Adopted by the Municipal Council of the City of Taunton as Rev. Ords. 1964, §§ 2-63 to 2-67; amended 8-13-1968 (Ch. 9, Art. VI, of the 2010 Code). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The City shall provide and maintain upon its premises at No. 350 Norton Avenue within the City, for persons in need of the services thereof, the Taunton Nursing Home.
[Amended 8-23-1977; 3-23-1993; 3-22-2016]
The nursing home shall be managed by a Board of five Directors which shall include an attorney, preferably with experience in elder law, or in the alternative, a professional with elder law experience; a family member of a resident of the nursing home (to be nominated by the Nursing Home Resident Association, if any); a business person with experience with personnel, fiscal management and business administration; a registered nurse with nursing home experience; and an individual possessing a working knowledge of the nursing home industry and its regulations. The Directors shall be appointed by, and may be removed from office by, the Municipal Council.
The terms of office for the Directors shall be as follows:
Family member of resident: one year.
Business person and attorney or professional with elder law experience:: two years.
Nurse and individual with working knowledge of nursing home industry: three years.
The Directors shall appoint a licensed nursing home administrator for a term of three years.
The Directors of the Taunton Nursing Home shall, at least monthly, hold general meetings at which they may make orders and regulations for the infirmary, to be binding until the next meeting of the Municipal Council, when the same shall be submitted to such meeting, and if approved shall remain in force until revoked by the Municipal Council.
The Taunton Nursing Home shall keep records of all persons admitted to it, which records shall be in the form prescribed by the Department of Public Health.
Persons able to pay for care may be received and cared for at a rate fixed by the Board of Directors of the Taunton Nursing Home. Persons receiving care under the medicaid program pay the rates determined by the rate-setting commission.