The Mayor shall, by and with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, appoint some duly licensed attorney, as attorney for the City of Albany. He shall be known as "City Attorney" and shall subscribe to the oath as prescribed for other officers of the City.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 3 Art. 10 §103, 11-15-1960]
It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to advise the City Officers and the Board of Aldermen upon all questions of law affecting the City interests, or the duties of the officers thereto; to attend all meetings of the Board of Aldermen, when requested to do so; to prosecute offenders against the City ordinances; to prosecute and defend all suits in which the City is a party; prosecute all suits for the collection of general or special taxes, and to do all other things required of him by law or ordinance.
The City Attorney shall receive as compensation for his services a sum as set by the Board of Aldermen from time to time and such other fees as may be authorized by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 650 Ch. 3 Art. 10 §105, 11-15-1960]
The City Attorney shall make affidavits on behalf of the City in all cases where the same may be necessary in procuring a change of venue or taking appeals or which may be necessary in conducting any suit in any Court.