[Ord. No. 88-12 §16, 7-19-1988]
Three (3) types of exceptions or modifications are provided in this Chapter to insure flexibility. Application for the issuance of a Special Use Permit, Variance or Zoning Amendment shall be made to the Planning Commission. Any proceedings to classify certain uses as provided in this Section may be initiated either by application or by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may hold such hearings on the proposal to issue a Special Use Permit, Variance, or Zoning Amendment as it may consider necessary; but at least one (1) public hearing shall be held on each application for such a permit. Notice shall be given not less than fifteen (15) days in advance of the hearings, by publishing pertinent data regarding the amendment or modification at least once in the official newspaper, and by notifying by mail at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting the property owners abutting the subject property. The Planning Commission shall make a report to the Board upon any application for an exception or modification and shall recommend to the Board whatever action it deems advisable; but it shall not recommend the granting of a permit unless special circumstances or conditions applying to the building or land in question are peculiar to such property. Also, the granting of the exception or modification must not impair the health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §16, 7-19-1988]
Special Use Permits may be issued by the Board of Aldermen upon receipt of a recommendation to do so from the Planning Commission. The Special Use Permit, once issued, may designate conditions and require guarantees in the granting of Special Use Permits in the manner prescribed herein. Upon receipt of the report of the Planning Commission, the Board may hold whatever public hearing it deems advisable and shall make a decision upon the proposal to grant a Special Use Permit. The Planning Commission shall not recommend the granting of any Special Use Permit, and the Board shall not grant any application unless they find the following facts:
There are special circumstances or unique conditions affecting the land, building or use referred to in the application.
The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights.
The granting of the application will not materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the application and will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood.
At the hearing, the application shall present a statement and evidence in such form as the Planning Commission may require, to show these facts.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §16, 7-19-1988]
The City Clerk or Codes Enforcement Officer and his designee shall make available Special Use Permit application forms, applications for variance or amendments, to a prospective applicant under this Chapter. Any use permitted under such an exception or modifications shall conform to the terms and conditions of the permit or may be subject to termination by the Board of Aldermen, upon the gathering of facts regarding same at a public hearing.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §16, 7-19-1988]
The Planning Commission shall recommend, and the Board of Aldermen shall have the power to approve or disapprove variances to the strict requirements of this Chapter. Applications for variance shall be limited as follows:
Such application for variance shall be limited to matters pertaining to height of structures, setback requirements, easements, bulk, density, and area requirements.
Also to location of easements or extension of roadways or sidewalks within another public right of way.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §16, 7-19-1988]
The Planning Commission may recommend, or the Board of Aldermen may initiate, a petition or appeal having the effect of a Zoning Ordinance or map amendment. Such amendment may:
Transfer land, or a portion thereof, from the district in which it is situated into another district, by amendment to this Chapter.
Change any of the regulations of this Chapter as to the use or platting of land in any district, or as to the restrictions upon buildings or structures and their placement thereon, by amendment to this Chapter.
Any action of amending this Chapter by the Board of Aldermen shall first be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
Such a Zoning Map or Ordinance Amendment may only be approved if the following conditions are met.
It is apparent that a mechanical mistake was made when the Zoning Map was approved.
At the time the City Land Use Development Plan was approved by the City, a judgmental error was made.
Unforeseeable changes have occurred which have altered the City Land Development Plan, and that Plan has been amended.
The proposed re-zoning changes the land use to one which is more consistent with the City Land Use Development Plan.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §16, 7-19-1988]
An application for amendment, variance, or Special Use Permit shall be filed with the City Clerk or Codes Enforcement Officer and his designee in duplicate, accompanied by a fee as determined by the Board of Aldermen. The Clerk or Codes Enforcement Officer and his designee shall forward one (1) copy to the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission shall schedule and give notice of the time and place of a public hearing on the proposed exception or modification. Notice shall be given not less than fifteen (15) days in advance of the hearing(s), by publishing pertinent data regarding the amendment at least once in the official newspaper, and by notifying the property owners adjacent to the subject property at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. The current City Assessor's tax records shall be deemed sufficient for the location or certification of ownership of said properties. Following the hearing, the Planning Commission shall transmit its recommendations on the application to the Board of Aldermen within thirty (30) days. Such recommendation shall be in writing.
The Board, upon receiving reports of the Planning Commission, and without further public hearing, may vote upon the adoption of the proposed exception or modification or it may refer it back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. In considering any amendment, due allowance shall be made for existing conditions, for the conservation of property values, for the direction of building development to the best advantage of the entire municipality and for the uses to which the property affected is being devoted at the time; no change on a zone map or text amendment shall be effective unless or until two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the Board concur in its passage.
The Planning Commission and Board shall provide for a record of their proceedings, which shall include the minutes of their meetings, their findings, and the action taken on each matter heard by them, including final recommendation, decision and order.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §16, 7-19-1988]
Any person or persons, or any board, taxpayer, department, or bureau of the municipality aggrieved by the decision of the Board may seek remedy by the following methods:
In the case of an application for Special Use Permit or Zoning Amendment, the applicant may appeal directly to the Circuit Court of competent jurisdiction.
Appeals regarding the action(s) of the Codes Enforcement Officer or his designee or in matters regarding a variance, the aggrieved party shall appeal to the Board of Adjustment for dispensation. In the case where a variance is before the Board of Adjustment, the final decision on the issuance or a denial of the variance request shall rest with the Board of Adjustment.