The owner or general agent of a building or premises where a violation of any provision of said regulations has been committed or shall exist, or the lessee or tenant of an entire building or entire premises where such violation has been committed or shall exist, or the owner, general agent, lessee or tenant of any part of the building or premises in which such violation has been committed or shall exist, or the general agent, architect, builder, contractor or any other person who commits, takes part or assists in any such violation or who maintains any building or premises in which any such violation shall exist shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each and every day that such violation continues, but if the offense be willful on conviction thereof, the punishment shall be a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each and every day that such violation shall continue or by imprisonment for ten days for each and every day such violation shall continue or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §21, 7-19-1988]
In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, or maintained, or any building, structure, or land is used in violation of Sections 89.010 to 89.140, RSMo., or of any ordinance or other regulation made under authority conferred hereby, the proper local authorities of the municipality, in addition to other remedies, may institute any proper action or proceedings in the name of the Municipality. He shall hereby have the powers of a police officer to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance, or use, to restrain, correct, or abate such violations, to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure or land, or to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business, or use in or about said premises.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §§19, 7-19-1988]
The Board of Aldermen is empowered by the official Zoning Ordinances of the City of Albany to set a schedule of fees, charges and expenses and collection procedure for Zoning Clearance Permits, Certificates of Zoning Compliance, Appeals and other matters pertaining to the Zoning Ordinances. Said fees shall be payable in advance to the City Clerk, who shall provide a receipt to the permit purchaser, and the City Clerk shall notify the Board of Aldermen of the permit issuance.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §19, 21, 7-19-1988]
Publication costs for all official notices of the City of Albany required by the Zoning Ordinances shall be paid by the applicant in addition to the scheduled fee.
[Ord. No. 88-12 §19, 7-19-1988]
Until all applicable fees, charges and expenses have been paid in full, no action shall be taken on any application or appeal from the terms of this Chapter.
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following schedule of fees is hereby adopted:
Special Use Permit: $25.00.
Variance Permit: $25.00.
Appeals: $25.00.
Application to Amendment or Revision to the Zoning Ordinance: $100.00.