[Adopted 5-9-2013]
As identified in the Borough of Allendale's housing element adopted December 29, 2008, and granted third-round certification by the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH), the purpose of this residence zone district is to provide for the development of certain market-rate single-family detached units as well as to construct two affordable housing units in satisfaction of Allendale's affordable housing obligation under N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq., and N.J.A.C. 5:93 et seq. The ML-7 District provides a compatible single-family residence district to the surrounding single-family residential zone districts. This zone promotes the purposes of zoning as identified in the N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2 et seq., safeguarding the public health, safety, morals and general welfare by providing, among others, the establishment of appropriate population densities and concentrations that will contribute to the well-being of persons, neighborhoods, communities, regions and preservation of the environment. This zone also seeks to ensure that the development of individual municipalities does not conflict with the development and general welfare of neighboring municipalities.
The creation of this zone furthers the Borough of Allendale Master Plan goals, including, among others, to preserve and protect the suburban character of the existing one- and two-family residential neighborhoods. In addition, the proposed single-family density would create a lesser burden on adjacent roadways at this location due to the limited sight distance on the adjacent frontage roadway of East Crescent Avenue and the intersection of East Crescent Avenue and Arlton Avenue.
This zone is intended to provide for no more than a total of 10 detached single-family housing units, of which eight shall be market-rate units and two shall be affordable housing units constructed on site, or in lieu of construction, payment for two off-site/in-town affordable units, which payment shall be in the amount set forth in the Borough's applicable ordinance and COAH regulations, and any amendments or supplements thereto.
Any use other than those listed in § 270-159.2 is prohibited.
Minimum lot area. A lot used or intended to be used for residential purposes shall have an area of not less than 15,000 square feet located within a distance of 150 feet from the street upon which it fronts or, for corner lots, from both streets.
Minimum lot width. A lot used or intended to be used for residential purposes shall have an average width of 85 feet within 150 feet of the street lot line. The shortest distance between side lot lines shall not be less than 60 feet therefrom, measured along a line parallel with the street lot line and 35 feet therefrom.
Setbacks and building height limitations. The setback requirements for single-family residential lots shall be subject to the bulk and building height regulations of the A-Residence Zone District in § 270-57, except for the criteria for minimum lot area and lot width as noted herein.
[Amended 12-28-2017 by Ord. No. 17-17]
Impervious surfaces requirements. The impervious surface requirements for the single-family residential lots herein shall be subject to the regulations set forth in § 270-62.
Floor area ratio requirements. The floor area ratio requirements for the single-family residential lots herein shall be subject to the regulations set forth in § 270-63.
Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings on the single-family residential lots herein shall be subject to those permitted in the A Residence Zone District and the regulations set forth in § 270-14.
Prior to the issuance of any construction permit, the appropriate land use agency of the Borough shall review and approve a final subdivision plan for the entire project in accordance with the provisions of the Land Subdivision and Site Plan Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances of the Borough of Allendale.