[CC 1983 §16-39; Ord. No. 596 §1, 11-5-1979]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have these prescribed meanings:
Includes lawn sale, attic sale, rummage sale, moving sale, patio sale, flea market or other similar sale, and means any sale held for the purpose of selling, trading, bargaining, exchanging or otherwise disposing of unwanted or surplus household furnishings, personal goods or other tangible property of the person or organization holding such sale and conducted on premises in any residential zone.
Include any goods, wares, merchandise, articles, or other personal property capable of being the object of a sale regulated hereunder.
Cross Reference — Definitions and rules of construction generally, §100.020.
[CC 1983 §16-40; Ord. No. 596 §2, 11-5-1979]
It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct more than two (2) garage and/or yard sales at the same location within any calendar year.
[CC 1983 §16-41; Ord. No. 596 §3, 11-5-1979; Ord. No. 728 §16-41, 1-6-1992; Ord. No. 839 §1, 5-17-1999]
Any person proposing to conduct a garage and/or yard sale must obtain a permit from the City Collector by payment of five dollars ($5.00) to the City of Caruthersville; and must notify in writing the City Collector of the place where such sale is to be conducted, the dates of such sale and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the persons responsible for conducting such sale. Such permit issued by the Collector shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the property where the garage and/or yard sale is being conducted. The City Collector shall provide a listing of all permitted garage and/or yard sales to the Police Department prior to such sales.
[CC 1983 §16-42; Ord. No. 596 §4, 11-5-1979]
It shall be unlawful to conduct a garage and/or yard sale lasting longer than two (2) days' duration.
[CC 1983 §16-43; Ord. No. 596 §5, 11-5-1979]
No person shall erect, place, post, or mark any sign advertising a garage and/or yard sale on any public property, including street signs and posts, and traffic signs and posts, or on any public utility pole. Any such sign erected, placed, posted, or marked on non-public property advertising such garage and/or yard sale shall be removed on or before the last day of such sale. The person responsible for conducting any such garage and/or yard sale shall be responsible for removing any such sign.
[CC 1983 §16-44; Ord. No. 596 §6, 11-5-1979]
No person shall purchase items for resale at a garage and/or yard sale. No person shall accept or take in for sale any goods from any source on a consignment basis.