[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Tolland 11-6-1985; amended in its entirety 3-24-2009. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 11-4-2009; 1-12-2010; 11-4-2015; 12-10-2019; 1-26-2021; 2-8-2022]
Order of business.
Call to order.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Moment of silence.
Public petitions, communications and public participation (on any subject within the jurisdiction of the Town Council) (two-minute limit).
Public hearing items.
Each item may be handled in the following manner:
Report of Town Manager or other appropriate official.
Discussion and questions by Council.
Comments and questions by public.
Written testimony submitted for a public hearing shall be included in the meeting packet minutes and include the elector's name and address. The Councilor responsible for reporting correspondence will be responsible for reporting the number of public hearing testimony items received.
Straw poll for public hearing items may be taken.
Final discussion and vote of Council.
Reports of boards and committees responsible to Council.
This item is reserved for boards and commissions to update Town Council and may be handled in the following manner:
Report of the board or commission appropriate official.
Discussion and questions by Council.
Input and information from the Town Manager.
Reports of Town Council liaisons.
Councilors should identify the board or commission they represent.
Councilors should briefly summarize the meeting from that board/commission.
New business (action/discussion items).
Old business (action/discussion items).
Report of Town Manager. (A written report shall be provided the first meeting of the month only.)
Adoption of minutes.
Correspondence to Council.
Communications to the Council should be shared as follows:
Council shall designate a Councilor for the term to present communications at each regular Council meeting.
The communication shall be highly summarized as follows:
Identify that a communication was received such as an email or mail from a resident or business.
Briefly identify the topic of the communication.
Chairperson's report.
Communications and petitions from Councilpersons.
Public listed participation (on any subject within the jurisdiction of the Town Council) (three-minute limit).
Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
Special meetings shall be called by the Chairperson either at his/her own discretion or upon his/her receipt of a written request by any three Councilpersons to the Chairperson. Special meetings shall require 24 hours' posted notice.
Emergency meetings can be called by the Chairperson at any time in accordance with the freedom of information laws. The Vice Chairperson may call the emergency meeting in the absence/or in lieu of the Chairperson.
Personal conduct at meetings.
It shall be the duty of the Chairperson to preserve order and require procedure in accordance with the rules of the Council; to recognize and grant the floor to members wishing to speak; to declare all votes, and if any vote be doubted, to again put the questions, and to order a vote by a showing of raised hands, or roll call if he/she so desires, or if demanded by any member.
Members of the Council shall confine their remarks in debate to the pending question, and shall avoid personalities or imputing improper motives to any member.
Members shall not speak more than once upon any question until other members who desire to speak shall have relinquished the floor.
Members of the public shall observe the same rules of propriety, decorum, and good conduct applicable to members of the Town Council.
When recognized by the Chairperson, the elector or their interpreter should approach the designated area where their voice can be heard by electronic equipment such as the Town's OWL camera recording system or a microphone. The elector is to provide their name and address. Electors may speak for up to two minutes under Agenda Item No. 5 on any topic within the jurisdiction of the Town Council. Electors may also speak for up to three minutes under Agenda Item No. 15 on any topic within the jurisdiction of the Town Council. When speaking, electors shall avoid personalities or imputing of improper motive to any person.
Members of the Town Council, as recognized by the Chairperson, may offer points of information to clarify or correct any misstatement of facts made during the meeting.
Public petitions and communications. An elector may petition the Council in writing, if practical, to include a new item on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Council, but shall refrain from any discussion of said item except when the Chairperson, supported by a unanimous consensus of the Council present, shall suspend the rules.
Communications/reports from officers, boards, and committees directly responsible to the Town Council. All reports of committees, commissions, and boards shall be in writing, when practical, and if a vote or ordinance is recommended, a copy of such proposed vote or ordinance shall accompany the report. The Chairperson may request the presence of any chairperson for the purpose of a verbal report if and when the need arises.
New business.
Requests for new business calling for action or discussion by the Councilpersons shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Town Manager, in lieu of the Clerk of the Council, not later than the seventh day preceding the date of the next regular Council meeting, provided that this rule shall not prevent a Councilperson from introducing at a meeting a matter of new business on which he/she does not call for action at that meeting.
The Chairperson shall instruct the Town Manager what matters are to be placed on the agenda of the next Council meeting. The Town Manager shall send to all Councilpersons a copy of such agenda and in lieu of causing the publication of the agenda, the agenda shall be made available to the press.
Any public hearing or new business items (action/discussion items) tabled at one meeting shall be listed under "Old Business" on a subsequent agenda. Original backup materials provided shall not be reduplicated from one meeting to the next for any items listed under "Old Business" and may include any additional required information.
Items for which action is expected at the meeting which the item first appears under "New Business" shall begin with the words "Approval of . . . ." Items for which discussion only is expected at the meeting shall begin with the words "Discussion of . . . ."
Suspension of Rules of Procedure. Any of the standing rules may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting in the affirmative.
Communication with Town staff.
Town Council members' communication with staff shall be in compliance with the Charter, § C4-9.
Questions from Council members regarding agenda items sent via email to the Town Manager should also be copied to the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. A reasonable effort will be made to provide answers to questions ahead of the meeting. Responses will be shared with all Council members as well as the public through publishing responses in the meeting packet. If unavailable for the meeting packet, it will be added to the minutes.
[Added 1-28-2014]
At the first meeting in (month) following the appointment/election of the board/commission, the board/commission shall elect appropriate officers, following the administration of the oath of office by the Town Clerk or delegate if/when applicable. The officers will be (list officer title, i.e., Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary). Election to these offices shall not deprive such officers of their vote on any question. The board/commission shall make or affirm existing rules and procedures for the conduct of its meetings and the execution of its duties.
At this organizational meeting, the commission shall fix or affirm the time and place of its regular meetings, which will be held at least once a month.
All of the meeting agendas shall be filed and meetings shall be recorded as prescribed by the General Statutes, Sec. 1-225 (formerly Sec. 1-21).http://vvww.ct.gov/foi/cwp/view.asp?a=4163&Q =489158
Appropriate number/fraction) members shall constitute a quorum. No meeting shall be called to order and no resolution or vote, except to adjourn or to fix the time and place of the next meeting, shall be adopted by fewer than (appropriate number/fraction) affirmative votes.
The Chairperson shall:
Preside over all meetings of the board/commission.
Establish the meeting agenda.
Ensure compliance with Freedom of Information requirements and other applicable regulations.
Be recognized as the board/commission's representative for all ceremonial purposes.
Perform such other duties consistent with the Chairperson's office as may be delegated by the board/commission or imposed by the Town Council.
During the Chairperson's absence or disability, the duties shall be performed by the (list in order the officers to perform in the Chairperson's absence).
The Secretary shall be responsible for correspondence, reports and other communications as assigned by the Board/Commission. In the absence of a Clerk, the Secretary shall take minutes.
Rules and procedures.
Meeting agenda.
Order of business (items may be added to or removed from the agenda):
Call to order.
Seating of alternate (if applicable).
Public comments.
Additions to/changes to/deletions from agenda.
Staff update.
Approval of minutes.
Old business - action/discussion items.
New business - action/discussion items.
Communications and petitions from members.
Executive session, if any.
(Other items may be added based on the particulars of the board/commission.)
The Chairperson shall instruct the responsible staff member what specific matters are to be placed on the agenda of the next commission meeting. The responsible staff member shall send to all commission members a copy of such agenda.
Regular meetings are held on the __________________ of each month. (If applicable) Workshop meetings are held on the ______________ of each month.
Personal conduct at meetings.
It shall be the duty of the Chairperson to preserve order and require procedure in accordance with the rules of the Commission; to recognize and grant the floor to members wishing to speak; to declare all votes, and if any vote be doubted, to again put the questions; and to order a vote by a showing of raised hands, or roll call if he/she so desires, or if demanded by any member.
Members of the commission shall confine their remarks in debate to the pending question and shall avoid personalities or imputing improper motives to anyone.
Members shall not speak more than once upon any question until other members who desire to speak shall have relinquished the floor.
When recognized by the Chairperson, the elector shall stand and give his/her name and address. Electors may speak for up to two minutes, respectively, for the periods of public participation.
Everyone shall observe the same customarily accepted rules of propriety, decorum and good conduct in their words and actions.
Members of the commission, as recognized by the Chairperson, may offer points of information to clarify or correct any misstatement of facts made during the meeting.
Public petitions and communications.
An elector may petition the commission, in writing, if practical, to include a new item on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the commission but shall refrain from any discussion of said item except when the Chairperson, supported by a unanimous consensus of the commission present, shall suspend the rules.
Old and new business.
Requests for new business calling for action or discussion by a commission member shall be in writing and shall be filed with the responsible Town staff member not later than the seventh day preceding the date of the next regular meeting, provided that this rule shall not prevent a board/commission member from verbally introducing at a meeting a matter of new business for the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Any new business items tabled at one meeting shall be listed under old business on the following agenda. Any items not so tabled from one meeting to the next will not automatically be relisted on the next. Original backup materials provided shalt not be reduplicated from one meeting to the next.
Items for which action is expected at the meeting shall begin with the words "Approval of ...". Items for which discussion only is expected at the meeting shall begin with the words "Discussion of ..."
Suspension of rules of procedure.
Any of the standing rules may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting in the affirmative.