[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Red Bank by Ord. No. 31-62 (Sec. 2-65 of the 1987 Revised General Ordinances); amended in its entirety 12-18-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-27. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
An person claiming payment from the Borough shall present a detailed bill of items or demand to the Borough Clerk specifying particularly how the bill or demand is made up, duly certified by the party claiming payment that it is correct.
For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
The Borough of Red Bank as a municipal entity, and any elected official, officer, employee, agent, department, board or commission of the Borough of Red Bank;
"Red Bank campaign contribution" and "Red Bank political committee contribution," as defined herein.
A committee established pursuant to Subsection a. of Section 9 of P.L. 1973, c. 83 (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-9) for the purpose of receiving contributions and making expenditures.
Any contribution, whether in the form of money, free service or pledge, including, without limitation, any in-kind contributions, or purchases of tickets, advertisements or the like, directly or indirectly, to any campaign committee or election fund of any candidate for, or holder of the office of, Mayor or Council of the Borough, or to any municipal or party committee or political club or organization within the Borough; the term "directly or indirectly" as used herein shall further mean and include any campaign contributions made through intermediaries or third parties for the purpose of concealing the source of the contribution(s).
A committee established pursuant to Subsection a. of Section 9 of P.L. 1973, c. 83 (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-9) by at least two candidates for the same elective public offices in the Borough, but not more candidates than the total number of the same elective public offices to be filled in that election, for the purpose of receiving contributions and making expenditures. For the purpose of this article, the offices of Mayor and member of the Borough Council shall be deemed to be the same elective public offices in the Borough.
Any contribution, as defined herein, to any campaign committee or election fund of any candidate for, or holder of the office of, Mayor or Council of the Borough.
Any municipal committee, or partisan political club, or organization within the Borough.
Any contribution, as defined herein, to any Red Bank political committee, as defined herein.
The procedure for presentation of claims against the Borough of Red Bank shall be prepared by the Chief Financial Officer and Purchasing Agent to comply with the regulations promulgated by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services.
Each claim presented to the Borough Clerk for payment shall be certified by the Borough Manager, as a certifying officer, acting in consultation with any or all employee(s) who shall have knowledge of the fact that the goods have been received by or the services rendered to the Borough. The signature of the one so certifying shall appear on every claim, and it shall be the duty of the Borough Clerk to determine whether such signature appears thereon.
[Amended 10-12-2023 by Ord. No. NP2023-16]
Editor's Note: Former § 25-4, Claims presented to Chairman of Appropriate Committees, was repealed 10-12-2023 by Ord. No. NP2023-16.
Editor's Note: Former § 25-5, Mayor authorized to approve claims prior to Borough Council approval, was repealed 10-12-2023 by Ord. No. NP2023-16.
[Amended 10-12-2023 by Ord. No. NP2023-16]
Claims certified to by the Borough Manager shall be considered by the Borough Council, which shall approve the same, except that the Borough Council may reject any claim presented to it stating the reason for such rejection. Any disapproved claim shall be referred back to the Borough Manager with such instructions as the Borough Council may give at the time of disapproval.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Clerk to record all claims in the official minutes indicating that the Borough Council has by formal action approved the same with appropriate record as to any claims disapproved or rejected.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Clerk or such other officer designated by resolution of the Borough Council, to indicate on the claims that they have been approved for payment, with the date of approval thereof noted on the claim.
After the Clerk has certified that the claims have been approved, he shall turn the same over to the Treasurer or other Chief Financial Officer, who shall forthwith prepare the necessary checks for the payment thereof, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor and the Borough Clerk and thereafter countersigned by the Treasurer or other Chief Financial Officer. After preparing checks for the payment of claims, he shall record them in proper books of account and thereafter mail or otherwise distribute the checks to the claimants.
In the case of payrolls, the appropriate department heads or such officer or employee as may be designated by resolution of the Borough Council, shall prepare the necessary payrolls for all employees, which payrolls shall be duly certified by the person authorized to certify that the services have been rendered, and the amount specified is in fact due and owing to the employee or employees. The payroll shall then be approved by the department head responsible therefor and presented to the Borough Council for approval, and, after approval, shall be paid in due course.
Whenever claims are presented for reimbursement for actual and necessary traveling expenses, incurred by local officials where authorized to travel by the Borough, such claims shall be itemized and supported by receipts where available and presented as are other claims in order to obtain reimbursement for such expenses.
The Borough hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the comprehensive political campaign reform legislation adopted by the state known as "Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act" (the "Act") codified at N.J.S.A. 19:44A-l et seq. Specifically, and consistent with the Act, the limitations on Red Bank campaign contributions are as follows:
No individual, other than an individual who is a candidate, no corporation of any kind organized and incorporated under the laws of this state or any other state or any country other than the United States, no labor organization of any kind which exists or is constituted for the purpose, in whole or in part, of collective bargaining, or of dealing with employers concerning the grievances, terms or conditions of employment, or of other mutual aid or protection in connection with employment, or any group, shall:
Pay or make any contribution of money or other thing of value to a candidate who has established only a candidate committee, his campaign treasurer, deputy campaign treasurer, candidate committee, which in the aggregate exceeds $2,600 per election, which limitation shall also include any contribution to a Red Bank political committee per election cycle;
Pay or make any contribution of money or other thing of value to candidates who have established only a joint candidates committee, their campaign treasurer, deputy campaign treasurer, or joint candidates committee, which in the aggregate exceeds $2,600 per election per candidate, which limitation shall also include any contribution to a Red Bank political committee per election cycle; or
Pay or make any contribution of money or other thing of value to a candidate who has established both a candidate committee and a joint candidates committee, the campaign treasurers, deputy campaign treasurers, or candidate committee or joint candidates committee, which in the aggregate exceeds $2,600 per election, which limitation shall also include contributions to a Red Bank political committee, per election cycle.
No candidate who has established only a candidate committee, his campaign treasurer, deputy campaign treasurer or candidate committee shall knowingly accept from an individual, other than an individual who is a candidate, a corporation of any kind organized and incorporated under the laws of this state or any other state or any country other than the United States, a labor organization of any kind which exists or is constituted for the purpose, in whole or in part, of collective bargaining, or of dealing with employers concerning the grievances, terms or conditions of employment, or of other mutual aid or protection in connection with employment, or any group any contribution of money or other thing of value which in the aggregate exceeds $2,600 per election, and no candidates who have established only a joint candidates committee, or their campaign treasurer, deputy campaign treasurer, or joint candidates committee, shall knowingly accept from any such source any contribution of money or other thing of value which in the aggregate exceeds $2,600 per election per candidate, and no candidate who has established both a candidate committee and a joint candidates committee, the campaign treasurers, deputy campaign treasurers, or candidate committee or joint candidates committee shall knowingly accept from any such source any contribution of money or other thing of value which in the aggregate exceeds $2,600 per election.