[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Greenfield as amended 6-15-2011 by Order No. FY 11-101 (Ch. 65 of the 2002 Bylaws). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The Inspector of Wires, hereinafter called the "Inspector," shall have control of the supervision and inspection of electrical wiring and shall enforce all laws, ordinances, and regulations that relate thereto.
The Inspector shall have full charge and supervision of all electrical wires and apparatus of the Town, except the fire alarm, police signal, and traffic signal systems.
The Inspector shall keep careful and comprehensive records of applications received, of permits granted, of certificates issued, of reports rendered, and of notices and orders issued.
It shall be the further duty of the Inspector to keep informed on the revisions of the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code and Massachusetts Electrical Code.
The Inspector shall preserve all copies of the plans and specifications of the wiring systems which are required to be filed in his office, and the same shall be indexed with the names of the owner of the property or the name of the building in order that reference may be readily made thereto.
The Inspector shall examine all buildings in the course of erection, construction or repair, and except as otherwise forbidden or restrained by law, shall have the authority to enter any building, structure or premises at any reasonable hour in the discharge of his official duties for the purpose of making any inspection, reinspection or test of electrical equipment contained therein, or of its installation; and shall see that the provisions of the statutes of the commonwealth and the ordinances of the Town in relation to the electrical wires and electrical wiring are fully complied with as the building progresses.
The Inspector shall immediately report every violation thereof, with the name or names of the violator or violators, to the Office of the Inspector of Buildings/Building Commissioner. It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, remove or demolish a building or structure; or to change the use or occupancy of a building or structure; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by this code without first filing a written application with the Building Official and obtaining the required permit. The Inspector shall also make a report of such violation.
When any electrical equipment or wiring is found by the Inspector to be dangerous to persons or property because it is defective or defectively installed, the persons responsible for the electrical equipment or wiring shall be notified in writing to make changes or repairs which, in the judgment of the Inspector, will put such equipment in safe condition.
If such changes or repairs are not completed within 15 days, or within the time period specified by the Inspector in said notice, the Inspector shall have the authority to disconnect or order the discontinuance of use of such electrical equipment or wiring.
In cases of emergency where necessary for safety to persons or property or where electrical equipment and wiring may interfere with the work of the Fire Department, the Inspector shall have authority immediately to disconnect or to cause the disconnection of any electrical equipment or wiring.
The Inspector shall file annually a report with the Town.
When any work which requires a certificate of approval is completed or ready for inspection, the Inspector shall be notified, and a time shall be set for inspection.
Conductors, raceways, cables or fittings shall not be lathed in or concealed from view until approved by the Inspector.
If, upon inspection, the work is found to conform to the requirements of these ordinances, the wiring may then be lathed in or concealed and a certificate of approval shall be issued by the Inspector giving authorization to the electric utility company for connection to the electrical service lines and the energizing of the wiring installations. But if the work is defective, all defects shall be remedied before such certificate is issued.
These ordinances shall not be construed to relieve responsibility or liability of any party owning, operating, controlling, or installing any electrical equipment or wiring for damages to persons or property caused by any defect therein, or to lessen such responsibility or liability, nor shall the Town of Greenfield be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection or reinspection authorized herein or the certificate of approval issued as herein provided or by reason of the approval or disapproval of any equipment authorized herein.
Before any person shall install any electrical wiring, said person shall make application to the Inspector for a permit for that purpose and shall file with the Inspector such information and specifications as may be required.
Such application shall be made upon a form approved by the Inspector, except that no application or permit will be required to execute any of the classes of electrical work defined in Subsections A, B and C next following, except that these exemptions shall not apply to permanent wiring:
The replacement of lamps, fuses, or the connection of portable electrical appliances to suitable permanently installed outlets.
The installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment installed by or for an electric utility company for the use of such company in the generation, transmission, distribution, or metering of electricity.
Any work involved in the manufacturing, testing, servicing, or repairing of electrical equipment or apparatus.
If it shall appear from said application that the statutes of the commonwealth and provisions of these ordinances are and will be complied with, a permit shall be granted by the Inspector authorizing such electrical wiring.
No electrical wiring requiring a permit shall be started until a permit has been granted.
For emergency repairs and maintenance of electrical wiring in establishments or power plants where a licensed electrician is employed continuously on the premises, permits will be issued for stated periods.
The period for such a permit shall not exceed one year.
The Inspector may issue a temporary permit allowing the use of certain specified circuits or parts of an installation while the work of constructing, altering, or repairing the same is in progress; or for temporary work, experimental or emergency work, and work for fairs, exhibitions and similar purposes.
Such a permit may be renewed or canceled at the discretion of the Inspector, subject to the considerations of public safety and public welfare.
All materials, fittings or apparatus used in a system of electrical wiring for light, heat or power, or in a signaling system, not including that used in the installation, alteration or repair of equipment employed by a railroad, electric or communication utility company in the exercise of its functions as a utility and located outdoors or in buildings used exclusively for that purpose, and not including the fire alarm, police signal and traffic signal systems, shall conform to the provisions of these ordinances.
"Electrical wiring" shall include the installation of conductors, raceways, apparatus, fixtures or other appliances within or on a building or other structure for carrying or using electricity for light, heat or power, or for a signaling system, and the repair, extension or alteration of conductors, raceways, and fixtures within or on a building or other structure for carrying or using electricity for light, heat or power, or for a signaling system; except, unless otherwise provided by law, in county, state and federal buildings and in stations, substations and vaults where such are under the sole control of the electric utility company.
Except as otherwise provided by these ordinances, all installations, repairs and maintenance of electrical wiring and electrical fixtures used for light, heat and power purposes in buildings and structures shall conform to the regulations set forth by the National Electrical Code, as accepted by the commonwealth and on file with the Secretary of the commonwealth.